Showing posts with label Kit Harington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kit Harington. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

Furry Full Moons & The Men Who Love Them

Heads-up and yoo hoo, I've got a half-day today here on this hellscape called The Internet (except for our little corner of horny safe space natch) -- I've got a pair of screenings to attend to, and yes one of them stars the fine fellow seen above. My expectations for I'll just come out and say it Wolf Man have taken a hit given the bad buzz so I did something I never do -- I watched a clip they released! Ever since David Naughton's werewolf transformation awoke something beastly in my own loins I cannot resist one, so I had to watch...

... the video of Mr. Abbott's turn in the hair-sprouting pants-shredding spotlight, and... well yeah, my expectations for this movie unfortunately remain basement-adjacent. Fingers crossed I am incorrect, or they at least see fit give us some good butt like that Kit Harington wolfman movie did. At least give us that to chew on! But in summation here is that bit of tranformation clip to keep you if not "entertained" at least distracted until I'm back tomorrow:

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Kit Harington Gonna Ride Billy Magnusson Hard

Some news that shoots right up our alley dropped yesterday -- Kit Harington and Billy Magnusson are set to star in a fantastical horse-racing comedy called Chariot! It's about "an oversized jockey" (and no offense Kit but that's some flattery, insinuating you're too big to play a jockey -- we love you pocket-sized!) who gets injured but finds his way back into the sport... with the comedic twist being that the "horse" in question that shows him how to suceed again is really a centaur. And if you can't picture Billy Magnusson as a centaur then you have no imagination. Anyway yes if you've now caught up this is a movie about Kit Harginton riding on (a presumably shirtless) Billy Magnusson's back. And the next time someone says to you that the movies are dead you need to slap them twice across the face, once for each cheek, because this is proof the movies have never been more alive, baby! 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Kit Harington Eleven Times

Kit Harington has been very good to us in 2024 -- better to people who were able to go to London and see him on stage in Slave Play obviously -- and he keeps on keeping on with the hotness parade via this new photoshoot for ICON magazine. There could be fewer clothes but there could always be fewer clothes -- what matters is how much he makes us think sinful throughts through said clothes and my brain is popping off. Hit the jump for the full shoot...

Monday, September 30, 2024

Fancy Man Says Hello

I know you might be confused but no that is not a picture of me at the New York Film Festival opening night party that happened this past weekend -- those pictures are down below. That is Kit Harington, former Game of Thrones actor and current owner of my ass (yeah I wish) wearing a full-on Disney Prince tuxedo for some reason I don't care to google. (It might be from his series Industry?) Anyway I'm at my desk after another morning of NYFF screenings -- follow me on my social media accounts if you want real time updates on my every goddamned move. I give it all away! I don't want my stalkers to have to work too hard. That's my advice -- me nice to your stalkers, everybody. You never know when you're gonna need them. Anyway as mentioned in this morning's pre-written post this week is nuts with NYFF stuffs so we'll be posting very, very sporadically. Reviews will start popping up at some point. Until then, enjoy Kit! And me too:

Monday, September 23, 2024

Kit of the Day

(click to embiggen) At this point we're I hope that someone was photographing Kit Harington backstage at his run of Slave Play in London every single second of every single day, and that they drop a photo from this stash onto the internet once a day for the rest of my life. See our previous three posts on this very same subject here, and here, and here. Knowing what 99.99% of the human population missed out on by not being able to jet to London to see this show (and the Kit it contained) (sigh) they owe the rest of us this much.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good Morning, World

Hello and happy uhhh... Thursday? Okay. It's apparently Thursday. As foretold earlier this week I spent all day yesterday in NYFF press screenings but I'm back at my desk today for I think the entire day -- probably yes because I have a shit-ton to do and should sit at my desk and do it. This might mean that even though I'm here... in the cyber-ether... I am not here, as in here, posting. At least not much. But I'll try and pop in a few times since we don't want this place drying up like my old bones. In that spirit here's a hypedermic needle to the heart of hotness in the form of a third photo (no wait a fourth one) of Kit Harington backstage during his run of Slave Play in London. Drink up that delicious youth, y'all.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Get Outta Yer Kit, Kit

Knowing that Kit Harginton is letting his White Walker march across the stage for every single performance of Slave Play in London has been eating away at me for these past several weeks, but these two photos of him somewhat undressed in his dressing room and looking incredibly sexy (what's new) are salving that open wound for a few seconds today. (via) Along with that shirtless photo we got back in July at least it's something. Something! Not everything, but something! (I still want everything, though.)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Good Morning, World

Okay I am sprinkling some goodwill across the site this morning that today will be a fuller, rounder day than yesterday was -- and what better way to find that magic than via Kit Harington's fuller, rounder ass on this pastt weekend's episode of Industry? And yes this shot seems to me a pretty clear reference to the immediately iconic and legendary shot of Ryan Phillippe's ass in Cruel Intentions -- honestly I would be cool if every actor felt the need to recreate that scene, but Kit doing it is in particular welcome. World class rear!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... keeping Kit under lock and key.

When they dropped the trailer for Kit Harington's werewolf thriller The Beast Within they promised us Kit naked wearing a dog collar, and the film does indeed deliver just that -- the film is out on demand today so feel free to go see for yourself the entire bit that surrounds just these gifs. It's an okay movie -- a bit too moody for its own good, but then that is Kit's specialty. Serving moody and butt. And he serves it beautifully, baby.

At least he has a good sense of humor about it now -- in the interview alongside those GQ photos I posted yesterday he talked about the whole beefcake thing briefly and getting his bum out for the upcoming season of his HBO series Industry (so yes do prepare for more Kit Butt in our immediate future):

“That was my own work... I go to the gym for my head anyway. But when I knew I was getting my bum out, I was like, OK, you're on the squats this week.”

Do any of you watch Industry
I feel like I might have to start now.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Kit Harington Twelve Times

They happen so infrequently these days, where fashion seems to be at the moment, that I always feel the need to point out when a photo-shoot of an actor for a fashion mag comes along and the dude is dressed in a way I dream of dressing -- anyway this one of Kit Harington for GQ (via) is nailing it. This is absolutely my style...

... or it would be if I had the money for it to be my style anyway. And it would also help to look like Kit Harington in these clothes (or out of them -- hell that one even more) as long as I am putting dreams out there. Anyway this is all maybe just a little bit overly corporate (or maybe it's the Severance style settings) but I love blues and grays and this is just the right amount of baggy for me -- it's perfect. Perfect clothes, perfect man, hit the jump for them all...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pic of the Day

While those of us who can't go to the U.K. fume about missing the opportunity to see Kit Harington letting it all hang out in Slave Play on the London stage, playwright Jeremy O. Harris shared this photo of Kit backstage and I feel slightly better. Slightly. I wouldn't be unhappy if we got more. And the play was filmed. Or a sugar-daddy flew me to London and got me access to Kit's dressing room. You know, the simple things, for a simple man.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

You Can Put Your Beast Within Me, Kit Harington

When was the last time we had a good werewolf movie? My brain isn't coming up with any proper examples. Oh I guess I did kinda love Werewolves Within, but that's really more of a comedy -- I mean one that's properly terrifying. Well I don't know if The Beast Within, the new one starring Jon Snow himself Kit Harington and out on July 26th, will be that one. But... well I do know that Kit looks hella fucking hot in the trailer, and...

... the sight of him naked wearing a dog collar is enough to get me to watch your damn movie. So give the person who made this trailer a raise! The movie -- which was previously titled What Remains of Us but is now confusingly named the same as that silly 1982 werewolf movie even though they appear to have nothing else in common -- is about a little girl realizing her father might have an undisclosed body hair issue, which she obviously finds confusing because his body is normally so perfectly waxed. Still...

... who can blame her for spying? Or any of us for that matter? And seeing as how I consider David Naughton's transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London to be one of the single most erotic scenes in the history of cinema (don't look at me like that!) I plan on spying a lot. Here is the wisely exploitative trailer:

The Beast Within is only in theaters on July 26th -- if you'd like to 
see some more photos and gifs in the meanwhile, hit the jump...

Friday, February 09, 2024

Kit Harington is Dreadful

Here is some welcome news -- Games of Thrones actors Kit Harington and Sophie Turner are reuniting for a gothic horror movie! Honestly, Kit was built in a lab to play sad-faced Poe-boys so I don't understand why he hasn't done that. Isn't it easy to picture his bosom heaving as a Jack-the-bodice-ripper type? I mean they rebooted Hammer Films and they haven't come calling to Kit yet? WTF? Anyway there's other good news here, besides the thought of Kit in a blousey white poet's shirt standing in a downpour -- the writer-director of this movie (which PS is called, quite perfectly, The Dreadful -- let's just hope it's good otherwise you've handed us critics a lot to lazily pun around with, aka like this very post's title) is Natasha Kermani, whose 2020 movie Lucky was really quite good! Here is my review of that film -- it's streaming on Shudder so do yourself a favor if you haven't already. Back to The Dreadful though -- here's the little bit of info we have on the plot:

"... the film [is] set against the backdrop of the War of the Roses follows Anne (Turner) and her mother-in-law Morwen, who live a solitary, harsh life on the outskirts of society. But when a man (Harington) from their past returns, he will set off a sequence of events that become a turning point for Anne."
Yadda yadda let's hope it's a sexy "turning point." Although -- will it be weird for Kit and Sophie, who plays semi-siblings for eight seasons of Winterfell antics, to get sexy? Whatever, that show was stuffed with incest, we'll get over it. One other Kit-related question I was just wondering the other day though, with regards to their brief turns in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- do we think we'll ever see his character (Dane Whitman aka the Black Knight) or Richard Madden's ever again? Or does the MCU just wanna forget everything Eternals-related? It seems like you'd have to have an Eternal or two popping up at some point again...

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Hotties Be Crowning

I have been fairly terrible about posting movie news lately -- there's just so much else to be done! And by the time I post anything of this sort it's already been reported far wand wide and been discussed ad nauseum on social media to the point where people are already sick of it. Take for instance the news I am sharing right now -- it's a week old! It might as well be turned to dust at this point. And yet here we are and here I was sitting and it popped into my head and I thought to myself -- you know, if you write a post about that CBS series King and Conqueror that is going to star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and James Norton you will have an excuse to look up photos of those two. And so I did! And it was good. Anyway the show is from the guy who wrote the Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Pompeii with Kit Harington looking like this...

Speaking of me taking this post's opportunity to just google random shit. Well I actually got that gif right off of MNPP, since we covered what Kit looked like in Pompeii rather extentislvey at the time. No need to google! MNPP's got the goods per usual. I am my own beefcake archive. Anyway! Back to the subject at hand -- see, why would you want to read news-stories from other sites who talk about the actual "news" and not ten million digressions? -- here is what this show is about:

"King and Conqueror is the story of a clash that defined the future of a country – and a continent – for a thousand years, the roots of which stretch back decades and extend out through a pair of interconnected family dynasties, struggling for power across two countries and a raging sea. Harold of Wessex and William of Normandy were two men destined to meet at the Battle of Hastings in 1066; two allies with no design on the British throne, who found themselves forced by circumstance and personal obsession into a war for possession of its crown."

James Norton will be Harold of Wessex while Nicky is William of Normandy. I mean, obviously. What, you thought Norton would be William of Normandy? Come on! (Sidenote: I know nothing about any of these historical figures except what you just read in the paragraph quotesd from Deadline.) Let's just hope that what they mean by "a war" is "sex" and what they mean by "for possession of its crown" is "with each other." Because we the people have earned that show. One out of one James Nortons agree!

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Snow Falls Mainly on the Sundance

I was trying to figure out a decent photo to leave you people with as I head off for the next nine days or so to bury myself under an avalanche of virtual Sundance screenings, so I googled "hot actors in the snow" and it was basically just a bunch of pictures of Kit Harington. Because "Jon Snow" of course. Works for me! It's like Anna Faris explaining why she has a picture of President Garfield on her mantle in Smiley Face -- it's the roundabout way that brings the most pleasure. Aaaanyway I had never seen several of these Kit photos before either, so bonus on that front as well -- click on over to the Tumblr for a few more.

As for Sundance -- oh right, that! -- I am covering the fest for Pajiba and for The Film Experience again this year, so keep an eye out on those places for my reviews. As well as on my social media places. I will try to come back here and update as well, but I'm also going to be trying to watch something like forty movies over the next week on top of reviewing probably about a dozen of them, so no hefty promises beyond, you know, all of that. So stay tuned! And enjoy the Snow...

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Kit Harington Seven Times

Does anybody else keep completely forgetting that Kit Harington is in the Eternals movie? I feel as if I have seen very little of him around, although I will admit that I haven't paid a ton of attention to whatever trailers and clips have come around after the first one. Also there are one thousand cast memmbers in it, all of them new, and the movie's not out for another month. So we'll see, I guess. Anyway here is indeed a new photoshoot of him, and I will use this to make my graceful exit stage right for the night, as I'm off to see a screening of the new probably terrible Halloween movie. I hope to be proven wrong! but after re-watching the 2018 one this week and being reminded how very much it stinks my hopes are not stratospheric. Hit the jump for more Kit...

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Kit Puts the Short in Shorts

I know I'm supposed to write a light and frothy paragraph to go alongside these snaps of Kit Harington wearing some exquisite length shorts beside his wife and former co-star Rose Leslie as they romped through NYC yesterday (via, thx Mac) -- "Gee Golly no wonder Rose looks so so happy!" or some such -- but my mood's spiraled after that COVID scare in my office I mentioned this morning, and so these photos of Kit ONCE AGAIN behaving as if he's never even heard of the concept of a mask (I've freaked out at him specifically on Twitter several times over the past year) are just making me more irritable the longer I stare at them, instead of the usual things I used to feel when I would see photos of Kit Harington's skin. 

I don't care if most people aren't wearing masks in public now -- most people are wrong, we should be wearing masks in public especially right now, there is still a goddamned plague happening, and as I watch our numbers tick back up I'm so not in the mood. So I apologize for clouding up the short-shorts pictures with my doom and gloom... except I don't -- fuck everybody. Just fuck everybody. I'm over it. On that note hit the jump for more...

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

I Quit Smoking Thirteen Years Ago Today

Lucky thirteen, y'all! That's how that thing works, right? Well maybe I'm no numerologist but what I do know is I tossed cigarettes in the trash on May 5th 2008 and I ain't never been back, and that's a thing I celebrate here on MNPP every single year every May 5th by posting enormous galleries of extremely attractive actors doing the exact thing that I no longer do. It keeps me honest.

Well if not honest... it keeps me something, anyway. Last year, as with many aspects of last year, we hit a snag though -- because I was quarantined at home over this anniversary I'd been separated from the big folder of photos that I'd keep gathering up to post for 2020. And so last year's post was admittedly a bit slack. Well...

... this year's post makes up for it, and it makes up for it then some. I've got all the photos I'd gathered for 2020 plus all the photos I've gathered in 2021, and it's gonna give y'all a hell of a nicotine buzz. If you don't die of cancer before you're finished with this post then I haven't done my job! I make light (get it) but seriously... don't smoke. You don't look at good as these guys do doing it, I promise you. Well unless you're actually KJ Apa reading this, in which case... call me, KJ Apa. You can blow smoke (or anything) on me any time. And with that, let's hit the jump for dozens more...

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Xmas

 ... from Kit Harington & Xavier Dolan 
(and oh right, me).

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The Night Xavier Woke Up

I have just now realized, within the melee of 2020, I never did get around to writing a review of Xavier Dolan's most recent film Mathias & Maxime, which is a real shame -- I remember thinking it was his best effort since Tom at the Farm (which remains my favorite film of his). Maybe before the end of the year (where ever that falls, given the structurelessness of the movie calendar right now) I'll be able to give it a re-watch, share some proper thoughts then. For now there's news on what Dolan is doing next -- he's going to make a five-episode drama for Quebecois TV called The Night Logan Woke Up, described as a "psychological thriller [that] will chart the story of three friends whose lives are shattered after one of them commits rape." 

As controversial as that sounds Dolan seems steeped enough in the here and now to me to handle that subject with smarts, I think -- as aggressively in-your-face as his films can be they've never really struck me as provocative simply for provocation's sake. He's certainly no Verhoeven, for better or for worse. I mean the central relationship between a closeted movie star and a starry-eyed little boy in The Death and Life of John F. Donovan maybe could have used more provocation if you ask me? That one felt of hard edges sanded down, which was too bad. Especially with Kit Harington pouncing on Chris Zylka for god's sake. Give me a hard edge, Xav!