Showing posts with label Jennifer Coolidge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Coolidge. Show all posts

Friday, January 05, 2024

Parker Posey! The White Lotus! Ahhh!!!

Okay we can shut down for the day, we've reached our pinnacle and nothing's gonna top this -- Parker Posey is going to be in The White Lotus' third season. She was on our wish list of names last year -- Parker is on our wish list for every thing, every time, every where -- but the fact that it's actually happening is too good to believe. Parker Posey and Mike White working together -- it's a dream pairing and I am tingling tip to toe y'all. It honestly seems insane that they've never done anything before, and the fact that it's happening feels so monumental like a prophecy being fulfilled. 

That also would be epic. Anyway my apologies to the other names that Deadline drops in its announcement -- those being Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, and Tayme Thapthimthong -- but all I want to talk about is Parker... oh and one other name! A well-known Thai actor named Dom Hetrakul who is extraordinarily hot and who I will now share several photos of after the jump...

Monday, June 26, 2023

And These Are Your Gay Emmys

I yelped several times reading through the winners of the Dorian TV Awards just now -- awarded by the LGBTQ+ critics guild GALECA of which I am a member, we got so much right! And then we gave some awards to Succession, but I guess we can't get everything right. Ahem. Anyway we gave two yes two prizes to Bryan Fuller's horror doc Queer For Fear (read my review of it here), which got the biggest yelp out of me. We gave it both "Best LGBTQ Doc or Doc series" as well as the more general "Best Doc or Doc Series" and dammit it deserved 'em both. We also gave several awards to Somebody Somewhere and The White Lotus AND we gave "Best TV Movie" to Andrew Ahn's Fire Island! We have good taste! Except for Succession. Hit the jump for the press release and list of winners....

Monday, December 12, 2022

Good Morning, World

Hey oh happy Monday everybody -- I'm running woefully behind due to trying to get my holiday packages (not a euphemism) out this morning, so you'll have to entertain yourselves for a wee bit longer. Perhaps that photo of Eddie Redmayne being all come-hither will do something for you, I don't know, it was the first thing I found to post quick-like. Oh here's a thing -- if anybody wants to tell me what they thought of last night's finale of The White Lotus do so in the comments here. I personally was very happy and thankfully continue thinking Mike White a genius.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Good Morning, World

The second actor Leo Woodall scratched his bare butt on last night's latest episode of The White Lotus I knew my "Good Morning, World" post was accounted for! Thank you Leo and thank you (forever and ever) Mike White. I won't get into specifics since some of you might be behind...

... (heh) but if y'all wanna talk the show in the comments go at it! I'll just say I think this season's a ton of fun and I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen in the final two episodes which is as always a delight. I like being surprised! I also like the below photo of Leo snuggling with his co-star Adam DiMarco while Aubrey Plaza makes exactly the same face I would if that was me: 

Monday, September 19, 2022

When We Were White

I think this news got a little lost in the mix with the exciting Emmy wins for the series stealing the spotlight, but Mike White's phenomenal HBO series The White Lotus was released on DVD last week, so if you don't have HBO and missed what all the hullaballoo was about this is your chance to be hip like us hip kids in the know. Buy it at this link for a measly 20 spot. It's only 20 bucks to be hip? What a bargain! To think of all the money I blew on piano key ties. Anyway this is a good moment to also share the teaser trailer for the second season of the show, which will premiere in just a few weeks, some time in October. Cannot wait!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

And The Award Goes To... Queens!

News today has been coming hot and heavy and I've been straaaaaining to keep up -- I haven't even gotten around to that news about a new season of Feud being directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Tom Hollander as Truman Capote alongside Naomi Watts, Chloë Sevigny, Calista Flockheart, and Diane Lane as the high society ladies he spurned when he wrote that tell-all back in the 1970s! And I'm not getting to it now either! (Really I just said all that needs to be said though, didn't I? Until we see the damn thing. anyway.) No this post here is to wham-bam out today's announcement from the LGBTQ critic's guild I belong to that we have awarded our TV Awards -- the Dorian TV Awards from GALECA are here, and you can read our entire slate of winners over at The Hollywood Reporter. No I don't have time to get into it too much, but I will say I think we did real good -- especially in the acting prizes, which went to Melanie Lynskey for Yellowjackets and Jennifer Coolidge for The White Lotus, in Lead and Supporting respectively. Queens, deserving queens, all of them queens!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

The fact that half of the cast got an Emmy nomination yesterday wasn't the only good news that we got about Mike White's great The White Lotus -- and I've seen some people grumbling about all of the praise being heaped on it, saying its overkill, to which I say pooh, pooh on you! Mike White is finally having his moment after years upon years of delivering weird-ass delight into our lives, we will cherish all of this run dammit. Anyway Emmy pile-up aside the other good news is that the show is getting released onto physical media! Weirdly only DVD not blu-ray, but we'll take what we can get since we're physical media + Mike White obsessives. The six-episode set will hit on September 13th and the press release says it will include "bonus content" but they're not specific as to what that means. Well if it's an hour of set-footage of Steve Zahn trying on boner prosthetics we all win. I'll update this post with a link once it's actually on Amazon, but for now below is the DVD's box-art - set your darn calendars!

Monday, November 29, 2021

My What Big Bells You Have

I told you about this one a good while back but Netflix's gay rom-com Single All the Way starring Michael Urie, Jennifer Coolidge, Luke Macfarlane, Kathy Najimy, and Philemon Chambers, is out this week! On Thursday! The trailer's down below. Sort of feels like we can switch back and forth between this and watching Kristen Stewart & Mackenzie Davis in Happiest Season over on Hulu for all of our queer-tidings for the foreseeable future and be finely sated with such seasonal affections. Yule logs! 

As a side-note having absolutely nothing to do with all of that (and if you made it this far through my holiday gibberish you deserve an award, really) I need to note I've got a screening in the morning (rhymes with "Vest Dyed Maury") and we won't be up and blogging until afternoon. Vest Dyed Maury is a long movie, turns out. So please, prepare yourselves. Just sleep in. It'll be okay, eventually. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Austin, Formerly of Swallow Fame

Some might say that two posts about the menfolks of Mike White's show The White Lotus in a row might be too much, but to those people I say fuck you. Git atta he', see!! Sorry don't know why Edward G. Robinson just took over my body, but the sentiment remains. Git! Especially since as seen above we're talking about Swallow actor Austin Stowell -- and yes no matter what Austin does for the rest of his career he will be forever referred to by this site as "Swallow actor" -- this time, as shown in the teaser for this weekend's finale (watch it below), and that's an extra special little gift. And I want to have a post at the top of the site for y'all to tell me your thoughts and feelings on the finale, when it happens. And since it's now time for my three-day weekend, y'all can do that in the comments here. Austin Swallow I mean Stowell approves!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

More Lotus Please

Tremendous news today that we must celebrate with THAT SPECIFIC PHOTO of actor Murray Bartlett -- Variety's just reported that Mike White's HBO show The White Lotus will be getting a second season! Huzzah upon huzzah! The second season will take place at a different resort location -- clearly Mike White has figured out how to travel luxuriously on somebody else's dime! -- but there might, he says might, be overlap with some characters from this first season showing up at the new location. If you had your choice which characters would you want to see show up again? I'd be fine with any of them honestly, but the one that would surprise me the least -- in that I really think it will happen -- would be Jennifer Coolidge's Tanya. White had written that other show for Coolidge that HBO didn't pick up, so he's clearly smitten. As are we all. Anyway here's my review of The White Lotus over at AwardsWatch, in case you missed it -- the season (not series!) finale airs this Sunday at 9pm!

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Quote of the Day

Top tier human, MNPP longstanding beloved, and creative genius Mike White has been enjoying some well-earned success this summer thanks to his HBO series The White Lotus, which y'all know I loved -- I wrote about it at AwardsWatch -- but that usually means nothing; I always love things that flop! So I am pleased as pleased punch that this one seems to be a hit! I mean I have no idea what its ratings are but I've seen people talking about it, with enthusiasm, all over the internet the past few weeks, and that's as important a metric as any now right? Whatever, let me have this. So with good buzz comes write-ups, and White's given a big interview to The New Yorker this week (thx Brad) that I can't recommend highly enough if you've ever been a fan. He talks Lotus, he talks being on Survivor, he talks future projects and then about how he's been putting off doing a third season of Enlightened even though HBO has expressed interest (I KNOW). But my favorite section comes when he describes the gloriously-deranged-sounding show he wanted to make with Aubrey Plaza, and what he then says about the current state of TV alongside it, so that's today's quote:

"O.K., so, I wrote a script that I was really into, for Aubrey Plaza and for me to be in. We were playing ourselves, but it was this weird sex comedy set in Sweden. My character was basically a very predatory version of myself. There were some MeToo elements. The script was definitely poking the bear. And so we went around to all of these streamers, and I could tell people really liked the script. But everybody was kind of afraid to do it. There are all these streamers right now, and there’s all this business. It does feel like there’s a lot of places to go and take the meeting. But then, when you go into the rooms to have the meeting, you realize they all want the same thing. There’s not a lot of incentive for them to try something that feels like they might get criticized for it. There’s a very corporatized thing going on. There’s not that big of an upside to taking on something that would cause more problems than it’s worth. 

 It was always hard to make stuff for me. But, back in the early two-thousands, I just felt like there were more people running places who were individuals and had their own individual taste and would take different types of risks. It’s not to say there aren’t cool, risky things being made. But, when they type my name into the algorithm at Netflix, it must come out zeroes or something. When I go to their offices, I get no sense that they have any idea who I am or what I’m doing there. You really feel like it’s some kind of Terry Gilliam “Brazil” version of futurist entertainment."

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Jake Lacy Six Times

Thank goodness, I was hoping a photo-shoot of an attractive gentleman would appear before the end of the day so it could be the top post on the site as I head off for the three-day weekend, and here right under the wire is Jake Lacy for Esquire Mexico -- I don't actually have a link to the magazine, as I got the photos via here after Mr. Lacy shared them on his Insta. These are of course timely though, what with Mike White's show which features Mr. Lacy -- and psst I mean a lot and I do mean a lot of Mr. Lacy, wink wink nudge nudge -- called The White Lotus premiering this weekend on HBO. Didja see my review of The White Lotus I posted earlier? It's right here. Spoiler alert: the show is friggin' amazing. So watch the show, have a great weekend, and hit the jump for more Mr. Lacy...

Paradise Loused

I hope you all know by now that a new Mike White project is a thing to savor -- they don't come nearly as often as they should, and they never last as long as we want them to, but every second of every one has been a blessing and a gift. And that score ain't changing with his new limited-series The White Lotus, which is premiering on HBO Max this weekend. (Watch the trailer here.) And so, out of sheer thirst I had intended to plow through my screeners of the show in the span of an afternoon when I first sat down with them a few weeks back... but couldn't, I just couldn't. The show was again too good, too much to rush through, and I took my time with it -- and I'm glad to see that HBO is similarly doling out the series on a weekly basis, because it benefits from that breathing space. Anyway I only finally finished watching the entire series last night and I wasn't sure I'd write anything, but as it does when it wants to be said the words just came pouring out of me today -- head on over to AwardsWatch for my review of the show. It's as great as anything Mike White has ever done, which is, uhh, some high praise I'd say.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Cool Lady

I'm still dragging, today's gonna be a bust I can tell right now, but thankfully not everywhere -- Vulture just shared a delight of a great big interview with the great Jennifer Coolidge which I very much recommend taking the time to read; she's got a couple of projects straight ahead for us including her co-starring role as a small-town rival hairdresser opposite Udo Kier in Swan Song (see the trailer here and read my review here -- that's out on August 6th) and then even sooner there's Mike White's new HBO show The White Lotus coming out this upcoming weekend, which... well I'll have more to say about that later this week but you should make sure your DVRs are set. 

Re: Mike White though, the interview reveals that pre-Lotus he shopped around a totally different show which Coolidge would've been the star of; I gotta share this passage just to shame the execs at HBO -- give us this damn show, you assholes!

Even The White Lotus, her richest role to date, is something of a runner-up. White — who created one of the canonical Best TV Shows You Missed, Enlightened with Laura Dern — had first conceived of a different star vehicle for Coolidge called Saint Patsy. It was going to be a “paranoid road comedy” in which she would play an underappreciated actress who gets a call that she’s receiving a lifetime-achievement award from an obscure film festival in Sri Lanka but spirals when she comes to believe the award is an elaborate ruse concocted by her ex-boyfriend in an attempt to kill her. “Honestly, it’s the best thing I’ve ever written,” White says. “If someone made this show, it would blow people’s minds. Just think of Jennifer getting bitten by a snake in the Indian Ocean and running for her life.”

He says HBO passed. “I got close on a couple places, but the craziness of it was too much,” White says. “People were like, ‘Jennifer as the linchpin to a show, as your way in …’ I could just sense there was some anxiety.” He blames the generally limited ability of network executives to see beyond the roles a person has already had, a sort of self-perpetuating mechanism. “Jennifer makes the comedy about herself. The joke is always on her,” he says. “It’s a disarming way of going through life — a way to put people at ease and try to defuse anything. You make yourself the joke, but what happens is that sometimes people then confuse her with being a joke.” 

So when the network asked White to make a COVID-friendly show they could shoot in quarantine instead — what became The White Lotus — he insisted on including a meaty role for Coolidge. She was his nonnegotiable. “The same way people feel about her in Legally Blonde is how I feel about her in life,” he says. “I want to see her win.”

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Song of Swan

Lucky us, we've just got a few weeks until Swan Song -- which stars iconic weirdo screen legend Udo Kier as a gay hairdresser on a crosstown quest in the middle of nowhere -- as it is now being released on August 6th; they've now gifted us with a trailer, which I've shared down below. The movie, which co-stars Jennifer Coolidge, Linda Evans, and Michael Urie, played at SXSW earlier this year and I reviewed it at the time, calling it "a quiet bonkers" which is certainly high praise coming from me. Can't wait to watch it 1000 times more. Watch the trailer here:

Thursday, June 03, 2021

White, Boys, Summer

When I posted last October about Enlightened creator and beloved MNPP hero Mike White developing a new show for HBO and then I didn't hear another whisper I figured it was a thing delayed by, you know, the world. Fuck the world! But wait, unfuck the world! Because it's not delayed, it's here, really here -- HBO just dropped the trailer for The White Lotus, White's limited series about the residents of a wellness type resort in Hawaii (god he's smart, writing himself into a vacation in Hawaii during a goddamned pandemic), which will premiere on HBO and HBO Max on July 11th. The show stars... well a lot of people, but most importantly Murray Bartlett (seen up top) of Looking, adorable Jake Lacy and Steve Zahn... 

... oh and Molly Shannon and Jennifer Coolidge and Connie Britton, oh my! Britton in particular looks to be doing a hysterical variation on the clueless privileged white lady character she played in White's brilliant and underrated 2017 film Beatriz at Dinner (White wrote the script; his oft co-conspirator in cringe Miguel Arteta directed). And now for the trailer! Watch, live, laugh... but seriously WATCH. I am so tired of everything White does being called "underrated" and then being canceled.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

And Ready To Jingle

Running a couple days behind on this news but Netflix announced on Tuesday that they're making their own homosexual holiday rom-com, following up on Hulu's Happiest Season success this past Christmas-time, only theirs will be with dudes -- it's to be called Single All the Way and really I thought Hallmark had used up all the puns by now? I am not gonna google it but there probably already is a Single All the Way, right, like starring Danica McKellar. Anyway! Netflix's gay one will star Ugly Betty star Michael Urie, Luke MacFarlane (seen above, probably best known for his role on the TV show Brothers & Sisters), and newcomer Philemon Chambers (seen down at the bottom of this post). Here's how they describe the plot:

"Desperate to avoid his family’s judgment about his perpetual single status, Peter convinces his best friend Nick to join him for the holidays and pretend that they're now in a relationship. But when Peter’s mother sets him up on a blind date with her handsome trainer James — the plan goes awry."

I know Urie is the lead Peter, but I'm not sure whether MacFarlane is the best friend tagging along or "the handsome trainer" he falls for. If I had to guess I'd guess he's the handsome trainer though, because Luke MacFarlane is basically the platonic ideal of "handsome trainer" at this point. Anyway I forgot to mention him in my review because his part's pretty small but Urie is also in that SXSW movie I reviewed called Swan Song, starring Udo Kier as a road-tripping former-hairstylist -- that movie also co-starred Jennifer Coolidge and I guess Coolidge & Urie are a package-deal now because she's also in Single All the Way. As is Kathy Najimy. They know where their bread is forever buttered. (The gays, I mean. The gays.) 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Bow Down to the Grand High Udo Kier

When you hear that a movie has the legendary weirdo Udo Kier -- and I hope you all know me well enough by now to know that "legendary weirdo' is about the highest honor I can bestow upon a person; weirdos are my version of religion -- playing a "flamboyantly gay hairdresser going on a small-town quest to style a dead woman's hair," and opposite Jennifer Coolidge no less, you get an idea in your mind right off the bat of the movie that will be, right? I know I did, because when I wrote about the movies I was most looking forward to at SXSW last week I listed Swan Song, Todd Stephens' new film that is about just that, I said as much, with a whole lot of exclamation points. It sounds like exclamation points!

So when I tell you that Swan Song ends up being less exclamation points than it does some softer, sweeter form of punctuation, like perhaps a double ellipsis, you'll understand that too, right? The only exclamation point turned out to be from how far off I was about the still weird but totally heartfelt sincerity of Swan Song. That's not to say it's not bonkers, in its way, but it's a quiet bonkers, a genuine bonkers -- it already has Udo Kier riding an electric scooter in lime-green 70s lounge-wear and enough rings to rattle a street-tough, and Stephens & Kier are smart enough to know nothing about that needs to be shoved too hard. Instead of aiming its jokes for the broad side of the barn Swan Song goes time and again for the gut, the heart, and it lands enough sweet soft blows to keep surprising.

When we first meet Pat Pitsenbarger (Kier) his fabulosity is precipitously tamped down, trapped in a old folk's home where he putters around in baggy gray sweats -- the only sign of life is the poodle on his white t-shirt but from most angles that poor dog manages to look more like a stain than any former splendor of self. Pat spends his days sneaking smokes, staring at the walls, and folding napkins -- so many napkins they've piled up in every drawer, on every shelf and closet, mad walls of sublimated creativity. This is clearly a former flamboyantly gay hairdresser in need of an intervention, a spark, a big gay insurrection.

That's when a lawyer shows up, telling him his former big-fish small-barrel client Rita Parker Sloan (Linda freaking Evans!) has gone toe up, and she's dictated in her will that Pat and only Pat be allowed to see to her body's in-casket beautification. He's promised a pile of money in exchange for coming out of retirement but even with that Pat seems disinterested, even aggressive towards the lawyer; there's something about "making up" for some historical slight mentioned and it's clear the past between Pat and Rita is ensconced in barbed wire, harsh to the touch.

But once Pat is given the chance to stew in the storm this blast from the past has riled up in his belly it becomes clear there's no turning back; the box has been reopened, and the wigs are spilling out everywhere, far too many to fight back. And like the gayest version of David Lynch's The Straight Story imaginable we watch Udo Kier set off on foot across the cornfield-adjacent back-roads of middle-American nowhere to confront his strange past, picking up small semblances of his old self along the way until, by film's end, he's so spectacular he's literally shooting off sparks.

And what's so deeply, warmly impressive about Swan Song is the way it uses Pat's journey to openly confront one of the most insidious and formerly-nasty stereotypes of gay male "representation" on-screen -- the swishy queen hairdresser, the poodle-like sexless sidekick to his lady-friends, always ready with a bon-mot but with no self or personal life to speak of -- and flips the damn table right over, beauty products akimbo. It gives this thought-sexless accessory real history and depth, love and kindness and deep wounds, especially at the straight white women who've treated him like their pet and not an actual human being.

The relationships between Pat and Rita, and between Pat and his former employee turned betrayer Dee Dee (a way tamped down Jennifer Coolidge, who lets her bad hair do all the talking), are fraught with pain, all of which comes tumbling out over the course of this miniature Odyssey through public park tearooms and abandoned gay bars, all haunted by the ghosts of the life Pat's lost, left behind, and had snatched away in equal measure. Which is to say Swan Song, for all its Camp factor, mines genuine pathos, especially in Kier's tenderly low-key but dryly hysterical turn. Not even in my odder fantasies did I think I'd end up arguing that Udo Kier had been given the gift of an empathetic and moving role here this far into his career of wonderful oddballs with the movie about the flamboyantly gay hairdresser, but that only proves my own short sight. Swan Song gives this one-of-a-kind movie-king a crown jewel. 

Swan Song is screening as part of SXSW right now.
(And PS it also just got picked up by Magnolia for release.)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

5 Off My Head: Something SXSW This Way Comes

I am about to say something very controversial. I hope you'll still be able to look me in the eyes (or whatever the online equivalent of that is) after this but here goes: this pandemic sucks. It just does! The pandemic sucks! Send your hate mail to somebody else, I am speaking my truth. The Pandemic is not a good thing, no matter what Martha Stewart says. That said there has been one gleaming, shimmering beneficence I have experienced over the past bad year -- I've been able to "attend" a bunch of film festivals from my perch in NYC that were unavailable to me before this. Does this make up for The Pandemic? It does not. But instead of, you know, dying, I will take this. 

Last month I did Sundance for the first time, and now -- ta-dah! --now comes South By Southwest. Like Sundance I've always wanted to go to Austin and experience SXSW but, and I don't know if y'all know this, I have a full-time job that has nothing to do with movie-blogging. So week-long out-of-town jaunts to Film Fests have so far proven impossible. I can do in-town ones like NYFF and Tribeca that can be scheduled in between and around my work-hours easy enough, but these Pandemic-Era Virtual Fests have been a godsend.

So that's my far too longwinded introduction to the fact that yes, I will be covering this year's SXSW next week. It runs from March 16th through the 20th, and you can check out the website and the film line-up over here. Please do buy a pass and watch some movies! I'm personally pretty excited because SXSW always has lots of genre films and y'all know I love my genre films. And on that note I'm now going to highlight the five movies I'm most looking forward to seeing! 

5 Movies Out of SXSW 2021 I'm Looking Forward To

Swan Song
-- All I have to say is that this is a movie that stars Udo Kier as a flamboyantly gay hairdresser, right? Right? You're sold already? You should damn well be. But here's more in case you're crazy difficult -- it's about Udo Kier, flamboyantly gay hairdresser, going on a small-town quest to style a dead woman's hair. And it co-stars Jennifer Coolidge. Yeah. I know. I'll wait for you to get off the floor before moving on. 

Jakob's Wife
-- I felt like I got to it super late but I was shocked and delighted last year when I finally got around to seeing director Travis Stevens' Girl on the Third Floor (reviewed here), which ogled the hell out of its leading man WWE star CM Punk whilst also tossing him into a tub of gore and flinging all kinds of crazy shit at him -- that movie rules. So of course I will see Stevens' new movie no matter what. But this stars the living legend Barbara fuckin' Crampton. Come on now.

Here Before
-- I know it's ridiculous to just keep saying "Here is a name, the end" when explaining why I want to see these movies, but Here Before stars Andrea Riseborough. I have a lifetime "Andrea Riseborough" pass, where I can just get out of any knot I have tied myself into by just whispering "Andrea Riseborough." She is plenty! I honestly have no idea what this movie's even about -- I know it's a psychological thriller and it stars Andrea Riseborough and it is therefore in my Top 5 list.

-- I've only seen two Mickey Keating movies to date, but they've both been worth seeing. Carnage Park in 2016 (reviewed here) and to a slightly lesser extent Psychopaths (reviewed here) the following year. He gives really good roles to actresses (in both of those films' case that was Ashley Bell) though and he's got a couple of fine actresses this time around with Off-Season in Melora Walters (from Magnolia and PEN15) and Jocelin Donahue (from House of the Devil)

Woodlands Dark and Days Bewtiched: A History of Folk Horror
-- a three-plus-hour documentary about Folk Horror movies? I signed up for this faster than you can scream Samhain. faster than you can put on an animal mask and dance with Christopher Lee, faster than you could put naked Jack Reynor into a hollowed out bear suit -- that's how fast! That's fast.


A couple more films high on my list: Broadcast Signal Intrusion (conspiracy thriller starring Harry Shum Jr.), The Feast (some sort of class warfare horror), Gaia (folk horror), Potato Dreams of America (movie about a gay kid in 1980s USSR), Paul Dood's Deadly Lunch Break (a horror-comedy that sounds very Vincent Price, about a talent show loser who begins killing off those who wronged him). 

So please stay tuned! Next week lots of SXSW coverage (as long as my second dose of vaccine doesn't kill me on Monday, haha fingers crossed) here and maybe at a couple other places! And go check out their entire line-up on their website!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Jake Lacy Getting Lei'd By Mike White

Oh this is some hot damn happy news for a Monday afternoon wasteland -- HBO is getting back in the Mike White business! They've just given the Enlightened creator slash genius the green-light for six episodes of The White Lotus, a "social satire" (I mean it's Mike White, what else would it be?) set at a Hawaiian resort that follows a big bunch of guests and employees. Names attached already via Deadline (thx Mac) are here at the start the great and somehow still under-utilized Jake Lacy seen up top (not to mention in all of MNPP's many Jake Lacy posts), Connie Britton (who was really terrific in White's 2017 film Beatriz At Dinner), the wonderful Steve Zahn, Jennifer effing Coolidge (!!!!!), and Looking hunk Murray Bartlett, he of the hirsute Butt-hued queerness seen below. Unless a helicopter crashes on Donald Trump's head (fingers crossed) this is the best news we'll hear this week!