Showing posts with label Travis Van Winkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travis Van Winkle. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2023

Good Morning, World

Happy Monday from the ever resplendent Travis Van Winkle, seen here covering the new issue of Man About Town magazine (via) -- future co-star of Jake Gyllenhaal in the Road House remake, and former "dude who jerked off in front of Penn Badgley," I did a search through our archives upon realizing that Mr. Van Winkle didn't have a tag here on the site only to realize that I've been posting about him for a full fifteen years ever since he got cast in the (terrible) Friday the 13th reboot and I should probably give the pretty boy a tag already. And so we did! But you should probably hit the jump for the rest of this photoshoot which inspired that first...

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Penn Badgley Eight TImes

It is pretty darn cruel of Interview Magazine to put the resplendant fur-monster Penn Badgley in a white mesh tee and then hide the heft of what we're here for behind some foggy glass! Just picture all of those chest-hairs poking through... you're all on notice, Interview Magazine! Anyway it's still a good shoot, as it is Penn, worth sharing. I guess I'm never going to watch his Netflix show You at this point -- it's been on too long, I will never sit down and watch four or five seasons of something at the rate content has become un-keep-up-with-able. Oh well. We'll always have that that scene where Travis Van Winkle got naked and played with himself in front of Penn, at least. And now also these photos! Hit the jump for these photos...

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

I Thought He'd Be Bigger

When news broke last November that Jake Gyllenhaal was thinking about starring in a remake of the trash-classic Road House (one of my life-long faves of trash cinema) with Go director Doug Liman I was... well let's say flummoxed by the news. It's a lot! But I sort of forgot about it being a thing immediately -- one, because the world is even more "a lot" and I get distracted. And two, who the hell thought such a thing would actually come to fruition? Jake announces projects like I announce crushes -- we are easy whores, and our whims are a dime a dozen. And yet here we are nine months later and this news is here to tear out of our wombs like a that little deformed baby in that one movie, you know the one -- Variety is today reporting that the Road House remake starring Mr. Gyllenhaal and directed by Mr. Liman is now a go go go.

"According to the studio, the new take stars Gyllenhaal as a former UFC fighter who takes a job as a bouncer at a rough-and-tumble roadhouse in the Florida Keys, but “soon discovers that not everything is what it seems in this tropical paradise.”

Okay so Jake as a "former UFC fighter" means
that Jake is getting back into Southpaw shape then, I assume?

I can deal with that. But that's not all though! They also announced some co-stars and they include Lukas Gage -- and I wonder if Gage would be annoyed being referred to as "the guy whose ass Murray Bartlett ate in The White Lotus"? I wouldn't be annoyed being referred to as that if given the opportunity; hell I would have business cards made -- and the hot-to-trot Travis Van Winkle...

... (and you can see plenty more o' Travis right here),
and, speaking of Southpaw, Jake's Southpaw co-star Beau Knapp...

... who starred in one of my favorite recent horror films, the wildly underrated Mosquito State. (You should see Mosquito State dammit.) Oh and as if those guys aren't enough to get us excited... did I say Billy Magnussen? That's right. Billy Magnussen!

Remember when Billy humped Jake on the red carpet for their movie Velvet Buzzsaw? I sure remember it. Anyway those are a lot of Jake's former co-stars that he's gathered up, and hot fun ones at that -- this sounds like a party! And I can't believe it didn't occur to me until today -- Jake famously worked with the original "Dalton" himself, Mr. Patrick Swayze, in Donnie Darko. This suddenly makes a little more sense to me? Anyway who knows, the world is insane -- this is hardly the most insane thing in it. We will see!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Good Morning, World

Exceedingly grateful this morning that the actor Travis Van Winkle has finally properly embraced his status as a Thirst Trap -- we deserve this in 2021, after the year and a half we've had. Thanks, Travis! See more of him in our archives, or see even more of him right on here right after this here jump...

Monday, November 01, 2021

Good Morning, World

What better way to wish Penn Badgley a happy 35th birthday this morning than with some birthday suit! No not his -- he's been notoriously stingy in that arena -- but his You co-star travis Van Winkle will do, since Travis (who we just posted some more of last week) did just that during the most recent season (or so I am told, not having watched the show still) (well I guess I have been more than "told" since I have visual proof right here, that I am posting -- listen it's Monday morning after Halloween, cut me some slack). Weirdly I was planning on posting these shots from the episode anyway -- I mean that's not weird, the reasons for that are obvious; what's weird is I was planning on that and then I saw it was Penn's birthday. Kismet! Hit the jump for more of this good sweet stuff...

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Twinkle Twinkle Little Travis Van Winkle

Been thinking about Travis Van Winkle a lot this week since...

... I tweeted that image; I still haven't started watching You but with that and with the Scott Speedman news (the news: he's on it) I really probably will soon. It's weird how little Travis I have posted here over the years, although to show proof of his longevity I point you to the first "Gratuitous Travis Van Winkle" post I did in 2008 here and the second one I did in 2017 right here, and now here we are, another four years on poring over him yet again -- for someone who I couldn't tell you what I know him from (the Friday the 13th remake I guess?) he's had lasting power! Then again look at him. No seriously look, I have a few new photos after the jump...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Which is Hotter?

It's the 10th anniversary of the last Friday the 13th film, which is hopefully not "The Last Friday the 13th Film" but who knows, since the 2009 one sucked so hard it might have killed the unkillable Jason Voorhees for good. Every few months we get whispers that they're going to make another one but there's been so many false starts and lawsuits and whatnot I've stopped paying attention. But since I've always had a mushy warm spot for the franchise that gave my name its serial-killer-tinge I figured we should mark the occasion all the same, and what better way than in the grand tradition of our appreciation of this series' under-appreciated eye for hot fellas...

find bike trails
If you feel the need to research your decision further, like any good and respectable voter does, you can see more of Mr. Padalecki at this link, and more of Mr. Van Winkle right here. Anyway I hope we do get to see Jason rise from the grave once again, and I hope they give the franchise to somebody who understands what the hell the franchise is about this time. That'd be swell.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Good Morning, Gratuitous Travis Van Winkle

Did you guys know that Travis Van Winkle (we know him from the Friday the 13th remake) has a gigantic beard right now? And when I say "gigantic beard" I am not fudging my word choice...

... he has got a gigantic fucking beard right now. I am guessing it's for his role on the TV show The Last Ship but never having seen The Last Ship I'll be damned if I know that for certain. Anyway it grabbed my attention when I went looking at his Instagram earlier this week. Well first what grabbed my attention was the naked picture of himself that he posted on his Instagram...

... and from there I was like, BEARD! Anyway there aren't a shit-ton of pictures after the jump (just a couple dozen) but I grabbed some more from his Insta and there's a very very nice shoot he did for the ever-reliable photographer Tony Duran that I missed so hit the jump and see all that...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... using Stephen Dorff as a flotation device.

(via) I don't even really know what that's a euphemism for, but I totally mean it. These are from his movie Rites of Passage, which also has skin from Travis Van Winkle and Wes Bentley; see several more shots o' Dorff after the jump.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Gratuitous Travis Van Winkle


Travis Van Winkle was recently seen in that godawful (I say without having seen it... but do I really need to to know it was awful? Really?) spoof-movie Meet The Spartans... so why the hell am I giving him a gratuitous shout-out right now? (Besides the whole "He pretty" factor obviously, which really is enough on its own.) Because his next movie is the Friday the 13th remake (out in time for Valentines Day 2009!), and there's a terrific chat with him over at AMC today (Yo Tom!) in which he endearingly says of the trailer for Friday the 13th set to air in front of (ugh) Saw V:

"Everyone's going to wish they were about to watch that instead.

... It's sick. I think it's gonna kick people in the face."

It's close enough to a diss of the Saw franchise to draw my admiration, anyway. Anyway, on with the hot...


Monday, April 28, 2008

Friday Gets a Big Helping Of Dick


Casablancas, that is. Via BD:

"Ryan Hansen (Superhero Movie, "Veronica Mars") is set to star in New Line Cinema, MTV Films and Paramount Pictures' Friday the 13th, according to this blog. He joins Jared Padalecki, Derek Mears, Amanda Righetti, Danielle Panabaker, Aaron Yoo, Travis Van Winkle, Willa Ford, Nick Mennell, Jonathan Sadowski, Nana Visitor and Arlen Escarpeta in the Marcus Nispel directed remake, which will bring Jason Voorhees back to Camp Crystal lake for more mask murdering mayhem."

Hansen played asshole frat boy Dick Casablancas on Veronica Mars, and was a hoot; I'm hoping he's typecast as the same spoiled rich boy type for Friday the 13th and we get to see Dicky skewered something awful. Cuz that'd be funny. I always kinda wished Veronica would take a machete to his ass, anyway.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I Am Link


--- A Sculder Appears - The first official like pictures of Mulder and Scully in X-Files 2 appeared online over the weekend; besides the above one, you can find a couple more over here. No tongue-baths this time around though. :(

--- A Meat-less Release - STYD has word that the Clive Barker adaptation The Midnight Meat Train (sans Meat now) is only scheduled for DVD release with a Canadian company, and that Lionsgate is contractually obligated to release it in theaters here in the US. When that release will happen... only Mahogany knows.

--- Machete Fodder - Some more nobodies have joined the cast of the Friday the 13th remake, including that friend-of-Shia dude from Disturbia and a cute guy named Travis Van Winkle ---> that was "in" Transformers. So we have "funny dude killed for being stupid and/or horny and/or annoying" and "hot dude killed for being horny and/or sexy and or/naked (hopefully lots of the latter)" covered then.

--- Real World Horror - Wanna watch the security camera footage of a guy who was trapped in an elevator for 41 hours? Knock yourselves out. I'll be taking the stairs.