Showing posts with label Marcel Schlutt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcel Schlutt. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Which is Hotter?


I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier, but now that I've seen the first couple of pictures of Nicholas Hoult in his zombie get-up (via) for the adaptation of the enjoyable book Warm Bodies it's a "Duh!" moment - of course he's going to look just like Otto (Jey Crisfar) in Bruce La Bruce's Otto; or Up With Dead People (which we were just speaking of last week). Naturally then, we must choose.
I doubt we'll get to see Nicky doing any of this (NSFW) though, 
unfortunately for us all. Maybe they'll surprise us!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Thanks For The Memories, Bruce


In honor of queer porny filmmaker Bruce La Bruce's 47th bday...


Even though I think poor lovely Marcel Schlutt probably doesn't stand much of a chance while slathered in gore against a prime-sleaze Tony Ward, I still love him and he gets my vote. See more pics of him here. But since I've pretty much run out of non-porn pictures of him that I can post, here are 27 oft-NSFW pics of Ward after the jump...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Otto Just Wants To Love... Your Insides!!!


Just a heads-up that Bruce LaBruce's gay zombie flick Otto, or Up With Dead People hits the DVD shelves today, so y'all can finally see the previously somewhat difficult to see film for yourselves. Like I said when I reviewed it, it's way better than I expected it to be, and worth seeing. There's nothing quite like watching goth zombies having triple-X relations with open wounds, if you ask me...

Plus it co-stars Marcel Schlutt, hot-piece, who made #7 in my year-end countdown of male gratuities of 2008. Hey, here's an idea, let's look at Marcel some more, eh? Who knows if I'll get the opportunity to post on him again, and it'd be such a terrible waste not to exploit such a willingly-exploited gentleman one more time when possible...

I'd be remiss in not having noticed that, in this great Ouroboros that is the internet, Mr. Schlutt posted on his site's news-page about his placement on my countdown... meaning he's been in My...Pants. So to speak. Ahem. But then, so have you all! Anyway, hi Marcel!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The 10 Greatest Male Gratuities of 2008

The time has arrived. Arisen? Arrived. All this week I'm going to be randomly throwing out lists of shit I liked this year. 2008: In Review, MNPP-style. And I decided my awards needed a name - must brand one's self! - so here goes:

I haven't really carried this here blog's random-ass title over to anything on here, and this seemed like a natural fit. The Golden Trousers will be bestowed to a select bunch of hooey I adore (j'adore hooey) all this week then, so stay tuned. Just look for The Golden Trousers logo (Ding! --->) and you'll know what I'm on about. Yay.

And because there's no funner place to start (yes I know funner is not a word don't stare at me like that if I want to say funner I'm gonna say funner) than with nakedness and work our way towards semi-respectability from there, I've decided to start things off with a bang. Keeping in mind some of the following then is NSFW, I give you:

The 10 Greatest Male Gratuities of 2008

10. Milo Ventimiglia, Pathology

Milo shows off his best side.
(We already knew it wasn't his acting.)

9. David Eigenberg, Sex and the City: The Movie

The little bit of Sex & the City that I've seen, Steve was my guy.
He puts all the other blunks (bland hunks) to shame.

8. Gabriel Macht, The Spirit

This movie was a train-wreck to be sure, but it's got two things going for it - the scene where Samuel L. Jackson, dressed in cartoonish Nazi garb, cruelly experiments on the cutest lil' kitten the world done ever seen, and Macht strolling around like a chunk of chiseled marble. If his city is his lover, somebody transmogrify me into a manhole stat. ("I like that word... manhole.")

7. Marcel Schlutt, Otto, or Up With Dead People

Schlutt's the only pornographic presence on this list, so naturally I'm offering up the least revealing picture. Naturally! Otto was surprisingly entertaining though, so I'm recommending y'all just seek out the film for yourselves. Schlutt offers up plenty, believe you me. For a little more (PG-rated) of Mr. S, click here.

6. Dominic Cooper, Mamma Mia!

True, this scene was cut from the theatrical version of the film, but they put the DVD out in time to make up for that crazy lapse in judgment. For more, click here.

5. Daniel Craig,
Quantum of Solace/Flashbacks of a Fool

There was no striding out of the water in a square-cut speedo moment in Quantum, but Craig still earns a place on this list by... virtue of being Daniel Craig. The man makes me catch my breath when he's fully dressed. And thankfully he made up for a lack of flesh in Bond by giving up the goods in Flashbacks. He's a giver!

4. David Kross, The Reader

I can't decide if it's for the best or not that the images of Mr. Kross in his birthday suit aren't online, since he's playing a fifteen year old when he gets naked (even though he was legal when the scenes were shot - all of eighteen!). It's probably for the best. Still... oh nevermind. A touchy topic in a moral mine-field (wonderfully so) of a film. Moving on...

3. Hugh Jackman, Australia

What's really obscene is the fact that this entire scene hasn't made it's way onto the internet already. So all I can give you are caps from it's brief appearance in the trailer. But let me tell you that Hugh's bucket scrub-down is the definition of the word "gratuitous" and bless Baz for it.

2. Channing Tatum, Stop-Loss

What can I say? I nearly blacked out. The scene just goes on and on and I think I was holding my breath the entire time, lest breathing disrupt something that made him get dressed again. For more of Tatum's extended underwear romp, click here.

1. James Franco, Milk

I might've had a mixed reaction to the flick, but this moment's rightfully already in the male-exploitation record books. Franco's never had more of a sexy-fucker twinkle in his eye than he loosed in this film, and Van Sant shoots him like some lost 70's porn god. And nobody in this current facial-hair renaissance has made the 'stache work better.


So like I said, stay tuned through the rest of the week
for a peek inside my Golden Trousers! Should be a hoot, me thinks.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Marcel Six Times

True Confessions Time! Marcel Schlutt is a German adult film actor (i.e sex monkey) that I've found... captivating... in the past. But now that he's in Otto; or Up With Dead People, which I just reviewed, which is a (mostly) legit-type movie... well that gives me an excuse a reason to post some (decidedly PG-rated - this ain't quite that that-sort-of-blog, ya know) pictures of him...

He looks really wonderful on film and is actually a better actor than you'd think... but not good enough to give up his day job. And I don't want him to give up his day job anyway! Other jobs, he can give out... oh gutter talk! It's not even Noon! Shame on me.

Oh Otto, You Came And You Gave Without Taking

I wasn't entirely optimistic going into Bruce La Bruce's latest flick, Otto; or Up With Dead People... word was mixed and I've seen enough of Bruce's previous output to know what I was getting into. Amateurish acting and mediocre camera-work, the occasional outburst of graphic smut, all in the service of some usually- ends- up-being overly pretentious intellectual obviousness. His films exist to push buttons really, to meld sex together with your college thesis. And there's plenty of that in Otto, the "gay" "zombie" "movie" and yes all of those words should probably stay in quotation marks... it's just that kind of film. The kind that sort of disassembles itself merrily as it trundles along sloppily...

It's a mixed bag, this Otto, with remainders of the usual strikes against it that I just lobbed at Bruce's previous work... only not quite as distracting as before. There are some rough patches to the acting, but there are also some treasures. Going in I knew enough about the film beforehand to have worried that the figure of the avant-garde lesbian filmmaker named Medea might come off as obvious and annoying, but she turns out to be terrifically funny, and there is one wonderfully written scene between her and Otto in a garbage dump that is the film's highlight - a funny and surprisingly touching ode to the world we are leaving behind for the future generations.

That was what I found so surprising about my reaction to the film - that it actually, on a couple of occasions, managed to move me. I expected plenty of silliness with blood and guts and fucking - and lordy there is plenty of that too (wound fucker!) - but I didn't expect Bruce's thoughts, which often have felt like nothing more than a punk's middle-finger-laced tantrum, to cohere into something sorta genuine. Otto is a tragic figure... until he isn't because the "film" is really a film within a film... within a film? Contrary to how I might normally feel about this much narrative rug-pulling though - unless the writer's name is Charlie Kaufman, natch - I found the uneasiness with what level of reality we were in at any given moment with the movie to be cleverly engaging... it didn't annoy me. I thought it set up the third act suprisingly well, and kept me curious where Bruce was going with all of this.

(Psst - where he was going, of course, was an orgy.)

Otto himself though, cuts quite an almost immediately iconic figure though, no? The goth-emo wet dream of a queer Tim Burton. And while the film sometimes lapses into Bruce's cheap-looking slap-dash mise-en-scène, there's more striking visuals here then I expected, and most of them are due to Otto's striking presence. Slap him down in the middle of a field of yellow flowers and you've got a great shot, ya know? Throw some blood over him and the contrast with his blue-white contact lenses off his gray/black ensemble... it's a rich tapestry.

So while I've often admired the basic fact that there was a Bruce La Bruce out there making movies and filling the role of the punk-porn aesthetician - A) that really ought to be a word if it isn't, and B) La Bruce's schtick has always been so much more palatable to me than somebody like David Decoteau whose soft-core possessed-straight- boys-in-underpants flicks are unwatchable and offensively closeted - this was the first time that I've more than merely admired the existence of one of his films, but actually genuinely liked and enjoyed it. Yay that.