Showing posts with label Matthew Wilkas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthew Wilkas. Show all posts

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Good Morning, World

Hey did you guys hear yesterday's news that Ryan Murphy has cast openly gay Olympian Gus Kenworthy to play the role of Emma Roberts' boyfriend on the next season of American Horror Story? Thereby gifting me with an excuse to post Gus Kenworthy pictures -- since we talk movies and TV and not sports here I don't often get this chance and I am gonna seize that shit! Not to stir up lame airs of jealousy where there very well be none - I am not prone to relationship drama, really I'm not - but I do have to wonder whether his boyfriend, professional actor Matt Wilkas (from the very funny movie Gayby), is wondering where his Ryan Murphy Role is...

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tweet of the Day

I only know who Gus Kenworthy is because I am a gay man in 2018 and it would be literally impossible not to - I haven't been watching the Olympics, but I've known who Gus is since he started dating Gayby star (and noted fur-monster) Matthew Wilkas. Anyway he just won the internet today with that tweet, so the rest of us can take it easy now til tomorrow. Thanks, Gus. I hope Matt massages your bruised bum for you but good.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Good Morning, Wilkas

Do you guys follow Gayby star Matthew Wilkas on Instagram? You really should - he doesn't skimp... and why would he, looking like he looks? Extra points for having recently grown a gorgeous blond beard...

... although he appears to have shaven it off now, so points immediately deducted. Anyway if you need you memory jogged on Matthew, click here or here - your brain will be running at full speed looking at those links. Grow it back, son!

He posts a lot of silly half-naked (and stripping) videos on Instagram, by the way. I told you to click over. I also learned via there that he's apparently acting in a horror movie right now...

... either that or... lord knows, he probably shouldn't be Instagramming his murders. But then again that's a pretty sexy murder scene, so I take that back - Instagram away!

IMDb says he was on Looking but I can't for the life of me remember who he played on Looking, can you guys? I would remember if he'd had sex with Jonathan Groff, I think, and since that's what I would like to see they need to fix that come second season. Alright hit the jump for a bunch more pictures of Mr. Wilkas...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Rossell Tovey Is Looking To America

I was just reading a quote from Russell Tovey, the openly gay British actor with the most adorable gigantic ears on the face of the planet (see lots of him here), earlier this week where he was talking about all he's ever played are straight roles and how when he finally does play gay, as it were, it would have to be something special. I guess he found his something special - special indeed - he's taking a role on the new big gay series that HBO is putting together for the director of Weekend, Andrew Haigh. It's called Looking and it already has Jonathan Groff in the lead, along with Scott Bakula, Murray Bartlett, and Gayby's Matthew Wilkas - those latter two you can see below, for obvious reasons.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Matthew Wilkas Three Times

Gayby actor Matthew Wilkas proved pretty popular in the 2012 Gratuitites - he topped his division, and made a good showing in the finals, too. So I know y'all like him. He got good news this week - he's on that show with Jonathan Groff that got picked up by HBO, the one from Weekend director Andrew Haigh that everybody's referring to as the "gay Girls." So we're looking forward to watching his pecs bounce around in the future.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5 Off My Head - 12's Top Men

It's been over two weeks since the 2012 Golden Trousers ended, so I figured we'd look back at the polls we'd included inside The Great Gratuities, aka me picking my favorite male-nudies of the year, and see who came out on top in each round. So let's! First up, the winner from the 32 runner's up...

... was Armie Hammer in Mirror Mirror. A solid, and I do mean solid, pick. And all he did was doff his top - can you imagine the hubba-hubba-hullabaloo once he sheds more? The Gratuities will most certainly take note. The Lone Ranger doesn't seem too promising on this front (although foot fetishists have surely taken note of that trailer by now), so we turn our eyes to By Virtue Fall, in which he goes to prison, bulks up, shaves his head, and faces down Eric Bana. Umm, did I just dream that synopsis into reality?

The second and third place Runners Up, for the record, were Michael Fassbender in Haywire and Taylor Lautner in the final Twilight movie. Now there's a pair.

Next stop, y'all voted on our #20-16 picks.
Tops therein went to...

... Matthew Wilkas in Gayby. With 39% of the vote, too! A very fine choice! Honestly I don't think anybody stood a chance in that line-up against that gif of him. Wilkas has a couple gigs lined up, both in what appear to be homosexually-themed television productions, so my guess is we'll see him skinning some more in the future. One of them I'd just read about - it's being billed as a "gay Sex and the City" (yeah, redundant) and it stars Jonathan Groff and was written by Weekend's Andrew Haigh.

Next up, the winner of your vote
 from our #15-11 picks was...

... Jean Dujardin and Gilles Lallouche going at it doggy-style in The Players. Once again, a gif that would not be denied. Dujardin's spent his career doffing his clothes, much of which we've documented, so post-Oscar it looks like he's getting all serious and dressed instead - he's got movies with Martin Scorsese and George Clooney coming out this year. Maybe George will give us something? Lellouche, it looks like he's staying in France, so he'll probably constantly be naked while sipping wine.

Up next! The winner out of our #10-6 spots was...

... Zac Efron in The Paperboy! Not so surprising that, although he certainly faced some stiff competition (Har har.) Alex Pettyfer and Milo Ventimiglia were right on his behind (Har har har.) As for Zac he's already been spotted shirtless playing a greeter at an Abercrombie & Fitch store on the set of the Seth Rogen comedy Townies, so I think he's realized which side his bread's buttered.

And finally out of our top five you picked...

... Matthew Bomer in Magic Mike! In a (non-)upset over our #1 placer Channing Tatum in the same movie. As I'd said in my write-up, Channing only topped Matt for me (heh) out of a sense of duty for his having gotten the movie as a whole made, so my vote was really for Bomer as well, really. Up next Matty's most promisingly got The Normal Heart lined up from Ryan Murphy on HBO.

And now, because why not...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

TGT12: The Great Gratutites #20-16

Now that we've gotten the runners-up out of the way, let us embark on our most top beefcake of the year. The first quarter of our top twenty here we go...
Jesse Williams in Cabin in the Woods - He doesn't show much more than Chris Hemsworth does in the same movie and Chris Hemsworth only made runner-up; the difference is his languid striptease in front of somebody he knows is watching (which includes we the audience, natch) is, uh, a stimulating thing to be a witness to. (see more here)
Matthew Wilkas in Gayby -In the time honored tradition of indie comedies about gay men (and the women who love them) Gayby puts a prime hot piece right up front, and Wilkas owns it. Oh and he and gratuity runner-up Mike Doyle generate some real heat, or at least friction...

Daniel Craig in Skyfall - My how the mighty have fallen! Skyfall does a better job exploiting its star than Quantum of Solace did, but it's no Casino Royale. It's just - this is Daniel Craig, you know? We're grading on a curve with somebody who gave us this here. But the shaving scene is hot, and I'm rather particular to the skin-tight work-out outfit he gets all sweaty in...

Thure Lindhart and Zachary Booth in Keep the Lights On - There's such a genuine lived-in heat to these two's oft going's at it, isn't there? Even when the circumstances are just awful they ground it - sex is super important to this film's narrative and these two manage to make it both real and real hot, when called for.

Rodrigo Santoro in Heleno -When Rodrigo's channeling the virile portion of soccer star Heleno's early years, watch out - it's a scorcher. So he would be higher on this list if that were it, but the movie saves the majority of his gratuity for Heleno's later years when he's riddled with syphilis and falling apart, and that's such a boner-killer. (see some more over here and here)

Coming tomorrow -- THE TOP 15!