Showing posts with label Patrick Wilson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patrick Wilson. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Insidious (2010)

: A picture's worth a thousand words.
Specs: Words are worth a thousand words, too.

A happy 48 to director James Wan today!
He really understands the appeal of Patrick Wilson...

... and for that we owe him an eternal gratitude.
And I am still super sad we're not getting a Trench movie.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Happy 51, Patrick Wilson

There is something just right about Patrick Wilson being born on the third of July -- for as long as he's been acting he's been the suburban dream of the American Suburban Dad, for good or evil -- whether it be fighting demons in the Insidious and Conjuring movies or surreptitiously slamming Kate Winslet against the downstairs dryer in Little Children. The latter role was his breakout and with good reason -- something tells me clandestine affairs across the country found some sweaty inspiration from it, even if the movie was, you, know, a bit of a downer (when it wasn't being hot as hell). Anyway thinking about that role always makes me then think about the spin he did on a similar thing five years later in Diablo Cody's viciously funny Young Adult -- those two characters are basically the yin and yang of Suburban Dad-ness. Which brings us to today's birthday poll for the beautiful and talented fella...

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Other Aqua Men

The first trailer for James Wan's long-delayed super-sequel Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has arrived and jumping right into what matters most there's not a single second of Jason Momoa flesh to be seen, but both the villain Black Manta played Watchmen star Yahya Abdul-Mateen (seen above) and Aquaman's brother played by the great Patrick Wilson...

... at least know what's up. Anyway this movie is out in December and people were feeling weird that no footage had been released -- well here it is. 

I liked the first Aquaman movie pretty well -- compared to the other dreck that DC was dropping it was fun and it had one of my favorite sequences in any superhero movies, ever (the "Trench" sequence) so I will probably go see this even though DC is such a disaster and Superhero Movies are so far past their expiration point for me besides. (Not that I won't go see David Corenswet as Superman because duh.) Anyway if you have an opinion on this trailer let her rip in the comments, while I share a few more gifs after the jump...

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Cindy: Look, if it's about that time
I puked green slime and masturbated
with a crucifix, it was my first keg party, Bobby!

Happy 46 to Anna Faris today! And riddle me this: can you believe that I have never seen a single Scary Movie movie? Not one. I've seen some of the gags from them over the years but I have here a full twenty-two years on never sat down and watched one from start to finish. Not even when I was obsessed with Anna Faris circa The House Bunny era. Maybe over the holidays I should try to binge them? Although I worry these are the sorts of movies that have not aged well. Thoughts? Anyway I am happy that Anna is working in movies again now that she's done raking it in on her sitcom, although I totally missed The Estate...

... when it screened earlier this month and that one co-starred Toni Collette! As Anna Faris' sister! Also Rosemarie DeWitt and Kathleen f'ing turner! For shame on me. I'll see it when it hits digital. Did any of you see it? Anna has another movie lined up too -- she's co-starring in the new movie from John Krokidas, director of Kill Your Darlings, called Tunnels. It's about a teenager (played by It actor Jaeden Martell) whose brother is killed in a school shooting who makes friends with the shooter's grandmother (played by Susan Sarandon, sigh). Besides Faris it also co-stars Patrick Wilson and Alicia Silverstone. I don't think that one's even filmed yet. Get on it already, lazies!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

One Giant Leap For Hot Mankind

I dare you to find someone else posting about this news with a vintage shirtless photo of the famed astronaut Neil Armstrong! You won't, because I am singular, baby. For good and for ill. Anyway the "news" is the fact that Al Reinart's legendary 1989 documentary For All Mankind, which captures Neil & Co's 1969 landing on the Moon, has hit Criterion 4K blu-ray today! You can pick up a copy at this link. I watched this for the very first time a couple of weeks back and it's as iconic a watch as everybody says -- basically sails right passed educational to foundational, and you're less of a complete person if you haven't watched this doc. It's that important. And the 4K remaster is stunning. Not to be missed! 

And in a weird confluence of moon-stuff, a movie that absolutely can be missed is also now out on blu-ray -- Roland Emmerich's trashy disaster pic Moonfall starring Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry's out floating about for your purchasing pleasure as well now, if you're so inclined to abuse. You can buy it at this link here. I really suggest you do yourself and your wallet better than that, but who am I to judge? I am slowly steadily burying myself alive under all the garbage I own. My review of Moonfall can be read right here though, if you really want to save yourself. I really and truly wanted to like this one, as I consider myself a Disaster Movie Aficionado, but this was too much for even me. I mean...

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... watching the Moonfall sequel
Sunfall, also starring Patrick Wilson.

I don't know the original source where several random Tumblr accounts found all of these Patrick Wilson shirtless snaps, which makes me sad -- a bouquet of crisp one hundred dollar bills should be sent in the direction of any person uploading such blessed sights onto the internet, don't you think? Patrick's been especially on my mind this week (slash this century) after spying him and his hot perv-stache at the SAG Awards on the arm of his lovely wife Dagmara Domińczyk, who got a statue for Succession (and should've gotten one for her fine turn in The Lost Daughter too)...

Friday, February 04, 2022

The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

Writing a negative review of a cheesy Disaster Movie is always a fool's errand because as bad as these movies get I will watch every single one of them dozens of times, no matter how lousy. My life has borne this pattern out time and again. And taking them at all seriously can feel humorless and beside-the-point, to put it plainly -- what are you expecting, fancy-pants critic-man? All that said I had to come down on Roland Emmerich's Moonfall pretty hard in my Pajiba review, which you can read here right now -- it has its moments (for instance Patrick Wilson is wet a lot, and he walks around with no pants on one time) but it's mostly paint-by-numbers and surprisingly humorless itself. All of the humor is inherent in the premise and the increasingly outlandish plot, but the characters, man, they approach everything dull-as-dishwater. I don't care that the plot makes no sense -- less than that, really -- and I appreciate the fact that Emmerich doesn't either; his dedication to nonsense is admirable really, and just what this sort of movies demands. But I never cheered for these people, I only dropped my jaw in awe at the spectacle a couple of times... anyway go read my review. I get into it. The basic gist though? It needed more cows, man.

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

The Moon Fall's Tonight!

(click to embiggen) I'm finally seeing Roland Emmerich's latest world-ender Moonfall tonight, which stars Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry as sexy scientists fighting the, uhh, moon falling. And I'm super fucking excited about it! I need a big dumb movie right about now and Moonfall looks to be filling all of those quotas -- it's big, it's dumb, and okay it might not be a "movie" per se as much as it is a collection of nonsense, but that's fine. I am fine with that. Here's the most recent trailer at this link, and the image above, excuse me the blessed image above, is Patrick modeling a watch (via), because all of you definitely noticed the watch when you were looking at that picture, haha. Moonfall is out on Friday!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pic of the Day

Even though this picture needed to be about a dozen times sluttier -- you can't even give us wet white tank tops? -- it is a photo of Patrick Wilson and (the now single!) Jason Momoa (and Aquaman director James Wan) celebrating the end of shooting their Aqua-sequel by dousing themselves, so I must post it all the same. You can tell they're all dunderheaded straight dudes because this is some half-assed thirst-trappin'. Anyway I liked about 50% of the first Aquaman an awful lot -- it had what ammounted to a Nicole Kidman Swiffer Commercial Fight after all! -- so I hope the sequel's even nuttier, and I also hope that the cancelation of the spin-off about those "Trench Monsters" means the "Trench Monsters" will show up here again, because that remains one of the greatest superhero movie action sequences ever put on film.

Monday, January 03, 2022

Here is Moonfall's IMAX Poster

(via) I'm so excited for this inevitably dumb fucking movie, y'all. If you missed the first trailer for Roland Emmerich's "The Moon be falling on our heads, yo!" disaster movie that is out in one month and one day (that's to say February 4th) watch it here. But wait I think there's a newer trailer I haven't posted yet? There sure is. Here ya go, enjoy, lose a few braincells, who needs 'em...

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Matt: Look, I don't know what Buddy's doing 
with you or what you think he's doing with you, 
but you need to move on. 
Mavis: You're one to talk. All you care about is
some scuffle that happened 20 years ago.
You lean on that crutch and you lean on excuses
and you and I both know that you use this whole
thing as an excuse to do absolutely nothing with your life.
Matt : Scuffle. You don't know shit about what happened
to me. Okay? Those jocks you used to blow during lunch, 
they shattered my legs, bashed in my brains, mangled my
cock so that I have to piss and cum sideways for the rest
of my life. Then they left me for dead. You know, things
aren't too great down south. I can barely get off by
myself let alone with another person.
Mavis: You know, what's done is done. 
You can't keep dwelling on the past, Matt.

I've felt a little guilty ever since I wrote my (deservedly) scathing Ghostbusters Afterlife takedown last month that I made a nepotism joke about Jason Reitman, because I do think Jason Reitman is talented, and this here movie that's turning 10 years old today is about all the proof I need to exhibit in that claim's defense. If all he'd ever made was Young Adult he'd be a fave. Young Adult is better than anything his father made. Then you add on Juno and Tully and to a lesser extent Thank You For Smoking and he's really one of our great comedy directors -- I guess that's one of the reasons Afterlife annoyed me so much; I really wanted it to be something special and it was decidedly not. Oh well! We'll always have Mavis Gary and her spectacular bullshit!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pics of the Day

Vanity Fair has a new batch of images from Roland Emmerich's upcoming disaster Moonfall, which is about... the moon... falling... on yo head! I like so many of my serious-minded compatriots are entirely in the tank for this stupid motherfucking movie, partially based off that first trailer, partially based on the fact that it stars Patrick Wilson. Normally the answer to the question, "Why are you seeing that movie starring Patrick Wilson?" would always 100% be, "Because it stars Patrick Wilson," but I never was able to finish watching Emmerich's last team-up with Wilson... 

... called Midway and that one was way gayer with all of the uniforms and Luke Evans and Ed Skrein kissing each other while wearing uniforms and Nick Jonas doing some kind of pepperoni routine. I don't know, I turned that trash off halfway through. But as I've echoed time and time again a Disaster Movie is the right kind of trash, and the Moon falling on Halle Berry and Donald Sutherland's head will probably get me through the entirety of Moonfall. See more photos over at VF, along with some words or whatever. Moonfall falls on our fool heads on February 4th!

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Pic of the Day

Director James Wan was kind and generous enough to share this photo from the set of Aquaman 2 this morning, which teases the return of Orm (Patrick Wilson) but more importantly, Orm's abs. Not that the abs are "returning" per se since I don't recall PW getting shirtless in the first film, much to its devaluation. Part 2 is already a better movie! Now let's get some shots of Patrick & Jason Momoa wrestling half-naked (or, you know, not half) in the surf and really knock this movie outta the park. Oh and below is a bonus photo that Wilson shared on his own Insta over the weekend, shared for similar reasons:

Thursday, September 02, 2021

The Moon Be Fallin'

If I have said it once I have said it a million times -- and I have said it a million times so I have actually said it a million million times? -- there's nothing I am more in the tank for than Disaster Movies. I will watch any Disaster Movie, I will love any Disaster Movie, I will stop whatever I am doing and re-watch a Disaster Movie for the tenth time if I come upon it on TV. They are my favorite genre of big-screen trash, I love every sordid story-beat that's been beaten to death -- the family must be reunited! Oh don't forget the dog! 

I don't care, make them as dumb as you can, but you give me people running from debris and wind and I am there. (You better believe I was sitting on my windowsill last night watching the big storm here in NYC out my window.) If I have to die it had better be by fucking tornado. Anyway my point is that the very first trailer for Roland Emmerich's latest schlockterpiece Moonfall, which is about the Moon, you know, falling, has arrived, and I have fuckin' goosebumps over here. This shit, this shit right here is what will get me into a movie theater with a crowd again. I say that knowing it's not out until February, so maybe that will actually feel safe by then. (I am not counting my chickens.) Here's the trailer! Make the dumb parts of your brain tingle and watch it! 

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Thursday's Ways Not To Die

The Nun (2018)

I don't normally have to reduce myself to being a cheat for these posts -- I usually know what I want to do, as the death scenes I pick are almost always ones that have burned themselves into my brain -- but I cheated today and had to look the above scene up, for three reasons. Three reasons that came together to force my cheating, cheater's hands. The first reason is there is a new movie in the ConjureVerse out this weekend -- The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, the third in the main series starring Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as "spiritual warriors" Ed and Lorraine Warren, hits theaters (and also I believe HBO Max) tomorrow.

The second reason I cheated today with this week's "Ways Not To Die" post is not only is a new ConjureVerse movie out but today is also actress Bonnie Aarons' birthday -- if her name isn't familiar to you it should be because she's given shape to a ton of your cinematic nightmares; most infamously she played the "Bum" behind the Winkies dumpster in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive.

I wrote an entire ode to that scare once at The Film Experience, read that here. It's one of the greats of all-time -- if I ever made a list of the Best Scares Ever it would be Top Five no question, and that might even be under-selling it. Best ever? It's possible! And more recently Aarons also played "The Master" in Travis Stevens' terrific vampire flick Jakob's Wife with Barbara Crampton (reviewed here). But to get back to my point Bonnie Aarons of course also played the "Demon Nun" in The Nun, seen getting her ultimate comeuppance up top -- the character was first introduced in the second Conjuring movie in one of that flick's best scares...

And then she got her own damn spin-off, thank you very much. That does bring me to my third reason for cheating with today's post, which is kind of a downer ending to end this otherwise celebratory post on, but besides Bonnie Aarons just cutting an instantly iconic figure in The Nun that movie is kind of awful, and I didn't remember anything about it. So because of the first two reasons I had to google a helpful video that showed me all of the movie's death scenes (seen here) in order to finalize this post's subject. What that video told me? A ton of people die in The Nun. I tend to think of the Conjuring movies as actually being fairly bloodless without high body counts? But forty people die in The Nun! Dead Nuns start scattering around like volcanic detritus at one point! Who knew?

Or better yet who remembered? Once that many people start dying, and in fairly unmemorable ways, well it's no wonder I had to do homework for this post -- I'd rather have one iconic death scene than forty scattered nuns, yo. (Wisdom, y'all. Free wisdom here!) The Nun's death scene seen up top (and I think it's safe to assume they'd bring that character back in a second if they felt like it so "death" should be in quotes) came the closest -- there are a couple of beautiful shots mixed in there, with the red of the blood and with Bonnie Aaron's spectacular face twitching about. Horror movies need to remember to rely on those things more and CG nonsense less.

Hit the jump
for links to all of the Ways Not To Die...

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Pace You, Pace Me, Pace It For Always

A very very very very happy 42nd birthday to the actor Lee Pace today! Here's to hoping that Apple's adaptation of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series of books gives our Piemaker another great role to work his tall-man-magic upon, it's been too damn long. Not counting his brief role in the Captain Marvel movie -- not counting because he's buried under all that damn make-up and armor for Ronan...

... I feel like I haven't been given the gift of proper Lee since Halt and Catch Fire ended in 2017. Oh I guess I did get to see him (all of him) during that period on stage with Angels in America, and he was very nearly best in show there -- I found his "Joe Pitt" the best take on the role I've seen to date (yes even better than the white-hot-heat of Patrick Wilson); I said at the time that there were obviously reasons why he'd be so good at digging around in the agony of a closeted man but whatever the reasons he really channeled something transcendent and raw out of it the night I saw that show. 

Anyway I hope Foundation takes advantage of what they've got, and I don't have to get my only whole Pace fix off his Instagram (although if he keeps posting thirsty gems like this, or this, or jeez louise this, I don't mind the dang Instagram!) But mostly I hope him and his Pushing Daisies / Wonderfalls creative-paramour Bryan Fuller reunite sometime on something, anything. They make the best shit together! After all these many years I daren't dream of a Pushing Daisies revisit, but... daren't I? I dare, I dare! These pandemic icons need to live again, dammit!

Until then today I found a few Lee Pace photos I've never posted before up to and including some shots of him in his NYC home standing in front of his bookshelves (SWOON) so I've assembled us a little gallery to sate ourselves and our 99.44% pleasure receptors right on after the jump... 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Creepy Kid To College Jock

Ty Simpkins, the little boy from Little Children, the Insidious movies, and Jurassic World, is now a handsome nineteen-year-old young man, I have just discovered via his Instagram. I hadn't been keeping up with him but we'll be reintroduced to him shortly because he's going to be the star of the fifth Insidious movie, which has just been announced. And not just that -- the film will mark the directorial debut of his repeat pretend daddy, Patrick Wilson!

The fifth film will have Ty's character Dalton Lambert -- who found himself pulled into a vegetative state by evil forces thanks to a telepathy-type link to the dark world (which I refuse to refer to as "The Further" -- you cannot make me!) in the first movie -- going off to college, and dealing with... you know, bad shit or whatever. The fifth film will supposedly mark the return of the rest of the Lambert clan, who mostly sat our films 3 and 4 as they focused on the psychic played by Lin Shaye -- besides directing Patrick Wilson be reprising his role as Papa Lambert; no word on Rose Byrne as Mama yet but hopefully she'll show! Rose Byrne makes everything better. In summation... here's a little more of Ty letting his inner jock out on his Instagram...

Monday, June 22, 2020

11 Off My Head: RIP Joel Schumacher

Joel Schumacher, the oft critically reviled director who slapped nipples on the Batman suit and probably did enough blow in the 1970s with his pal Halston to keep every drug dealer in the continental United States flush for a lifetime, has died at the age of 80. Honestly I kinda loved Joel, even though his movies often deserved their shit rep. I briefly met him at a party once and he was very nice! (But then I was 20 years old and, judging by his interest, probably his type.) Anyway I considered doing a list of my five favorite films of his -- and I could, because critically reviled or not he made some terrific movies (and yes, as I just recently mentioned I include Batman & Robin on that list of terrific movies.) But my first and best thought was of the most important gift he gifted us with, which was an obscene amount of cinematic male beauty over the years. Just astonishing amounts. Bless him.

11 of My Favorite Joel Schumacher Gratuities

Henry Cavill in Blood Creek

Jason Patric in The Lost Boys (more here)

Chris O'Donnell in Batman & Robin 

Colin Farrell in Tigerland (more here)

Matthew Davis in Tigerland (more here)

Rob Lowe in St Elmo's Fire

Billy Baldwin in Flatliners

Patrick Wilson in Phantom of the Opera

Cam Gigandet in Trespass

Billy Magnussen in Twelve (See more here)

Matthew McConaughey in A Time To Kill

What are thoughts on Joel Schumacher?