Monday, March 07, 2022
5 Off My Head: Siri Says 1987
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
My Name, It's Being Called
Anyway Netflix bought the theater but they're turning it into a real repertory theater now -- it won't just be Netflix movies, and today they announced their official plans for the next month or so, which marks their official official reopening. The first week is programmed by The Forty-Year-Old Version creator Radha Blank and is absolutely stellar, including The Apartment, Dog Day Afternoon, Fish Tank, Waiting For Guffman -- just a stunning and killer line-up. And then after that they have a month-long series called "Paris is For Lovers" which will showcase films that had their premiere at the Paris Theater and also were love stories...
Tuesday, July 06, 2021
What Comes After Maurice
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) June 30, 2021
What "news" you ask? Well today the New York Times alerts us to a new book called Alec by author William di Canzio, which tells us what comes after Alec aka Scudder's "happily ever after" with Maurice. And it sounds like it does so well! (Also the review's written by friend-of-MNPP Manuel Betancourt -- hey Manuel!) Now this looks like some great summer reading -- pick up a copy here at this link! Let's all read it together!
Monday, June 07, 2021
Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...
... you can learn from:
Maurice (1987)
Maurice: Stay with me.Scudder: Stay? Miss my boat? You daft? Of all thebloody rubbish. Order me about again, you would.Maurice: It's a chance in a thousand we met.You know it. Why don't you stay?Scudder: Stay? With you? How? And where? With your Ma? Ohyeah. What would she say if she saw me? All rough & ugly theway I am. My people wouldn't take to you one bit. I don't blamethem either. How would you run your job, I'd like to know?Maurice: I shall chuck it.Scudder: Your job in the City? What gives you money andposition? You talk like a man who's never had to earn his living.Maurice: You can do anything. Once you know what it is.We can live without money, without people. We can livewithout position. We're not fools. We're both strong.There'd be some place we could go.Scudder: Wouldn't work, Maurice.Be the ruin of us both. Can't you see?
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Pic of the Day
"The movie tells the story of the later years of the strange and fascinating marriage between the iconic Spanish painter and his domineering wife, Gala, as their seemingly unshakable bond begins to stress and fracture. Set in New York and Spain in 1973, the story is told through the eyes of James, a young assistant keen to make his name in the art world, who helps the eccentric and mercurial Dalí prepare for a big gallery show."
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Thursday's Ways Not To Die
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Vanity Working on a Weak Head...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
I Am Link
--- Romantic Plots - Photog Autumn de Wilde is making a new movie version of Emma, the Jane Austen tome, which well even besides the perfectly fun Gwyneth Paltrow version will never get a better movie than Clueless made from it; I don't know why they try. Anyway I only bring this up because they have cast Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead which is very fine work, but even better they have cast Callum Turner, perennially underrated hot piece, as well as the great Josh O'Connor from God's Own Country and Rupert "Scudder" Graves to boot! It's a good damn cast they have.
--- Wicked Means - Colin Trevorrow gets a lot of shit for being a straight white dude who made a for-nothing indie and immediately graduated to blockbuster movies without proving himself, but we really should save some of that same shit for Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who went from The Kings of Summer straight to Kong: Skull Island, which is just as bad a movie as the Jurassic Worlds are, plus he also has the douchiest hipster beard. Anyway that aside I'm fairly interested in his maybe next movie, which might be an original monster movie set in Detroit and starring Michael B. Jordan. I'm always down for monster movies, my curse and a blessing.
--- Bad Vibes Ahoy - Mark your calendars with a great big red slash and make sure you've got a bottle of Pepto Bismal waiting for you at home that week, The Babadook director Jennifer Kent's next film, the already wildly controversial The Nightingale, has been set for release on August 2nd. We recently posted a clip from the film right here, which stars The Fall's Aisling Franciosi and Sam Claflin in a dark turn that will supposedly wipe all our bad Finnick memories right away.
--- The New Avenger - I constantly get the actor Macon Blair mixed up with his most frequent collaborator, director Jeremy Saulnier -- they made Blue Ruin and Green Room together -- and so when I read the news that Macon Blair is directing the Toxic Avenger reboot I thought the director of Green Room was directing the Toxic Avenger reboot and I was stopped in my tracks for a second. But all that is unfair to Blair, who did actually prove himself a director worth paying attention when he made a movie starring the goddess Melanie Lynskey. He knows what's up! Bring on the Toxie, then.
"I felt okay with [showing] my butt. Everybody has a butt, it’s really not that graphic. [Laughs] So many guys on Twitter are like, 'That’s the moment I knew I was gay.'"
--- Music Woman - When I reviewed Gloria Bell the other week I talked a lot about its soundtrack, which is a vital piece of what makes it work so well (as it is with all of Lelio's films) -- when I wrote all that I was hoping that one of our pal Chris Feil's "Soundtracking" pieces at The Film Experience would be forthcoming and I didn't have to wait long, click here to read Chris's typically gorgeous take.
--- Wolff's Pack - While I tend to focus on his Hereditary co-star Toni Collette more we should all be paying attention to what Alex Wolff is up to as well, seeing as how he was also top-tier in that movie -- well here's what's what: he's just lined up a thriller called The Line which has him starring opposite John Malkovich, Scott "Scoot!" McNairy, Jessica Barden (we lovvve Jessica Barden) and the adorkable Lewis Pullman. It is about "the wild excitement of being young and the dangers of living without fear of consequences," so they say.
--- And Finally it looks like Blumhouse is rebooting The Craft! Well "reboot" is a premature word to use - they might be giving us a sequel of sorts, set in the same world as the 1996 film, we don't know yet. (That link does have some plot details and uses the word "reboot" but... well we'll see.) Anyway even more important is that Blumhouse has actually hired a female director to direct the thing -- who knew there were female directors, right Jason Blum? Zoe Lister-Jones, mainly known as a TV actress (she was on Whitney and New Girl) is writing the thing and directing it. All I know is Fairuza better show or else...
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Great Moments In Movie Shelves #156
stars James Wilby and Rupert Graves reunite to
Thursday, June 07, 2018
Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...
Oliver: The Cosmic Fragments by Heraclitus -- the meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice, but that some things stay the same only by changing.