Showing posts with label Tom Hardy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Hardy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wake Up Hot Man

Very happy to have some proper Josh O'Connor news that gives me an excuse to post the two set photos of Josh O'Connor filming Challengers seen here -- two birds meet one sexy, sexy stone fox. Onto the news -- over the holiday weekend the title of the third "Daniel Craig plays gay detective Benoit Blanc" movie was released and it's Wake Up Dead Man (a terrific title if you ask me), and then last night we got the first cast-members announced too! And yes, one of them is Josh! I hope now that the second film revealed that Benoit's got himself a man at home that Josh is there to fan the flames of erotic consequence in our colorful detective's general direction. Yes, I am suggesting Josh play gay again. I don't care! he can play gay forever as far as I'm concerned. Anyway the other name announced is the terrific Cailee Spaeny of Priscilla and Civil War fame. I am good with that -- I like her a lot even if I thought Civil War was under-cooked.  I also saw a rumor going around that Tom Hardy might be joining the cast too, which would be wonderful -- Tom Hardy and Daniel Craig! They should've acted together by now. And we always love it when Tom plays something lighter -- he is funny and charming and he doesn't lean into that enough with all his grunting testosterone fests. Speaking of grunting testosterone fests... Josh O'Connor, y'all...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Good Morning, World

This is kind of a weird Matryoshka kind of rabbit hole of references within references but a photography book of photos taken from the set of Jeff Nichols' upcoming biker gang movie The Bikeriders, a movie that is based on photographer Danny Lyon's 1968 photography book of the same name, was released last week and you can buy yourself a copy right here if you're so inclined. And/or buy a copy of Lyons' legendary book if you don't own it already right here.)  The new book is titled Vandals and it's from photographer Bryan Schutmaat and it's styled to ape Lyon's photography -- just with actor hotties like Tom Hardy, Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Boyd Holbrook, Karl Glusman, etc etc, inhabiting their roles in the movie, based off Lyon's photographs of midcentury Midwestern bikers. I told y'all last week that biker gang movies are suddenly a big thing! Anywayb after some delays The Bikeriders is finally hitting screens on June 21st -- having seen it ages and ages ago I can tell you upfront that it's a terrific movie full of terrific performances.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Big Hogs For Everybody

Biker gangs are apparently the next hot trend -- this news I am about to share is the second bit of news today announcing a movie involving them, for goodness' sake! (See my previous post on Alexander Skarsgard's upcoming "kinky queer" biker movie here.) Add all that to the fact that out this June there is Jeff Nichols' film The Bikeriders with Tom Hardy, Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, and Karl Glusman -- Glusman who co-starred in 2022's fantastically queer Please Baby Please, which I am choosing to see as the real spark that started this Biker Gang Fire -- and we're calling it a trend. Anyway onto the second Biker Gang news of the day -- Cate Blanchett is going to star in Alpha Gang from the Zellner Brothers, whose wonderful film Sasquatch Sunset (starring Jesse Eisenberg and Riley Keough as sasquatch) is out in theaters now. As with all Zellner Bros movies there's nothing straightforward about Alpha Gang though, which is described thus:

"Alpha Gang follows alien invaders sent on a mission to conquer Earth. “Disguised in human form as an armed and dangerous 1950’s leather-clad biker gang, they show no mercy… until they catch the most toxic, contagious human disease of all: emotion.”

Is that description making anybody else think of John Cameron Mitchell's dementedly under-appreciated 2017 movie How to Talk to Girls at Parties, which starred Nicole Kidman as a leather-clad punk rock alien? 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Good Morning, World

A happy 46th birthday to Mr. Tom Hardy today! This gif is taken from his reality series Driven To Extremes from a couple of years ago -- did anybody actually watch that? I never did but it looks like he put good positive content into the world. Not that we'd expect any less -- he's been doing that since MySpace. Anyway what's next for the Hard-man? He's got Jeff Nichols' biker-gang movie The Bikeriders (based on photographer Danny Lyons' famous book of portraits) which got terrific notices out of Telluride. And then more Mad Max and more Venom blah blah blah.  I never did share that Bikeriders trailer did I? Well opportunity, hello!

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Karl Glusman's Come To Give Us a Ride

I am about to make several mostly-unfounded conjectures about this shirtless selfie that actor and MNPP fave Karl Glusman posted on his Instagram a few minutes ago, so bear with me. One, and this one doesn't seem like a stretch -- he appears to be in a trailer. You know, like a set trailer, not a double-wide in West Virginia. A film production trailer where actors stay when they are shooting movies. That kind of trailer. That seems pretty clear. So I looked at his IMDb to see what he might be filming right now and IMDb has two projects listed as "Filming" right now under his name -- a movie called Little Death that has him playing a drug addict who breaks into the house of a TV writer played by David Schwimmer. But the full photo seen down below with the inscription about Fight Club makes me think he's filming the other project right now -- a movie called The Bikeriders that's about, you guess it, bike riders. In this case we mean a motorcycle club. Oh and I guess I should mention this is the new movie from Take Shelter director Jeff Nichols, and Karl's co-stars, include (deep breath) Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon, Jodie Comer, Austin Butler, Boyd Holbrook, Norman Reedus, Beau Knapp, Emory Cohen, Toby Wallace, and Mike Faist. That's one hell of a cast! I suppose that is a project I should plan on paying some attention to then. Thanks, Karl's abs! Karl's abs are always doing good work.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Good Morning, World

I was going to say that you shouldn't ask me what the hell sport it is that Tom Hardy is seen practicing here, but then one of the Tumblrs I swiped these images from named it -- it is apparently "Brazilian Jiu Jitsu." Okay...

... sure? I was going to guess Judo -- and no I have no idea if those are in any way related things and whether I should feel like I made a good guess or not. Anyway more importantly and why we're here at all -- Tom has really let his fur flag fly! Hit the jump for a dozen or so "good morning" snaps...

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from: 

RocknRolla (2008)
Mumbles: If I could be half the human being Bob is
at the cost of being a poof, I'd have to think about it.
Not for very long, but I'd have to pause.

Happy 50, Idris Elba!
Our Idris Archives run long
and thick, if you're interested.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Quote of the Day

If you're smart you pre-ordered NYT writer (and friend of MNPP) Kyle Buchanan's book -- titled Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road about, well, the title says what it's about -- the second it was announced way back. But this excerpt that was posted on Variety today (the book's out on the 22nd) will probably push some of you hold-out pervs over the finish line (in more ways than one):

"Near the end of the process, Hardy emerged as a front-runner alongside Jeremy Renner and Armie Hammer. Hardy and Hammer even read together as part of their audition, and when Hardy gnashed his teeth and spat at his scene partner, Hammer told Miller that Hardy needed to be Max more than he did... 

Audition cameraman Todd Matthew Grossman told Buchanan, “Jeremy and Armie were equally wonderful, but there was something about Tom in the room where it felt like that was Max, without a doubt. He had that kind of suppressed emotional dryness that you’d find in a post-apocalypse and, buried underneath it, disdain for the world. There was this intensity that burned through the lens.” Miller added, “I had the same feeling about Tom that I had when Mel Gibson first walked into the room: There was a kind of edgy charm, the charisma of animals. You don’t know what’s going on in their inner depths, and yet they’re enormously attractive.”

Monday, October 25, 2021

Friday, October 01, 2021

Hail A Hardy

Thanks to the heaps and piles of everything else I have going on I didn't get to see the Venom sequel in order to review it, and so I have no personal opinion to share yet. But I can't imagine if I did see it and review I'd have come up with anything more fun than my pal Kristy did at Mashable, where she calls the character "our plague prince of crime," so go read that if you're looking for Venom 2 thoughts, I recommend. I'll see it eventually (probably on streaming at this point) but I have high hopes for a dumb fun thing. And if nothing else, Tom Hardy. I mean... fucking look at him. (pic via)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

He, Spider-Hardy

The one the only Tom Hardy has a big new interview with Esquire out today that's making the rounds -- specifically because he's asked superhero movie shit and if you talk about superhero movie shit then your interview makes the rounds. It still astonishes me how easy it is, but then here I am posting the same shit, so I need to shut up and move on. My angle on this information though, as you'll soon see, is all my own, since Hardy talks about getting his character of Venom together with Tom Holland's Spider-man, and, uhh, obviously I'm gonna make that shit as gay as I wanna. Here's Hardy's slightly unintelligible quote:

“Should both sides be willing, and it be beneficial to both sides, I don’t see why it couldn’t be. I hope and strongly, with both hands, push, eagerly, towards that potential, and would do anything to make that happen, within what’s right in business. But it would be foolish not to head towards the Olympic Games if you were running 100 metres, so yeah! I want to play on that field.”

I think we can all agree that we'd like to see Tom Hardy use both of his hands to push Tom Holland onto a field or whatever -- let's make it happen. Anyway obviously there's no news contained in that quote -- Shocking Newsflash: he'd like to fight Spider-man in a movie! -- so the most important thing to come out of this interview is the fact that it led me to this photo of himself in a Spidey costume that Hardy apparently posted and then deleted off of his Instagram back in 2019, which had eluded me until now:

I can see your web-shooter, Tom! I do think if Hardy sent this shot to Holland then he's probably got the Spider-twink on his side, as well. They'll work something out, no doubt! Whether it's on-screen or at home! Anyway feel free to read the entire Esquire interview over there (his avoidance of wanting to get into the Mad Max thing is deft, and I love how he drags his stuntman in to do the rest of the interview at one point) but if you just want the pretty pictures of Tommy boy then you can hit the jump right here...

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Cravin' Some Kraven

Here's some news to confuse -- Aaron taylor-Johnson has just been cast as the Marvel comics Spider-man villain Kraven the Hunter in his own standalone movie from Sony. Why do I say confuse? Because I no longer have any handle on the rights overlap between Marvel and Sony on those comic-book characters in the Spider-man universe. Like... Venom isn't part of the MCU right? But they will continue making exceptions for Tom Holland's Spider-man? The only reason this is an issue I am raising is Aaron has of course already played a major character in the MCU with Quicksilver in the second Avengers film, and... well I guess he won't be making any returns via the Multiverse then, as speculated often circa WandaVision

As for Kraven you can read about him over here -- basically he's the world's greatest game hunter, who wants to capture the original bewebbed twink for his sexy trophy collection. Kraven is beefy and bearded and Aaron's not a bad match, physically speaking, if maybe still a little on the young side. Anyway if we don't get to see him mussing about with Tom Holland there's always Tom Hardy to muss!

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Babe: Pig in the City (1998)

Zootie: It's a dog-eat-dog world, 
and there's not enough dog to go around.

I have no idea what the context of that quote was, besides it was spoken by a chimpanzee voiced by Glenne Headly. But isn't that enough? I say yes. Hell yes. Has anyone watched the Babe movies lately? I've really been feeling an fancy lately -- I haven't seen them since they came out way way way back when. It's actually  kind of surprising how long ago that was when you run the numbers? Christ I'm old. 

But not as old as the legendary director George Miller, who's turning 76 today, and we wish him a happy. But then George Miller is 76 and about to direct another action-epic with his Furiosa prequel starring Anya Taylor-Joy in the Charlize Theron role (plus Chris Hemsworth cuz why not), not to mention has a film starring Tilda Swinton & Idris Elba coming out later this year, and I'm about to eat a limp lunch salad and stare at my computer screen for another six hours, so who's the real oldie? Oh that would be me, most definitely me. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Hardy Gonna Roughneck

Well this seems like a match made in Gangster Paradise -- Tom Hardy has matched up with The Raid director Gareth Evans to make a movie for Netflix called Havoc, which will see Hardy playing a cop infiltrating a netherworld of dark criminality... or as Deadline puts it:

"The story is set after a drug deal gone wrong, when a bruised detective must fight his way through a criminal underworld to rescue a politician’s estranged son, while unraveling a deep web of corruption and conspiracy that ensnares his entire city."

I know that description is the description of a thousand different movies but I'm willing to watch what these two make of it -- The Raid sure was a punch in the nuts, in a fun way. And Tom Hardy can punch me in the nuts in a fun way any time he pleases. Please?

Monday, November 16, 2020

Who's Jake Gonna Call

So this was weird! Last week a heap of people -- a heeple? -- got added to the cast of Jake Gyllenhaal's upcoming remake of Gustav Moller's Danish thriller The Guilty from 2018 which has Jake's Southpaw director Antoine Fuqua directing. Awesome people! Jake's reuniting with his brother-in-law Peter Sarsgaard for one -- I don't believe they've co-starred in anything since Jarhead ten years ago, correct me if I'm forgetting something. But also there's Ethan Hawke and even better our beloved Riley Keough! And then there's also also Paul Dano, who co-starred with Jake in both Okja and Prisoners...

... and Da’Vine Joy Randolph who was so so so very good in Dolemite is My Name last year. That's a great effing cast, right? So why am I saying this is, and I quote, "weird"? Because the 2018 version of The Guilty is best known for being a one-person movie! It starred (the very handsome) Jakob Cedergren as a (very handsome)  9-1-1 operator (do they call it 9-1-1 in Denmark?) who attempts to unravel an ongoing crime via the telephone call that comes in. Its essentially a radio-program playing out across Cedergreen's (very handsome) face for ninety minutes.

Jake first announced he wanted to make this remake a few years ago but I wasn't surprised when it got moved to the front of the pile recently, given this "one man show' factor made filming in the middle of a pandemic a non-issue. But... now they're hiring all these actual actors that are not Jake and I don't know what to think. Are they being hired for just their voices? It's not unheard of (HA GET IT) -- Tom Hardy's movie Locke, the movie that only starred Tom Hardy as he drove around and called people on the phone, used bonafide terrific actors like Ruth Wilson and Andrew Scott and Tom Holland and Olivia fucking Colman to supply those voices. 

But maybe not? Maybe Fuqua & Co have something different up their sleeve and I don't want to be too judgmental out the gate because we always scream, "Do something new with a remake!" It's just... without the "one man show" gimmick of The Guilty it's just another 9-1-1 operator movie like that Halle Berry movie The Call and I don't think Halle Berry even wants to remember The Call.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Mate Was a Mighty Sailin' Man

Started thinking about how much I want a second season of Tom Hardy's show Taboo this afternoon and quickly spiraled down a Tom-hole -- you know me and my Tom-holes! I tweeted out one photo of mucho import a bit ago, but dug these snaps of Tom taken by his buddy photographer Greg Williams enough to lug 'em here onto the site proper. Assume these are out-takes from this 2018 Esquire shoot which had him standing in the same water in a suit and tie, but the unzipped flight-suit is some of the porniest shit I've seen in a bit outside of, you know, porn. Tom is a forever blessing. Anyway there is no news on Taboo's second season to share but I invite you to check out these classic photos of him skinny-dipping on that show's set back in the day while we wait. While we're on the subject of Tom-holes and all. When in Rome!

Monday, November 02, 2020

I am Standing to Attention

I imagine (or hope, anyway) y'all don't expect a lot from me for the next forty-eight hours -- I'm gonna try to "write" "things" but I don't know if I'll be able to focus real good. And "forty-eight hours" is of course up in the air -- who knows how long this chaotic-mindset will drag on for? Anyway! Let's give this one a go because this is some news shot straight up my alley -- a Vietnam war movie called The Things They Carried (based on a collection of short stories by Tim O’Brien about the individual members of a single platoon) has just been cast with So Many Hot Actors. Stephan James is one...

... then you pile on top of him Tye Sheridan!
And Bill Skarsgård! And Ashton Sanders
from Moonlight! And Tom Hardy!
Ohh and Martin Sensmeier!

We love Martin Sensmeier. I very much recommend clicking on this link if you'd like to love Martin Sensmeier too, or already do and would like a reminder. Anyway supposedly this book is well-regarded -- I surely haven't read it because I have very little patience or energy for War Fiction, but I'll see the movies once all the Hot Actors get cast in them! Have you read it? Bad news though: the movie is going to be directed by that douchebag Rupert Sanders -- he's not even a good director, Hollywood! No need to toss him a bone. Anyway I'm cheap and vulgar so I'll forget that information the second I see Tye Sheridan in a uniform, pay me no mind.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Before the Fury

Big news in the post-apocalyptic landscape today, my dears -- George Miller's officially announced that Fury Road prequel about Charlize Theron's character called Furiosa, which has been chattered about for a bit! And... no, it doesn't have Chris Hemsworth taking over the role for Charlize Theron. I just wanted to use that picture of Chris Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth is indeed in the cast though, which is new news -- it's not like I'm pulling a Chris Hemsworth photo out of my ass. [Ed. - No comment.] He'll be playing... oh we don't know, some man who'll have dust on his clothes though, I am sure. It won't be a younger Tom Hardy, since that wouldn't make any sense, visually or story-wise. 

Anyway! Getting to the rest of the point -- Anya Taylor-Joy is taking over for Theron as the younger Furiosa, and that's terrific casting, good for her. She'll probably get to have both of her arms even -- will we see the moment she loses her arm? I wouldn't exactly reel with shock if that was a part of the plot. Also joining Miller's world of insanity is Watchmen star Yahya Abdul-Mateen, and y'all know how we feel about him. Hey maybe him and Chris can dare I say play a couple? The Mad Max world could use some queerness that's not just Mel Gibson's ass in leather pants and Tina Turner's slinky-earrings.

I'll admit I'm sad we're not going to see more of Charlize and Tom Hardy but given the nightmare they all endured on that set I can't say I'm surprised. And as wonderful as they both were in the film -- and those are some Class-A-Plus Action Movie star-turns -- the Mad Max movies live and die by their directorial vision and with George Miller there symphonizing the mayhem I am ticket-purchased this very day. What I'm actually most sad about is NO NUX!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

An Offer We Can't Refuse

Well this is a lot of news for me to process as I sit here eating my Chipotle hard-shell chicken tacos for lunch (I do love me the crunch of a hard shell) -- the actors Jake "Jake" Gyllenhaal and Oscar "Oscar" Isaacs are going to be acting opposite one another, and somewhere besides that fantasy I have involving tear-away togas and leather straps! Somewhere real! They are going to make a movie about the making of The Godfather no less! (thx Mac) 

I should flip that photo so it lines up with the top picture and nobody gets confused but I am lazy, I'll just use my words to set your straight -- Jake will be playing the famed producer Robert Evans (on the right of the above photo) while Oscar will be playing Godfather director Francis Ford Coppola, the big bearded lug on the left. And if you had "Sexy Francis Ford Coppola" on your Future Movie Bingo Card then I guess you won because nobody else saw that one coming. Barry Levinson is set to direct the movie, which will be based on a Black List winning script called Francis and The Godfather. Now thoughts turn to...

... who they'll cast as the film's cast, of course -- somebody playing Diane Keaton? Somebody playing Pacino and Brando? Will the fates finally align and we finally get to see Tom Hardy doing Brando proper instead of just making every character he plays a Brando impersonation? If anybody wants to make their best guessing assertions in the comments I'll have it, but who knows how much of the actual "making of the movie" we'll see (even though that's the fun part) -- this might be a lot of behind-the-scenes yapping with a cameo or two from the "faces." 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Good Morning, World

Twas Sir Tom Hardy's 43rd birthday three entire days ago (sidenote: now there's a question, do we think that Tom Hardy will ever be knighted?) and nary a peep round these parts -- really a shame, that. So I did some digging and came up with a treat I'd personally never seen before -- Tom rocking a pink lady robe and doing some extracurricular fucking in the 2009 UK TV miniseries The Take. Anybody seen The Take? I don't think I had even heard of The Take until today, but you can watch the entire thing on Tubi, turns out. 

Oh and PS the woman you'll see in the gifs down below having "relations" with Tom is the actress Kierston Wareing, who also had on-screen "relations" with Michael Fassbender in Fish Tank that exact same year... (On a sidenote she was really excellent in Fish Tank performance-wise too -- I even wrote about her at the time!)... making of Kierston Wareing our new overlord and queen, all bow the fuck down. I want to have a conversation with Kierston damn Wareing now! And hit the jump for belated birthday Tom...