Showing posts with label Alex O'Loughlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex O'Loughlin. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Good Morning, Gratuitous Daniel Dae Kim

Daniel Dae Kim was always fairly shy when he was on Lost, at least as far as it went with showing off that physique of his, so I was surprised when I found out he's been flashing his junk (not literally, sad face) left right and center on Hawaii Five-O. Yes, it is true, that show is still on. I know. It's CBS, man. They gotta fill their slots with something. And scenes of Daniel, Scott Caan, and Alex O'Loughlin coming in and out of the surf...

... that'll do it. 
Hit the jump for whole bunch more...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Alex O'Laughlin's Peek-A-Boo Tattoo

On the left is a picture of the actor Alex O'Loughlin at the beach in his spare time back in December (see more here); on the right is a picture of him on the set of his Hawaii 5-0 program yesterday. As you can see, this week's episode must be called "The Case of the Missing Tramp Stamp!" I'm assuming they cover that shit up with make-up for the show, and he didn't get the entire inkblot abomination lasered off in the past month, sadly. But thanks to the magic of that make-up we can look at him a little easier now this way. Here are a few more...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be... 

... making my best Hawaii Five Oh-Face.

(via) S'all great til Alex O'Laughlin turns around and reveals that Super Tramp Stamp. Good grief is that ever too too much. I'm almost afraid to see what's going on under those shorts. Note almost. Hit the jump for a few more pics.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Nick Jonas Movie Star

You probably already knew that Nick Jonas tossed his two brothers into the trash-can so he could dive head-first into becoming a movie star - well now we've got the teaser trailer (via) for his first effort, something called Careful What You Wish For. It looks (as expected) completely ridiculous, but also (as expected) smart enough to get Nick out of his clothes.

Nick will also be guest-starring on Hawaii Five-O sometime soon (oh please don't make me look up when) a fact the show chose to illuminate by releasing pictures of him without a shirt on. Do you think he shared a trailer with Scott Caan? I bet Scott insisted.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Good Morning, More Gratuitous Daniel Henney

We did a really fine gratuitous post for Daniel Henney way back in 2010 when he was co-starring in the first Wolverine movie (I want to say that "co-starring" makes his role seem bigger than it actually was, but I still haven't actually sat down and watched the first Wolverine movie from start to finish because, dude, life is too short, I just looked up all the naked Hugh Jackman bits and moved on) but seeing as how Daniel Henney looks like he does, there's been more gratuity of him let out into the world since then, thank the stars.

The stars, and other things. (These shots are from a 2012 movie called Shanghai Calling, by the way; you can watch the scene over here.) Henney's done some TV work since then - he was on that Three Rivers doctor show opposite Alex O'Laughlin, and... he was on Hawaii Five-O, opposite, um, Alex O'Laughlin...

Well now they got me thinking dirty thoughts. (As if I weren't there already.) Alright anyway hit the jump for a bunch more, including several really rather amazing shots of Daniel and our favorite "Koren Justin Timberlake" Rain getting up close and personal...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Good Morning, World


Why was Alex O'Loughlin touching himself on Hawaii Five-O?
He was remembering Scott Caan in Varsity Blues, right?


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Am Link

--- Am I Not Pretty Enough - Turns out that rumor about Robin McLeavy getting the part of Mary Todd Lincoln in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer wasn't completely wrong, just a little bit off character-wise - she's going to play Abe's mum. (Mary Elizabeth Winstead is Mary Todd.) If Trent Reznor were still going to be in the movie (he's not) we'd have gotten to see him kill her, the rumor goes. Anyway super-psyched she's getting a role here, even if it's a smaller one. She must get much work!

--- Bell Livia - io9 recapped this past Friday's episode of Fringe, which I am an asshole for forgetting to yell at y'all to watch. I'm sure you missed me yelling at you, so pretend I'm doing that here. Do it!

--- Divide This - BD's got a pair of clips from The Divide, which is the new horror flick from the director of Frontier(s), which was a pretty okay movie. Word out of SXSW on The Divide appears to be very good. It stars Milo Ventimiglia, who I was just wondering about the other day, and Michael Beihn, who I just saw be terrible in Take Me Home Tonight. It has to do with survivors of some sort of explosion in NYC trapped in their apartment building's basement.

--- Whacks of Axe - Perennial creep Chloe Sevigny (her creepiness is what I like about her, of course) is going to make an HBO miniseries about Lizzie Borden. Awesome! Has a movie been made about Lizzie before? I've never seen one. There was an episode of Friday the 13th: The Television Series that dealt with a wax figure of her coming to life that I remember really vividly though.

--- Alien Boy - Logan Marshall-Greene, aka Marisa Tomei's boy-toy, who kept me from clawing my eyes out during Devil by having those lush lips, has joined the cast of Ridley Scott's Prometheus, as the male lead or love interest or whatever. Not to Michael Fassbender's character, unfortunately. Let's hope that in space no one can keep their shirts on!

--- Tick Tick Boom - Where will Thomas Dekker go now that's he's been Gregg Araki's muse, Slant wonders.

--- And finally, here's a behind-the-scenes video of that pleasant shirtless shoot of Alex O'Laughlin that I posted the shots from last week. (via)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alex O'Loughlin Four Times


You can see previous gratuitous
appreciations of Alex here and here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Speak of the Sexy Devil...

... no sooner did I do my giant gratuitous posting on Mr. Alex O'Loughlin than did these new shots of him from his new movie (opposite J.Lo) called The Back-Up Plan appear. I predict stuff! The future, and stuff. Wow.

Anyway, here's a plan for you, Alex:
why don't you back up onto my...
oh dear, it's too early for that sort of thing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gratuitous Alex O'Loughlin


I'm suddenly seeing this Alex O'Loughlin dude everywhere. I guess it's press for some doctor show I will never ever ever watch (I am so done with doctor shows). But I was inspired to give him a look see due to this post by Kenneth and I'm glad I did because once you escape his current plucked-for-primetime look there is a furry bearded past that I find much more appealing (as seen above and below; most of these shots are from the same photo-shoot). I guess he was the star of that Angel rip-off show, Moonlight, a couple of years back (I refused that one on principal). He's an Aussie so any of you Aussie readers wanna give up some goods on him in the comments go to town. For now, we look. (all pics via)