Showing posts with label Aaron Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aaron Johnson. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Good Morning, World

Raise your hand if you suddenly want to be a water bottle! I believe this gif of Aaron Taylor-Johnson comes from one of the special features that will be on the blu-ray that's out on March 4th -- you can pre-order it right here if you'd like a look at those special features; the movie itself, well, that's up to you! It's not the worst superhero movie ever made -- Alessandro Nivola is a hell of a lot of fun and Aaron knows we're there to stare at his muscles and he dutifully obliges more than most actors in his postion. Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, all the Chrisses -- they usually gave us a single shirtless shot per movie but Aaron's bulging out all over this thing. Anyway hello it's Friday and I have perhaps never been happier about that fact -- let's get this weekend going already. I am cooked. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Sucking the Boys Dry At Home!

If you somehow haven't seen Robert Eggers' tremendous Nosferatu yet I will try not to judge you (oh wait, too late) and simply direct you to the streaming service Peacock, where the film is now available to stream from the comfort of your reclusive bubble. Here is my review of the film, which technically landed at #4 on my favorite movies of 2024 list but ask me another day it could've been my number one. Having watched it at home and in the theater (repeatedly) now I can say with certainty that the movie really benefits from the theatrical experience -- for one it's a dark movie...

People who complained about NOSFERATU being "too dark" really never watched GAME OF THRONES did they

[image or embed]

— Jason Adams ( February 11, 2025 at 8:22 PM

... although in a purposefully meted out way; this isn't sloppy darkness. It's painterly. But you need the screen to be large to really appreciate the detail of what's happening inside of Eggers' frames. But if it's to be at home you might be better off watching the 4K disc of the film as opposed to relying on the quality and strength of a streamer's transmission. But you do you! Just turn off all of the lights and let the mood envelope you. God I love this (sorta gay) movie. 

Friday, February 07, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Harding of Friedrich

There are several moments that made me gasp in Nosferatu, but none louder than when Aaron Taylor-Johnson revealed the very important and critical detail that his character of "Friedrich Harding" dresses to the left. And let us take this opportunity to congratulate the film's costume designer Linda Muir on her richly deserved Oscar nomination! See two more gifs from this moment right here -- there's another moment in the movie (seen here; thx Mac) where Aaron's constant co-star makes a similar cameo but it was this shot above that really shook me to my core, personally. Stormed my castle, even! I mean -- they're plaid pants, even! This was a message sent directly to me, I know it. In all seriousness I could 100% write a serious piece of criticism on the abundance of phallic imagery in Eggers' adaptation if, you know, I was a serious person. Instead we get bulge gifs! Awooga!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

We All Fall For Nosferatu

Some terrific physical media news landing in the last 12 hours (for those of you who know physical media is where it's at, and the rest of you who should learn just that) -- first up we've got the official release info for Robert Eggers' Nosferatu, of which you might have noticed I'm a fan (here is my review) -- this movie is out on VOD right this very moment! So if you missed it in theaters... well I think it's still in theaters, so go to a theater dammit. But if you're not able, rent it now. Fine! But that's not physical -- you can pre-order the 4K blu-ray right here, which streets on February 18th. The disc is loaded with special features, including excitingly an "extended cut" which I believe adds like 20 minutes to the movie? A lot of people complained the film was too long as is but I am not one of those people and can't wait to soak in the world Eggers created a bit longer. My assumption is there will be more of the side characters, and seeing as how the relationship between Aaron Taylor-Johnson & Emma Corrin's characters is a thread I really love in the film that felt a bit too brief to me I'd love more of them. (Anyone saying ATJ is the weak link in the film is incorrect -- I think it's his best work ever.) 

But wait -- that's not all! Another masterpiece got an announcement -- the folks at Umbrella Entertainment down in Austrailia have announced their 4K box-set of The Cell director Tarsem's long long long out-of-print 2006 The Fall starring Lee Pace. This movie basically vanished the movie is arrived, flopping in theaters and barely making a dent on home video but last year a 4K restoration appeared and this is the first announcement of its imminent homeward drop. I am recommending patience and some caution here though if you're in the U.S. -- Mubi released the 4K restoration here in the U.S. and my guess is they'll be dropping a 4K disc of their own here in the States that will be far more reasonably priced and just hasn't been announced yet. I ordered Umbrella's box myself because...

... Umbrella is in my opinion making the best, most beautiful physical media sets in the business right now,. But they are pretty expensive and shipping is outrageous if you don't buy enough to get yourself over the free shipping threshold. What I do is I usually wait for several things to be announced over the course of a few months and then I get them all in one big splurge. Thankfully Umbrella also announced a box-set of Thai horror movies and the tremendous 2004 horror film Shutter (first time on 4K anywhere) so that wasn't difficult this time. These all hit in May -- when Mubi announces the U.S. version I will come back and post again!

In more immediate news -- instant gratification, baby! -- three Quentin tarantino movies hit 4K today, including his greatest film of them all 1997's Jackie Brown. That along with both of the Kill Bill films can be bought on Lionsgate's website, where they've begun putting out special editions of their films! A wonderful development for us physical media nerds when a lot of studios seem to be taking the exact opposite approach and turning their backs on physical releases so they can make you rent occasional access to them on streaming services forever and ever, isntead of woning the damn movie permanently as the movie gods truly intended. We love to see it! Coming up next from Liosgate are special editions of You're Next and The Third Man, which can also be bought at that link. Everybody give Lionsgate a hand!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

He Is Coming

Very important news! Robert Eggers' brilliant new Nosferatu will be hitting physical media at some point in 2025 and if you click here you can pre-order the 4K steelbook right now! They have Christmas marked as the release date at the link but I think that's just a temporary marker that will be changed when they have the actual date although who knows -- it is a verified Christmas movie after all! Here is my review if you missed it -- this movie will feature well in my eventual "Best of 2024" lists, have no fear -- I re-watched it for I think the fifth time last night and I love it more with every viewing. And for once my tastes seem to be matching up with the mainstream because Fangoria reported today that the film just passed 100 million dollars world-wide, a first for Eggers! Huzzah! I love thinking he might get a blank check for whatever he wants to do next! 

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Robert Eggers' "Fresh Hell"

Oh! One other cool thing happened over the holiday that I'd totally forgotten -- it happened after all on the 23rd, right at the start of my time off, so I can be excused. And yes this is some self-love (nee obsession) but so be it -- I got quoted in a Nosferatu trailer! It's a millisecond quote in a Facebook trailer but whatever -- and I know some people think it's gauche to care about blurb-whoring but I hope I never lose this thrill I feel about it. It always makes me feel like I'm patting Lil' Me on the head and saying, "Hey kid, you obsession with movies in place of 'having friends' will one day reap some okay benefits." And I never write my reviews -- read my Nosferatu review here -- with blurbs in mind, peppering adjectives about like M&Ms for the P.R. E.T.s to follow. I am always shocked when they're able to pull something from my rambling twaddle. But I really wanted to get into a Nosferatu trailer since it's my beloved Robert Eggers and I loved this movie so much. This one made me super giddy. Here's the clip (forewarning it's terrible quality since I had to record it off of Facebook):

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Nosferatu Day!

Robert Eggers' Nosferatu is out in theaters today! Go see it -- here is my review! It's an icy gothic treat -- I've seen it four times now and I personally love it more with every watch. They saved this story in their PR push for right up to the end but above you'll see a photo of Nicholas Hoult with a framed Nosferatu prosthetic penis (with a closer shot of the rotted junk below) -- read the backstory over here. It's the perfect note to end this perverted movie's press on and riddle with your holiday with syphilitic cheer! Merry merry!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Alessandro I Want For Chistmas...

Because he has three yes count them three movies out in theaters now -- Kraven the Hunter came out last week (read my quick thoughts here) while Brady Corbet's The Brutalist (read my review here) and Pedro Almodovar's The Room Next Door (wonderful but not reviewed by me) are both out now -- we have been blessed with not just one but two count them two photoshoots of Alessandro Nivola this week! This first one is for Sharp magazine and there's a chat with him at that link as well; the same goes for Anthem magazine, and you'll see those photos down below. Before that though, an aside -- there's a chance this post will be our last until the holidays are upon us, happening, and then history. Which is to say I'm not sure if I'll be online tomorrow and after that I'm definitely off until January 2nd of the year 2025. If that's not the case I suppose you'll know when I start rambling on here tomorrow. But if not -- Happy Holidays, everyone! And consider this collection o' Nivola my gifts to you, right on after the jump...

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Nicholas Hoult Fourteen Times

I did a "Do Dump or Marry" post for the three main dudes in Robert Eggers' Nosferatu back on Friday and I learned one thing about each and every single one of us -- every single one of us wants to marry Nicholas Hoult. And I get it -- I am not just a member, I am President of this Fan Club. If this child actor is as well-adjusted as he seems to be then it's one of the rare times that the movie industry deserves a pat on the back -- not only did he grow up into a total swoon-eyed dreamboat and a real talent, he comes across as kind and decent; a real good egg. Who knows if it's the truth -- publicists get paid a lot of money to do what they do -- but I'm buying it right now. (And I'm supposed to be in a room with him tonight at a Nosferatu screening so I'll report back! Read my already posted review right here!) Anyway let's get back to the swoon-eyed dreamboat thing. Nicky is on the cover of Flaunt magaine this month and they took some fine snaps and you can see them after the jump...

Friday, December 13, 2024

Do Dump or Marry: The Nosfera-Dudes

Director Robert Eggers' magnificent new take on Nosferatu premiered in Los Angeles last evening and all the goth hotties were on hand (including that other Skarsgard buddying up to his Northman director). But most importantly these three hunks knew well enough to get some photos together at the after-party, because they are smart and kind. And if you're white-guy-blind they are Nicholas Hoult, Bill Skarsgård, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. And even if the movie isn't out for a couple of weeks this still seems like a good moment since we have them here to ask our perrenial "Do Dump or Marry" query! Pick one actor to have a single night of passionate embrace with, one actor to drive a stake through the center of, and one to swap blood with to share a darkly romantic eternity together -- in the comments please and thanks! (And then go read my review of the movie over at Pajiba, also please and thank you.) Nosferatu hits theaters on Christmas Day! And yes even better it is in text a Christmas movie! New yule classic y'all!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Kraven the Hunter in 450 Words or Less

You know that scene in the fourth Indiana Jones movie where Indiana finds himself inside the fake small town in the middle of the desert and realizes all of the families therein are mannequins and the fruit is plastic and it's really just a staged world that the military has set up in order to drop a nuke on? Sometimes I wonder if we sneaked past the security guards and got into the offices of Sony Pictures if it might not be just like that. Nothing but cardboard walls and doors that open onto bricks. Because it boggles the mind that there could actually be human beings behind the decisions they keep making for their superhero movies. They feel like the "monkeys with typewriters" scenario brought to life, or perhaps a league of Coneheads pretending to be Earth people but getting each step just a hair off, one after another, until a smorgasboard of gibberish spills out its ass-end. This is textbook Bad Movie behavior.

But that doesn't mean there's not a good helping of true WTF fun to be had out of Kraven the Hunter anyway. Yes, Sony's latest and opposite-of-greatest stab at the genre somehow manages to make the glory days of Madame Web feel fonder. But none of these actors are to blame. This troupe of thesps know what they're up against and dammit they keep fighting the fight, one camp whisper to another, winding through the marauding CG mayhem. Leading man slash abdominal billboard Aaron Taylor-Johnson is ultimately done in by the movie's frankensteined incoherence, but our boy tries his damndest to yank it together with every one of those big beautiful muscles of his. He does not succeed! But he's having fun most of the time, and he manages to get some of that across whenever the movie lumbers out of his way for a split second. 

But best of all -- Alessandro Nivola as the ridiculous baddie is legit great, lifting the movie unto absurdist heaven whenever he appears. (And not for nothing he looks as hot as he's ever looked on-screen, his tight white dress shirt and strappy little backpack doing the lord's work.) Nivola is a real riot, chewing every dumb line of dialogue right up, and when he does this silent scream thing about halfway into the movie it instantaneously paid for my ticket in full. (Well okay I didn't pay for a ticket thankfully, but this moment would have had I.) None of this is enough to save the movie from itself, but I wasn't angry when I left the theater. Just deeply suspicious about those Sony offices filled with outer space mannequins, is all...

Pics of the Day

I attended the premiere of Sony's latest stab at superhero dominance Kraven the Hunter last night here in NYC and above are a few photos I snapped of the film's cast introducing the film -- that includes MNPP faves Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alessandro Nivola, and Fred Hechinger. (If only Christopher Abbott had shown and given me a full quartet of crushes.) Not the greatest quality snaps since I was in the balcony but better than they have any right being -- the latest iPhone camera really is a wonder of modern technology. Anyway Kraven is finally out on Friday, and I suppose I'll have some words to share on the movie itself before the week is out so stay tuned...

Monday, December 02, 2024

Tonight We Feast!

I never ever do this because I am always woefully running behind but my review of Robert Eggers' Nosferatu was burning a hole in my brain so I have it for you, today, at the exact second the review embargo has broken! The movie isn't out until Christmas Day but I just wanted to get the word out as soon as my purpled fingers could muster -- click here to read my thoughts on the film at Pajiba. To say I loved it would be uhhh fair, I would wager. (I've already seen it three times!) Go buy your tickets!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Which is Hotter?

A batch of five character posters for Robert Eggers upcoming remake of Nosferatu dropped this morning -- notably twas none included for the titular role, as they have so far kept Bill Skarsgård's vampire look deliciously out of sight (and I hope it stays that way until the movie is out). But since I will take any measly excuse to post about this movie, by leaps and bounds my most anticipated for the remainder of the year, let's put Nicholas Hoult's look up against Aaron Taylor-Johnson's this here Halloween afternoon!

Nosferatu is out on Christmas damn day!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Pic of the Day

A new photo of Nicholas Hoult in Robert Eggers' Nosferatu has been released -- huzzah! And listen I know I over-use "huzzah" in the wake of watching The Great, but since we're talking about Nicholas Hoult, star of The Great, it's called for this time. The full image is down below (via, thx Mac) with its annoying watermark included since I no longer have Photoshop, sighhh. That said the full image is really killer -- the colors, the blood, the snapping black dogs. I love all of it. Also Nicky in a poofy shirt and suspenders is pretty choice too, obviously. Nosferatu comes out on Christmas and is probably I think at this point the only movie left of 2024 that I am really dying to see? Now that I have seen Queer (twice!) it's nothing but Nosferatu!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... sharing a fag with Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (via

Gahhhhh this devil knows what he is doing. He's too much. Too too much. And yet... just right. Hit the jump for several more photos he just shared from a recent trip with his missus...

Monday, September 23, 2024

Real Quick, By Billy

Hey everybody! Happy Monday. Just popping by real fast to lay down a reminder that it's NYFF time and posting will be real sporadic for the next couple of weeks as I'm in press screenings et cetera for that until the middle of October. And then it's NewFest and Brooklyn Horror Fest time and I'll be attending / enjoying those for the week after that. Very busy few weeks! So instead of me saying this every time I'm not here, just assume it's that -- don't call your local fire stations or hospitals, I have (probably) not fallen down a well. Fallen down a hole of Aaron Taylor-Johnson photos? Maybe! That's somewhat more likely. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

97 Days...

... until Nosferatu!

And there is the first poster. 
Still no proper look at Billy boy in the titular role
and I hope they keep it that way.
I saw the trailer on the big screen last week
and holy unholy hell did it look good real big.