Showing posts with label Chris Pine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Pine. Show all posts

Monday, April 03, 2023

Play With Me

I have been lousy about linking from here to all of the lists I've been rounding up at Mashable over the past few weeks, so a reminder: you can see all of my Mashable pieces if you click on this link. The above gif of Daniel Craig in Tomb Raider is a reference to my most recent one, where I told all the people of the world "The 10 Greatest Movies Based On Games," see that one right here. It's been a stellar couple of years for people finally figuring out what to do with video-game adaptations in particular -- we'll see if that carries over to the Super Mario movie, which I am seeing tonight! (I have my doubts, and they are shaped like Chris Pratt!) Here's that movie's trailer if you haven't seen it yet:

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Chris Pine Twelve Times

Just yesterday, when confronted twice with The World's Ugliest Shirt, I briefly alluded to having some issues with where Fashion is right now -- enter this Chris Pine cover-shoot for Esquire magazine to test my limits! Thing about these photos is -- these is a lot of look going on here. But I actually dig about three-quarters of the pieces on display (and no I am not using "piece" as a euphemism for Chris Pine, although I could! Especially with that salt-and-pepper beard, good grief.) There are just little touches that go a whisper too far -- all the cleavage and chains and silky little scarves, lord -- but Pine is mostly pulling it off. At least none of it is flatly unflattering and hideous, I guess, is my point. That equals a good shoot these days! Hit the jump for it all...

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Good Morning, World

Funny enough I have never seen the 2006 film Blind Dating which has Chris Pine playing a blind person falling in love with an Indian woman -- there's actually nothing funny about that, even in the sarcastic tone I intended, it just is. I would be surprised if any of you have seen it though, to be honest. I think you've got to be a serious Chris Pine Stan to've filled this specific slot. 

So... any giant Chris Pine Stans in the house? It's his 40th birthday today and we wish him a happy one -- he's proven super cool over the course of the pandemic, with his stylish masked pap-walks; we do stan a mask wearer, just ask Colin Farrell. He's risen on my Chris Chart thanks to the masks, while Hemsworth has fallen.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

The Hours (2002)

Virginia: I'm dying in this town.
Leonard: If you were thinking clearly, Virginia,
you would recall it was London that brought you low.
Virginia: If I were thinking clearly? If I were thinking clearly?
Leonard: We brought you to Richmond to give you peace.
Virginia: If I were thinking clearly, Leonard, I would tell you
that I wrestle alone in the dark, in the deep dark, and that only
I can know. Only I can understand my condition. You live
with the threat, you tell me you live with the threat
of my extinction. Leonard, I live with it too.

A happy 62 to Stephen Dillane, one of this film's many many hidden treasures (speaking of Toni Collette, which we just were) -- Nicole won her Oscar for this scene but it wouldn't have been this scene without Stephen there. I keep hoping he'll get a really prime role but the closest he's come was his time spent in Westeros as Stannis the witch-fucker. To anyone who's watched it, did he have much to do in Outlaw King? I still haven't watched it -- once you've seen Chris Pine's peen there's not much hurry, I guess. Speaking of Stephen Dillane and peen though, have ya seen this ol' post of mine...?

Friday, January 25, 2019

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Demonlover (2002)
Diane de Monx: You didn't see anything.
No one sees anything. Ever. They watch...
But they don't understand.

Today is the 64th birthday of the director and genius Olivier Assayas (every year his birthday rolls around I'm like, "What, he is how old? How?") and this gives me a fine opportunity to mention two things. One, I can't believe I still haven't watched Demonlover! Note to self: "Hey you! Watch Demonlover already!" 

And two, Demonlover stars Connie Nielsen, and Connie Nielson has what I consider the juiciest most memorable role in the TV series called I Am the Night that's premiering on TNT this weekend. I've been telling you about this series since last summer when the first trailer premiered - it stars Chris Pine as a drunken detective type in 1960s Hollywood and delves into the infamous "Black Dahlia" murder. Nielsen plays a wealthy artist with a penchant for caftans and cigarette holders (as pictured above) and has my single favorite scene in the entire run of six episodes, involving one of her "art pieces." It is to die for. Every time Nielsen's on-screen is gold.

The show (which reunites Pine with his Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins and reunites Jenkins with her Monster milieu of horrific murder) is maybe now and then a little derivative of True Detective's first season and lead actress India Eisley feels a little green at times, but I still recommend giving the show a shot -- despite her greenness  (or maybe because of it) I actually came to like Eisley a lot by the end, and there are moment when Jenkins investigates Ye Olde Tale of Men Killing Women in unexpected ways. Not to mention there's always this...

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Good Morning, World

Me realizing I still haven't watched Outlaw King on Netflix yet -- have any of you? There is, like, a movie around that penis, right?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I Am Link

Well I haven't done one of these link round-up posts in ages and ages; they're time-consuming and what with that steady stream of film fests I was caught up in for a couple of months there twasn't meant to be. There's all sorts of news I've missed mentioning, but I'm going to try to keep these links more recent, since one assumes you guys get your news from other places. I know, I know, a nutso assumption, but we'll entertain the thought for today. Here goes...

--- Crazy Rich Christmas - Gorgeous Henry Golding was to the shock of nobody looking gorgeous and exuding charm in Paul Feig's A Simple Favor earlier this year, and so it wasn't a shock when Feig announced he was re-teaming with the Crazy Rich Asians star for his next project, a romantic holiday comedy called Last Christmas that'll have him wooing the elf-pants right off of the mother of dragons herself, Emilia Clarke. Today's news that Henry's CRA co-star and eternal goddess Michelle Yeoh is joining the cast though, that's something to jig fresh over.

--- Divine Interference - I'm heading down to Baltimore myself in a couple of weeks to see the John Waters exhibit that the Baltimore Museum of Art is currently staging, I'll surely report back on that once I do, but if you'd rather hear what John Waters himself has to say on it well I suppose you could click right here for a chat with him in the Washington Post. (thx Mac)

--- Bateman Below - As if the Muriel's Wedding musical wasn't enough to already have me contemplating throwing out my thumb to catch a ride Down Under now the entire continent of Australia is really going out of its way to make me crazy, musical-style - they're staging my beloved American Psycho musical in Sydney in the spring. The only show I've ever gone to see thrice! I don't know who Ben Gerrard is, I guess he's a well-known personality down there, but it's a shame they couldn't coax Benjamin Walker out of whatever hole Meryl Streep tossed him into after he abandoned that Gummer.

--- The Next Killer - Have you guys watched Cam on Netflix yet? The "cam girl" horror movie starring Madeline Brewer from The Handmaid's Tale? Here's my review in case you need convincing - the movie is very smart and fine and I recommend it. Well writer Isa Mazzei and director Daniel Goldhaber, the team behind the film, just let slip that they're teaming back up to make another horror flick next - it's a "semi-autobiographical" female-led serial-killer flick. Mazzei also reassures that the "semi" means she is not a serial killer, so that's good. In related here's a chat with Madeline Brewer about Cam.

--- Follow That Bird - Being so busy the past week I've fallen an episode behind on Park Chan-wook's miniseries The Little Drummer Girl, but if you've happened to be on Twitter while I am watching an episode then you know I am mad about what I have seen so far - it's gorgeous stuff. And happily the Atlantic got to chat with PCW about the visual style, particularly the show's vibrant color palette, you can read it all right here. I'm holding off on reading the article til the show's done myself though, since I don't want to color, har har, the experience of watching the show as it unfolds.

--- Twits Ahead - Every time a new Roald Dahl adaptation has come up over the years, and there have been many, I've always whined about the one story of his that nobody was adapting, his 1980 book The Twits, which was a childhood fave. It's an over-the-top goofy and brief book so whining aside I've always mostly understood why nobody's bothered. But now comes word that Netflix is making "an exclusive new and first-of-its-kind slate of original animated event series and specials" based on all of Dahl's works - basically it sounds like they're doing for Dahl what Castle Rock did for Stephen King and creating a "shared universe." So I expect me some Twits!

--- And Finally a new trailer for Patty Jenkins' miniseries I Am the Night with her Wonder Woman leading man Chris Pine popped up earlier this week - we shared the first look at the show back in June right here; this is about the Black Dahlia killing in Los Angeles in 1949. The series premieres at the tail-end of January. Watch:

Friday, November 09, 2018

Good Morning, World

It seems appropriate to share these shots of Billy Howle skinny-dipping from a great distance in this year's film version of The Seagull this morning because 1) it's Billy's 29th birthday today (see lots more of Billy here)...

... and 2) his film Outlaw King is out on Netflix this morning, which has already become infamous for a "from a distance" skinny-dipping scene, one by Billy's co-star this time, one Christopher Pine. Wanna see what all the "Chris Pine Penis!" headlines have been all about? You'll have to hit the jump for that...

Monday, September 10, 2018

Aaron's Come to Play

It seems like there have been two things being said on repeat from the Toronto Film Festival this past week -- that every single movie that's screened has been amazing, or that every single movie is full of penises. Basically, my point is, this obviously should have been the year I went to Toronto. Oh well! I haven't heard anything about Sam Taylor-Johnson's adaptation of A Million Little Pieces yet but Vanity Fair spoke to her (thx Mac) about directing her husband - you know, Aaron - and we got this tidbit:

"Sam also decided to show her husband fully nude in an opening sequence featuring Frey at the depth of his addiction, thrashing about in a drug den in trippy slow-motion. Sam explained the choice was a practical one: “Right at the beginning of the movie, we had to really show him at a point so far removed from himself that there’s no awareness. There’s no awareness of his nakedness, there’s no awareness of what he’s doing is . . . there’s just a sort of loss of self and being in a room full of people just stripping down and wild. . . . So that kind of opens and gives you immediately the sense of, ‘O.K., he’s completely lost and self-destructive.’ . . . I guess, with the first scene, that nudity and nakedness and rawness was us literally trying to show we’ve stripped him completely bare of anything, everything. And yeah, and this is him.”

When I heard that Chris Pine was doing the full-frontal thing in Outlaw King I have to admit I was a little bit like, "Well what about his co-star Aaron Taylor-Johnson?" So this news brightens my morning. There's room for everybody's dicks, hooray!

Friday, September 07, 2018

I Am Link

--- Devil Will Care - Since directing the marvelously unnerving Christine (with a marvelous performance from Rebecca Hall at its center) a couple of years ago Antonio Campos has been working on the TV show The Sinner, which I have heard good stuff about but haven't gotten around to. But now he's back to movies, and his new one has lined up a killer cast - The Devil All the Time will star Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Mia Wasikowska, Chris Evans and Tracy Letts! Also, Chris Evans is playing an evil sheriff! Holy smokes sign me up.
--- And Good Day Mommy - The seriously fucked up 2015 Austiran horror film Goodnight Mommy is apparently getting a remake, which is maybe probably a terrible idea - they're never going to make a movie as fucked up as those Austrians did. Attached to the remake is director Matt Sobel, whose 2015 film called Take Me To the River I have not seen; have you? Anyway I recently told you the Austrian duo of directors behind Goodnight Mommy are working on a US-based movie next starring Riley Keough.
--- Wood From Pine - The big news out of Toronto yesterday was just our sort of "big" news - supposedly Chris Pine puts his Captain James T. Kirk on display in Outlaw King, the forthcoming 14th century Scottish battle movie starring him and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (Previous post here.) Is it too much to ask for a sword-fight between Chris and Aaron then? Should I just be happy with one dick? Never! Never I say! Anyway Empire has a new image from the movie (and no before you ask it is not of his dick), which is out on Netflix (invest in a big screen HD TV stat!) on November 9th. 
--- Hard Architecture - I guess I won't be seeing former actor Brady Corbet slumming around movie screenings much anymore like I used to, constantly, since he's gone off and become an accomplished director - his first film Childhood of a Leader got good reviews in 2015 and his latest starring Natalie Portman called Vox Lux got raves in Venice. He's just announced his next film and it's centered on one of my favorite subjects - Brutalist Architecture! (No really, I fucking adore Brutalism.) The movie is called, aptly, The Brutalist, and "follows a Hungarian-born Jewish architect in 1947 that emigrates to the United States for a better life; after his initial failures, he finds that the course of his life is changed in his new home." Okay sure, let's see who he gets for the lead.
--- The Adam To Her - A few weeks ago there were some claims of hypocrisy being flung at Jessica Chastain (who's been a leading voice among women in Hollywood regarding gender issues) for hiring known spousal abuser Matthew Newton to direct her next movie - well Newton's quietly been fired and The Help's Tate Taylor has taken over the project, which is called Eve and stars Chastain as an assassin. And now comes word that Colin Farrell will star opposite her, which is why I am here even talking about this. Colin will play her boss.
--- Dook Dook Dick - But speaking of movies that premiered at Venice recently, I had totally missed that Jennifer Kent's follow-up to The Babadook was playing there! It's called The Nightingale, and we've told you about it several times - it stars Aisling Franciosi from Game of Thrones and Sam Claflin from you know who Sam Claflin is. Anyway the film got some headlines because apparently some asshole in the audience shouted sexist shit about Kent, whose presence there was already somewhat tense because she was the only female director represented at the fest this year. Seriously though, fuck that dude.
--- Quite The Sting - There are a lot of killer casts getting announced this week but this one might take the cake - Olivier Assayas next movie is called Wasp Network and it's about Cuban spies and it will star, deep breath Penélope Cruz and Gael García Bernal and Wagner Moura (mmm) and Pedro Pascal and Edgar Ramirez. That's more sex appeal than you can shake a stick at, and given how sexy Assayas movies can often be... well, we will all probably be shaking our sticks at this thing. Just like Edgar Ramirez did in Carlos! Just like that.
--- Spice Up Your Life - I was kind of hoping that the second person who'd join the cast of Denis Villenueve's forthcoming Dune adaptation (after Timothée Chalamet in the lead, of course) would be Armie Hammer, because of course I was. But seriously, Armie would make a great Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, you guys. And I don't say that just because I want to see him rock those little metal-winged-underpants that Sting did in David Lynch's film. (Not just, anyway.) But no the second name attached is Rebecca Ferguson, which is also cool, I liked her a lot in her two Mission Impossible movies. No word on who she's playing. In summation, Timmy is in Toronto right now for Beautiful Boy and is showing off his adorably dorky haircut for The King, which he is on break from filming, and awwww...

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

MilMilo: Have you read "Marley and Me?"
Maggie: Yeah. Sad.
Milo: Why is it sad?
Maggie: You don't know what happens?
Milo: No, that's why I'm reading it.
Maggie: Sorry.
Milo: What?
Maggie: Nothing.
Milo: Does the dog die at the end?
Maggie: No. I didn't say that.
Milo: The fucking dog dies at the end.
Maggie: I'm didn't - I'm not saying anything!
Milo: Look how much I had left!
Maggie: I'm sorry I ruined it.
Milo: Maggie, I know the dog dies. Everyone knows
the dog dies. It's the book where the dog dies.

A happy 45 to Kristen Wiig today! 
Who else is so excited to see her play Cheetah in the 
Wonder Woman sequel that they can hardly breathe?

Monday, July 02, 2018

I Am The Pine

I don't know about you but when I think about the infamous "Black Dahlia" murder all I think of is Fiona Shaw chewing on curtains and Josh Hartnett's butt, and that's not at all respectful to a real murder victim, so I hope that Patty Jenkins' forthcoming miniseries for TNT called I Am The Night (reuniting her with Wonder Woman co-star Chris Pine) which deals with the case, might right that wrong. Or maybe I'll just come away with...

... Chris Pine getting manhandled by cops, 
I guess we'll have to wait and see. What an exciting mystery!
I Am The Night airs in January.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Good Morning, World

The trailer for Sorry to Bother You hit the internet yesterday so we shall share it with you here on this Monday morning! We've been looking forward to this one ever since Armie Hammer joining the cast brought it to our attention - it stars Lakeith Stanfield...

... also a very fine reason for being excited, obviously, as a telemarketer who's great at his job because he does a killer "white person voice" and Tessa Thompson as his Gal Friday while Armie plays his insane seeming (and according to reviews cocaine and orgy fueled) boss...

Armie is doing "Chris Pine" there right? That outfit and the beard couldn't be more "Chris Pine" if it emanated out from inside a tesseract with Oprah Winfrey attached to it. 

(Yes I saw A Wrinkle in Time and yes I clearly left it with no idea what the science of it was supposed to be.) Anyway the reviews of this movie from Sundance made it sound crazy (in the way I dig "crazy") and the trailer is giving me some serious Spike Lee meets Michel Gondry vibes, so I'm there. But then...

... we already knew that. 
Here's the trailer:

Sorry To Bother You is out on June 6th.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Pugh is Park's Little Drummer Girl

I paid a lot of attention to her co-star Cosmo Jarvis (because I know my audience and our predilection for furry little fuckboys) when Lady Macbeth came out earlier this year, but it should be known I thought that Florence Pugh in the lead role was fuckin-a fantastic. And so today's big news that she is going to star in a miniseries adaptation of John Le Carre's book The Little Drummer Girl for no less than PARK CHAN-WOOK... well that is exciting, you guys. Here's what TLDG is about via Amazon:

"On holiday in Mykonos, Charlie wants only sunny days and a brief escape from England’s bourgeois dreariness. Then a handsome stranger lures the aspiring actress away from her pals—but his intentions are far from romantic. Joseph is an Israeli intelligence officer, and Charlie has been wooed to flush out the leader of a Palestinian terrorist group responsible for a string of deadly bombings. Still uncertain of her own allegiances, she debuts in the role of a lifetime as a double agent in the “theatre of the real.” Haunting and deeply atmospheric, John le Carré’s The Little Drummer Girl is a virtuoso performance and a powerful examination of morality and justice."

Have any of you read it? This is Park's first project since The Handmaiden blew our socks off (after blowing up our knickers) last yea; Pugh meanwhile's got a ton stacked up on her late, including a WWE family comedy with The Rock & Lena Headey (okay????), that Liam Neeson movie set on a train, and being the token female in that movie starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson's gigantic beard that I told you about. I have to say that this here project with Park looks the most promising for her out of that batch. (Although I am totally into the Liam Neeson train movie, but my guess is her role isn't huge.)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Aaron Taylor Johnson's Chinny Chin Chin

I don't know why it only just occurred to me this morning via this new picture taken by Aaron's wife that that luxurious beard that he's been sporting for awhile now must be for a role - and sure enough a quick check shows the only project he's got officially lined up right now is a movie called Outlaw King from Hell or High Water and Starred Up director David Mackenzie. The movie stars High Water's leading man Chris Pine, and is described thus:

"A true David v Goliath story of how the great 14th Century Scottish 'Outlaw King' Robert The Bruce (Pine) used cunning and bravery to defeat and repel the much larger and better equipped occupying English army. "

Aaron is playing James Douglas, who was a real dude - read his Wiki here if you care to; there's a drawing of what the dude looked like even. I figured he'd be the face of the English side but Douglas is Scottish, so I guess we're going to hear Aaron's stab at a brogue. I'm turned on already. Anyway there that's your history lesson for the day. And via IMDB comes this shot of Chris Pine in character:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Jai's Gotten All Wet & Hot For Us

I know I watched the Wet Hot American Summer prequel series on Netflix subtitled First Day of Camp when it was released in 2015, I know I watched it like the day it was released, but it's weird - I remember basically nothing about it. I suppose I should re-watch? Any opinions on it from y'all? Anyway the sequel, long promised, subtitled Ten Years Later is dropping on August 4th and look who is showing up!

I might be the only person who watches that trailer, stuffed with comedy legends, and cares most about Jai Courtney being there, but I yam who I yam and who I yam is a Jai stan. (I should have that tattooed on my right butt cheek, probably.) Anyway do you guys think Amy Poehler had her pick of suitor, and she demanded Jai? I like to think that is what happened - she flipped through a catalog - I'll take that one! Here's the trailer:

In conclusion...

 ... what are you doing, Chris Pine???

Thursday, June 15, 2017

I Am Link

--- We All Come At Night - I know that audiences are apparently all pissed off about the misleading commercials for It Comes at Night but... well I don't give a shit, I loved it. (Here's my review.) The disconnect between this sort of thing (meaning "other people" and "me people" has played out so often when it comes to slow arty horror movies at this point I am not moved by it. (Ever since general audiences gave Wolf Creek an "F" I have no time for them!) Anyway if you saw the movie tell me your thoughts and feelings, and in exchange I will link you over to this amusing bit of behind-the-scenes - Black Phillip, the already legendary goat from The Witch, makes a cameo!

--- Cherish Is The Word - Lisa Kudrow & The Comeback Crew (except for Robert Michael Morris, RIP) were at a TV festival in Austin several days ago and they didn't officially announce a third season of the show like I was hoping they would but Kudrow did tell the crowd that a third season is a distinct possibility. Even though the second season had a note perfect ending, I thought, I really do believe we'll see Valerie Cherish again - the character is still too ripe and rich for her not to. In related news I sure do miss Kellan Lutz' bare breasts. Make sure they tag along!

--- A Death Is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Did I somehow entirely miss the news that Eli Roth is remaking Death Wish - the brutal 1974 Charles Bronson revenge classic - with Bruce Willis? I checked and I never posted about it but the news doesn't seem entirely new...? I don't know. There's too much damn news and so much of it sounds the same. Eli Roth remaking Death Wish with Bruce Willis just seems about right. So anyway the movie has just been dated for November 22nd, so plan your Thanksgivings accordingly. (Whcih reminds me - where the hell is Eli's Thanksgiving slasher movie???) As an aisde I have never seen Death Wish. Should I?

--- The Red Woman - By now you have probably heard that Jessica Chastain is going to play the Big Bad in the next X-Men movie, which will revisit the previously mucked up tale of Dark Phoenix. Well technically Phoenix (aka Jean Grey aka Sansa from A Game of Thrones) is the Big Bad, but we're supposed to love her too much to feel that way and side against the people that want to stop her from blowing up all existence. Also good news - Fassbender is returning. I hope they do a decent job. I haven't read a ton of superhero comics but I read the Dark Phoenix saga and that shit is good.

--- Good N Scary - Our good friend Joe Reid made quite the marvel of a list of the Best Horror Movies of the 2010s over at Decider -- click on over and he'll tell you why they rock and where you can watch them all right this minute.

--- Everything Wonderful - I don't know about you but I'm sure not done thinking about and enjoying thinking about Wonder Woman, so here go forth and take in Nathaniel's list of 10 Best Moments in Patty Jenkins' already classic superhero movie over at The Film Experience. I mean if it was me making that list I would have found somewhere to stuff Chris Pine's junk, but then that's usually a concern of mine, even if we're not even talking about Wonder Woman specifically.

--- Speaking Of Super - I know everybody's hoping that Joss Whedon taking over Justice League after director Zack Snyder's personal tragedy (his daughter committed suicide recently) will mean big positive things for the movie since we've all been feeling a bit over Snyder's aesthetic for a bit, and I was right there with you, but I also sort of felt it might be too late to change the project much... but the news that Whedon just canned the old composer and has hired in his place Mr. Danny Elfman.. well, it means something? Elfman's music for the first two Batmans is iconic.... but Elfman's music for the past fifteen years give or take not so much. But hell, if he just reuses his old Batman music that would be fine. Do that.

--- And Finally a clip from the just about to start second season of Preacher has been released via EW, and from what I hear (I haven't had a chance to watch it yet) it involves some dick talk. Okay "circumcision talk" but when Dominic Cooper is in the room you'll have to excuse me for thinking about dicks, it like the thing in Six Degrees of Separation about elephants. Only with dicks.


Monday, June 05, 2017

Good Morning, World

I figured we're all still riding high on our Wonder Woman buzz this Monday morning - did y'all go see it? It it so great! - so why not start the day with a little Chris Pine - so charming in the film and with such effortless chemistry with his leading lady - to savor? I actually have no idea what film these gifs are from though, I just snatched them off of Google - is it one of the Star Treks maybe? Anyway what we're really waiting for is his nude scene in WW to leak onto the internet, but until then...

Friday, February 24, 2017

10 Off My Head: Best Picture Ranked

I feel as if I have to say something, anything, about the Oscars since they are this weekend and I do present myself as a movie-lover. Of course one could argue that truly loving the movies makes loving or even liking the Oscars at best a sadistic enterprise and at worst an abominable hypocrisy, but... well let's not argue either of those things just for today. Instead I see some people on the Twitter ranking the Best Picture nominees from best to worst as they individually see it, and I figure I can do that much at least.  I mean I only actually like four of the movies nominated, but let's try anyway! Positivity, ho!

2017 Best Picture Nominees, 
Ranked Top To Bottom, Says Me

1. Moonlight 
2. Arrival (review)
3. Manchester By The Sea (review)
4. Lion (review)
5. La La Land (review)
6. Hidden Figures
7. Hell or High Water (review)
8. Fences (review)
9. Hacksaw Ridge (review)

No surprise that Mel Gibson made the perfect "Bottom." Aaaanyway no I don't understand why I never reviewed Moonlight either. That's very strange! I have seen it two or three times now and it's beautiful and moving cinema. It isn't my favorite movie of 2016 (in fact there are at least two movies that would rank higher if I'd ever get around to making such lists again) but it's up there. 

The other movie I didn't review is Hidden Figures, which is mostly harmless mainstream pablum that nevertheless did inspire a pair of choice tweets from me that get across my feelings about it...

So what does your list look like?
Share in the comments!