Showing posts with label Burt Reynolds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burt Reynolds. Show all posts

Friday, February 04, 2022

Good Morning, World

I am running a bit behind this morning because I decided on a last second impulse as I walked past the barber around the corner from my office to swerve in an get my hair cut for the first time in like four months? I'd even mentioned on Monday -- I am sure you're all riveted to this saga so you remember this -- that I was losing my mind with my hair, it was making me insane -- and so here, I can bookend this week with the saga complete. My hair is now cut. And here are two gifs of Burt Reynolds in his underwear in the 1978 film Hooper that I saw somewhere the other day to mark the occasion. I don't know. Just go with it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982)

Miss Mona: Well I always just thought if you see 
somebody without a smile, give 'em yours!

When I say "Happy birthday!" to Miss Dolly Parton I want you to know that if I could scream that "Happy birthday!" so loud it obliterated the solar system it still wouldn't be an ounce of "Happy birthday!" enough. If she wasn't before -- and you couldn't made the case and I'd have bought your case -- now that Betty White has passed on I think Dolly's the official Most Beloved Celebrity in the World? I always hesitate to make proclamations like that because I grew up around and among extremely close-minded Christian-types who would look down on Dolly for her tarted-up look with the cleavage and make-up and you know, the everything. But the same went for Betty White -- these people definitely looked down on The Golden Girls too. So fuck those people. Dolly is the queen of the world!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Good Morning, World

Today would've been Burt Reynolds' 83rd birthday had he not passed last September so I figured a little him and Dolly (who I gather was just honored for being "The Greatest Person Living" at the Grammys last night -- I didn't watch; how was it?) in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas being charming folks would give this dreary-in-NYC Monday morning a little perk. Miss ya, Burt! And let's get Dolly in another movie already.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

RIP Burt Reynolds

It's a real shame that Burt Reynolds' 2017 film The Last Movie Star (which was called Dog Years when I saw it at Tribeca) was such an unfunny dud, because it would've made a lovely swan song for the actor (who's just passed away at the age of 82) had it been anything half decent. As I wrote in my review at the time though its hammy tone sort of fit in with who Burt Reynolds was, and as such was a fitting tribute despite itself - his career was way more Cannonball Run than it was Boogie Nights.

And serious criticism be damned the world needs its Cannonball Runs - if nothing else they gave this critic something to watch with my father as a wee one that didn't make me want to slit my wrists like most of the crap my father wanted to watch did. Most of that came down to Burt's burly goofball persona, which I knew I was keen on even during my tender years. Thanks for passing some hours with me, Burt.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Quote of the Day

It was hard to pick just one quote from the interview with Kathleen Turner at Vulture that hit this morning, making this Tuesday into an exponentially greater day right off the bat - she calls Elizabeth Taylor shit, she drags Nicholas Cage and Burt Reynolds and the cast of Friends and all of the method actors, and she does all of this without seeming especially mean about it, just honest. I came out of it angrier than ever that nobody's giving this woman great roles in the movies anymore.
Anyway you should read the whole thing but I decided to share this bit  below about her two-time co-star William Hurt (in Body Heat and The Accidental Tourist) because it made me chuckle, and appreciate Hurt more in the process:

Vulture: I read in your memoir that William Hurt was into magic mushrooms. Did he ever try and get you to take them with him?
Turner: No, I never tried any of those things that he liked. Bill can be very odd.
Vulture: How so?
Turner: I remember one night while we were shooting Body Heat we were sitting around, and for some reason he wanted to talk about how we’d each like to die. I don’t remember what my answer was, but he said he wanted to be sucked up into a jet engine. You would find yourself in that kind of discussion with Bill. Then when we did The Accidental Tourist, Bill was sober, so there were fewer discussions like that. God, you did not want to get Bill talking too much.

In related, talk about Great Moments in Movie Staches:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

RIP Clint Walker

Clint Walker has died at age 90, you guys! Honestly every time I posted about Clint I was pretty surprised he was still kicking around, but it's not like he didn't prove his entire career that he was the bearer of some of the sturdiest goddamned genes ever put on-screen. The actor, who was in the words of someone who'd know (i.e. me) The Ultimate Beefcake (aka The Greatest Beef That Ever Caked) was mainly known for playing lots of cowboy and soldier roles in the 50s and 60s, because duh.

He got his big break when Cecil B. DeMille cast him in The Ten Commandments but his role got shrunk down to a cameo because all 6'6" of him made Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner look like little people and you couldn't have that. You can glimpse him in this clip below walking behind Yul - he's the BIG GUY in the viking helmet:

He fared better on TV, doing seven seasons of the western Cheyenne, but my favorite thing of his is the Rock Hudson Doris Day movie Send Me No Flowers in which he was hired specifically to make the big strapping Rock Hudson look puny. And he did!

Anyway y'all can scroll through our Clint Walker Archives if you like (I recommend you do!) but let's honor Clint's legacy with a few dozen pictures I just now gathered up that I've somehow not posted before right here after the jump...

Friday, May 11, 2018

We All Scream For Olyphant

So who watches Santa Clarita Diet? Raises your stumps! I only made it halfway through the first season - even with the gutsy (puns are fun!) humor it's not for me, but I get the appeal if you happen to like it. Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant are very charming people! Check our Timothy Archives for just a superficial inkling of those charms. Anyway it's odd that Tim's never worked with Quentin Tarantino before - he seems the right type, meaning you just know he could spit out that dialogue like something fierce - but it looks like that's about to change because he's in talks for QT's upcoming Charles Manson movie called Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Yup I still love that title, and yup I am also incredibly nervous about this movie. Tim's presence soothes me a little bit - more than Brad Pitt or Leonardo Dicaprio because been there done that with them; I really am interested in see Olyphant tackle one of Quentin's iconic creations, whatever it may be. And we have no idea what it might be, they're not saying who he's playing. Well I doubt it's Roman Polanski, at least! (A good guess might be Tex Watson maybe?) Anyway also joining the film this week - Tim Roth and Burt Reynolds and oh Margot Robbie was finally confirmed. So... this is happening. And I don't entirely know what to think. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Burt Reynolds Before & After

It's kind of a cheat for me to use this young studly picture of Burt Reynolds in order to direct you over to my review at The Film Experience of his latest not-autobiographical (but kinda) movie called Dog Years, which is screening for the Tribeca Film Festival, but since the movie's all about making a hard cut between the face you see above and the face the actor now occupies, well this is an entirely appropriate way for me to direct you over there, actually. So there.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Which is Hotter?

A happy 33rd birthday to Ed Skrein today, who's probably hoping he can build the heat of his villain turn in Deadpool (which just yesterday became the highest grossing R-rated movie of all time) into heat for, uh, something else after that. Since he won't be coming back for Deadpool 2 (oh spoiler alert, the bad guy in an ultra-violent superhero movie dies at the end, shocker) we'll have to see what that is, but as long as he keeps looking like he did in that great big gratuitous post I did for him, this shouldn't be a problem. And I mean whenever Nichols Hoult needs somebody to play his brother, insta-job. Anyway let's pick!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Good Morning, Gratuitous Burt Reynolds

When we posted that awesome old magazine cover with Burt Reynolds on it last week we should have checked to see if his birthday was coming up so something proper could've been done -- alas, disorganization is my middle name. (It's spelled like "Andrew" but it's pronounced like "Disorganization.") Because here we are and Burt is turning 80 today! He was in the news some last fall since he put out his autobiography But Enough About Me -- did anybody read it? Any good gossip? Did he cornhole Jerry Reed in an outhouse on the set of Smokey and the Bandit II or what?

That clip is from a 1968 TV movie called Fade-In (aka Iron Cowboy, which is a much better title), which IMDB says is about "a sophisticated Hollywood film editor, on location for a film she is working on, [who] falls for a local cowboy who is hired to work on the film."You can just hear the sneer in the way they say "sophisticated" -- Burt Reynolds built a career on sneering at that word. But it was fun, sometimes! And sexy sometimes, too.

That's a delightful poster. I would so hang that on my wall. Anyway we've done several gratuitous post for Burt before -- click here for one, click here for another -- but we managed this morning to dig up a few new pictures. (Is two dozen a few?) So hit the jump and luxuriate in Burt...

Monday, February 01, 2016

Pic of the Day

This is incredibly random (heaven forbid) but I'd never seen this Esquire cover until Esquire themselves posted a picture of Halle Berry wearing some sort of negligee with this cover emblazoned upon it, and I find this cover too delightful to not share. I do love me some vintage Burt Reynolds. I'm gonna have to go scour eBay and find one to have for my own, I just love it too much.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Good Morning, World

A good morning to you from Burt Reynolds in Peter Bognovich's 1975 musical At Long Last Love, which if you follow me on Instagram you know I took to watching last evening. I had to stop halfway through because of other commitments but I intend to finish it as soon as I can; I was mostly enjoying it! Put Madeline Kahn in anything and I'll enjoy it; it's a rule. Also...

... Duilio Del Prete in a tear-away tuxedo doesn't hurt.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Who Wore It Best?

Ryan Reynolds tweeted out that picture of himself as Deadpool this morning, and when I went over to Twitter to grab the link I saw he'd already spoiled the exact same joke I was all set to make...
So I suppose it was deliberate.
But we still need ask this question!

Which Reynolds wore the bear rug best?

Ryan Reynolds0%
Burt Reynolds0%

Monday, February 16, 2015

I Am Link

--- Jason Goes To Heaven - Michael Bay's remake-factory Platinum Dunes decided that this past Friday, aka Friday the 13th, was a good day to update on the next movie they're working on in that series - unfortunately producer Brad Fuller once again proved he's terrible at his job and rambled on about nonsense proving he knows nothing about which he speaks. Listen dude, I get it, you just wanna make money off the cheap property that's always worth a buck. But don't present your opinions as if you're some kind of expert if you clearly can't be bothered. Just shut the fuck up. Goddamn. The series has dealt with Jason's supernatural side a thousand times. You are not a unique butterfly.

--- It Bleeds - Apparently February is "Women In Horror" Month (I almost just said "Every month is Women In Horror Month!" but then I worried you'd think I was making a period joke so I stopped myself) and Flavorwire gathered together a nice little collection of current female horror filmmakers talking about you know, being ladies and making horror movies. 

--- The Age of July - I've only skimmed this so far but The New York Review of Books has a loving piece on the career so far of Miranda July up, rummaging through everything she's done entertainment-wise (her two movies, her short story collection, and her just released first novel called The First Bad Man) for themes.I finished TFBM last week and I think July struggles a little bit with length - it sometimes feels like disconnected short-stories about the same group of characters - but there are some really moving passages in the specific strange way of her voice.

--- Super Body Horror - Collider asked David Cronenberg what he thinks about Josh Trank's upcoming Fantastic Four movie being described, by Trank himself, as Cronenbergian body horror, and Cronenberg takes the opportunity to talk about how Dan O'Bannon ripped him off while writing the Alien script, again.

--- Dying Princes - I'm getting so freaked out about the escalation of news about how the next season of A Game of Thrones is totally going to dick over us book readers - first George R.R. Martin was all "Eff you guys, I'm not finishing the next book any time this year," and now GRRM's all, "Yeah you guys need to be prepared for a bunch of folks to die in this season of the show that you aren't expecting. I know there's no point to me stopping watching the show, I'm too soaked in pop culture to remain unspoiled about it until he finishes the damn books, but this is torturous.

--- Big Routh - Everything Brandon Routh has to say in this interview about his role at The Atom on Arrow and having previously played gay on that Partners show is pleasant enough and everything but I feel like I've read so many of these interviews with actors talking about wearing tight superhero costumes and how gay people should totally get married and so on that I guess I just need you to try harder, Brandon Routh. (thanks Mac)

--- She's No Angel - Although I liked Steven Soderbergh's movie Haywire and I found her effectively used, the best performance that Gina Carano's yet given was as "Henry Cavill's girlfriend" and that wasn't very convincing either, so we'll see how she does starring opposite Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. She's playing a mutant called Angel Dust. I forgot that Deadpool was in an X-Men movie and part of that universe.

--- And Finally, apparently there was a reading of a play called The Dodgers on Broadway last week which starred, amongst others, Billy Magnussen and Finn Wittrock, kaboom. There are some pictures from it over here, including that shot below. (thanks Mac) So how does one get tickets to these things? I need to know when these things are happening!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Good Morning, World

And a happy 79th birthday to Mr. Burt Reynolds today. We're pretending that this handsy shower scene from Mel Brooks' Silent Movie doesn't devolve into a gay joke like it really does, for our strictly ogling purposes here. Sudsy!

I didn't even realize it was Burt's birthday today when I tweeted out a link last night about the one and only same - everything's coming up Reynolds, I guess.
Everything at that link is great ("He Wants You... To Have His Baby!" but restricting themselves to Burt's 80s movies left off my favorite Burt Reynolds poster, which I've posted about before - the T&Ass-sex one for 1977's Semi-Tough, co-starring Kris Kristofferson:


Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Good Morning, Gratuitous Oliver Reed

Oliver Reed has been tangentially haunting me for the past couple of weeks - his name came up in reference to Burnt Offerings at a movie trivia I went to last week in Brooklyn; BAM is showing The Devils for their currently-going Derek Jarman series (which I won't be able to make it to any of, because I am an awful human being); and randomly I stumbled upon this quote from him on Tumblr:

"The questioning had turned to Burt Reynolds' recent decision to pose naked in Cosmopolitan magazine. Ollie (Oliver Reed) revealed he’d turned down a similar opportunity and when asked why replied that it was because his dick was too big to fit on the page. ‘Prove it,’ demanded an elderly female journalist on the front row. Without hesitation Ollie dropped his pants and flashed the end of his knob. ‘Why have you stopped?’ the woman demanded to know. ‘Madam. If I’d pulled it out in its entirety I’d have knocked your hat off."

That quote is from Oliver's 2013 biography What Fresh Lunacy is This?, which I just ordered myself a copy of - it's too too ridiculous that at this point I've never read any books about Ollie's exploits.

Quite randomly I also came upon this bit about Oliver regarding the nude wrestling scene with Alan Bates in Women In Love (that's a scene we've dedicated much love to in the past of course):

"For the nude wrestling, Reed admitted to considering “a fiddle” in order to “enhance” his performance. However, after much deliberation, Reed simply challenged Bates to “get it out” in order to dispel any differences between the two actor’s cocks. Upon doing so, the pair decided there wasn’t much in it either way, and filmed the scene sans manipulation. "

Nobody uses the term "fiddle" anymore, that's a damned shame. So here after the jump I've posted a bunch of pictures of Oliver; let's all fiddle off there and back again...

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... slapping the pigskin with
Burt Reynolds and Kris Kristofferson.

I have a serious impulse control problem. All it takes is me reading that the Film Society of Lincoln Center is screening a pair of Burt Reynolds football movies in a couple of weeks and I'm off, drowning myself in pictures. But how can I help it when something like this...

... picture presents itself to me for the first time? I am only human, for god's sake. Anyway FSLC is showing the movies The Longest Yard and Semi-Tough on September 16th; I'd never even heard of 1977's Semi-Tough before, but get a load of its poster-art:

Good grief. I can only imagine with fascination and horror what the set of this movie was like. Kris Kristofferson probably still has some scars (and/or diseases) from it.

Did you guys see the other picture of Burt and Jon Voight I posted on the Tumblr a few weeks ago? So much ball touching, I swear. Seriously though I gathered up a whole bunch of pictures of Burt I hadn't seen before, including several of him very young and clean and pretty even (there was almost something Brando-ish about him wasn't there?)  so hit the jump and I will share...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Jack Horner: Don't just ram it in there like that.
This is not a hole in the wall, pal. It's Rollergirl. 
Happy 78, Burt Reynolds! Did you know there were out-takes from his famous naked photo-shoot in Cosmo magazine back in the 70s? I never did until just a couple of weeks ago. Since nobody that doesn't want to see Burt Reynolds' dick should have Burt Reynolds' dick shoved in their face un-asked-for, I'll put the pic after the jump...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Who Wore It Best?

The he-vage baring wet-vest?

Burt Reynolds in Deliverance or
Michael Fassbender in Eden Lake?