Wednesday, December 01, 2021
Happy John Waters List Day!
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
They'll Continue Singing It Forever Just Because
And that's the well their score for Leos Carax' sixth film Annette -- recent opener for the Cannes Film Festival, now in theaters, hitting Amazon this weekend -- returns to time and again and again and again... and again again. Indeed nearly every song seems predicated on the idea. Or maybe that's just the way it felt to me by its end -- either way at a certain point Brechtian echoes trail off, leaving blank emptiness in their wake, and I fear Annette, for all its blowsy Carax-fueled cinematic abandon, might suffer the same fate. It's a lot of sound and fury, in other words. Actually in the same words. Over and over, and again again.
To the new film's credit it's only the opening scene of Annette where the exact "sound" of the Sparks themselves becomes an issue, since it has the brothers marching and singing alongside all of the film's actors (and hey there Mr. Carax himself) to introduce our big handed tale of woe -- its forward camera march is reminiscent of the standout accordion scene in Carax's masterpiece Holy Motors actually. And from there on the duties of being incessantly repetitive are handed to some admittedly talented thesps, foremost being Adam Driver & Marion Cotillard as our dangerously romantic couple -- these two, they have some luck for awhile with it.
Visually Carax remains a trip, a touch of light fantastic, a treat -- he finds such weird ways to render mundane material that you can't help but sizzle here and there in your seat from the Sheer Audacity TM on display. But about film's mid-point, as Adam Driver's performance grew bigger and more exhausting as if he could outrun his every sentence, I began to get lost in the Whys of it all. The story boiled down to its core is standard Star in Born claptrap, goosed up with ever bigger waves of ham and extravagance -- eventually I just wanted the ride to end. I wanted off the whirlygig. I wanted these white people to please stop screaming at me.
There are a lot of things about Annette to appreciate, in theory. It's not sanded down for its abrasiveness -- it's dark and glum and mean and horny and relentlessly idiosyncratic. It will be a lot of people's cuppa. You do admire the chutzpah while wiping it off your face. But I just couldn't find a heart to it anywhere -- a belly to sink my hand into for firm grip. It was shock and awe and marionette drone sight gags, a giggle or ten, and a lot of operatic wailing in the place of words or meaning. Sometimes saying the same thing over and over just makes the thing lose all meaning, a word on a page that's turned into scribbles, a hieroglyphical dissonance half-resembling a thing you once remembered, back in the before-times, whenever the hell they was, when they was, whenever.
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
O What Music Adam Driver's Torso Makes
Holy Motors maniac I mean director Leos Carax's highly anticipated musical movie Annette, starring Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard and the music of the band called Sparks -- recently enthusiastically profiled by the filmmaker Edgar Wright in a documentary of their own; massive year for Sparks fans! -- is out in theaters on Friday, and they've just dropped the final trailer which you can see below.
I have already seen this movie but I'm saving my review (which quite unlike me I have already written) for a bit, because the movie's out on demand on Amazon Prime on August 20th and I'd rather encourage y'all to see it that way -- in the middle of a damn pandemic -- than to go to the theaters, quite frankly. Now a wise person might here note that I had no such qualms about reviewing The Green Knight, a film I adored, and this wise person might then wonder if this means my like for Annette is less than... as I said, that would be a wise person. But we'll get into that later this month! Whether Adam Driver likes it or not!
Monday, April 19, 2021
Adam Driver Scores Big
Also announced is that this film is what's opening Cannes this year -- that's happening on July 6th and Amazon (who owns the movie) says it'll then premiere for the rest o' us in "Late Summer" in both theaters and on streaming. So there, a thing to look forward to. Holy Motors (which I reviewed here) was my second favorite film of 2012 (after Moonrise Kingdom) and to say I'm looking forward to this would be an understatement. (Also I can't believe it's been nine years!) Lots of gorgeous crazy visuals in that trailer anyway! Of course I only giffed the Sexy Adam Driver moments though cuz duh.
Monday, January 18, 2021
5 Off My Head: Siri Says 2012
This year is of course recent enough that I already did this once -- you can check out our so-called "Golden Trousers" awards for 2012 at this link. Those were some substantial Pantys! 2012 represents the peak of my awards-posting -- I posted a ton that year, more than any before or since. What I remember about that is it blew me the fuck out. There's no need for almost 70 posts! I've learned to condense them, thankfully -- my sanity thanks me anyway.
I was curious to see if my original list of favorite 2012 movies had shifted at all in the past nine years and lo, it has, although not a ton. What surprised me the most is how few 2012 movies I've re-watched since 2012? Ones that placed rather high at the time I just haven't seen since. So there's some shuffling off my head today, mostly due to my memory being hazy, but truth be told if I haven't had the desire to re-watch the movie in eight years that might say something about my love for the movie, right? Right. Anyway, the list as it stands today...