Showing posts with label Justin Chatwin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justin Chatwin. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... experiencing nature au naturel with Justin Chatwin.

I had to check his IMDb to see if Shameless and War of the Worlds actor Justin Chatwin is still acting -- sorry Justin! -- and he is! He was in that Reagan movie last year, and he does lots of random T.V. episodes. I just haven't seen any of them. The only times I ever see him is when he gets naked in outdoor settings on his Instagram, which he does often enough to keep me happy and to keep MNPP stocked with a post or two showcasing his prized fuzzy excellence every year.  And if I can't be personally invited to tag along on one of these naturist adventures I am good with this arrangement too. He posted this video over the weekend and immediately brightened my mood -- hit the jump and I chopped that gif above into several pieces each with a more precise focus, ahem...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... enjoying a warm rain 
with Florian David Fitz (via) or...

... a cold soak with 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... giving Justin Chatwin the hose again.

Following J-Chat on Instagram is recommended.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Good Morning, World

A happy 34th birthday to Justin Chatwin, of Shameless fame - you can see lots more of him in the archives. I post more of him than I ever see of him anywhere else; I've actually never even seen a single episode of Shameless. I know JC from War of the Worlds way back when. You can follow him on Instagram right here - don't expect a lot of duck-lipped selfies though. He seems to like motorcycles a lot! Anyway hit the jump for a couple more gifs from this scene...

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

I Am Link

--- After Briefs - Underwear Model goes legit! Calvin Klein crotch-jockey and sex-beard-enthusiast Travis Fimmel's been trying this acting thing long enough that I guess he's proven he's more than just a shapely pair of buttocks (although he sure is that too!) so he's been hired to act opposite Greta Gerwig and Julianne Moore now. Okay? Okay. Rebecca Miller (yes, daughter of Arthur and wife of Daniel Day-Lewis) is making a rom-com called Maggie's Plan, and they're all in it. Also Ethan Hawke and Bill Hader.

--- Doc Daze Two - The second half of Glenn Dunks and Daniel Walber's conversation on the documentaries of 2014 is up over at The Film Experience; they talk about the Roger Ebert doc Life Itself and the Oscar-nominated pair of Last Days in Vietnam and Citizenfour in this one. I'm still really surprised by how uninvolving I found Citizenfour to be.

--- Boys For Tina - Christopher Abbott, who jumped ship off Girls for a movie career, actually seems to be doing pretty well for himself (he's no David Caruso, at least) - he got good notices for a movie at Sundance and now he's just landed a role in Tina Fey's new movie, The Taliban Shuffle; yes this is also the movie that we told you will star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Tina's main piece. Surround yourself with man-meat, Tina. You go. Lena will understand.
--- Sausage Fest - There's an interesting piece at Vulture today on Sundance's "White Guy Problem" that I found myself nodding along vigorously to; summed up here: "[The Studios] swoop in, pluck up all the white-guy directors, and leave all the talented female and nonwhite helmers to fend for themselves. If you're a white dude who made a micro-budget Sundance movie with some visual panache, you're sure to end up on studio short lists; if you're not, you'll struggle to even get financing for your next project."

--- River Folk - Ryan Gosling's directorial debut Lost River screened at Cannes last Spring and didn't get too much love, but Ryan Gosling directed it so it's coming out (it'll be VOD, I think) - The Playlist has the first clips and some new pictures from it. It stars Matt Smith, Christina Hendricks, Saoirse Ronan, Ben Mendelsohn, Eva Mendes, and Agents of SHIELD's adorkable Iain De Caestecker.

---  Gal Fridays - Carrie-Anne Moss, who really should've carved out a better career for herself than starring in endless death scenes in volcano movies, has just joined the cast of Netflix's next Marvel series AKA Jessica Jones. This is the one that comes after Charlie Cox's wee-zipper show, and stars the always-welcome Krysten Ritter as a lady-reporter slash hero of some sort.

--- After The Disco - Kate Beckinsale is slipping out of her 3D rubber-suit and trying to be an actress again, and what better way than re-teaming with the folks who gave her her most memorable stab at being considered an "actress" - she and her Last Days of Disco co-star Chloe Sevigny are going to star in Whit Stillman's new movie. The name that jumps out at me is Xavier Samuel but then we were just staring at his ass like a week ago, so he's there on the tip of our tongues (we wish).

--- Fantasy Freak Out - A trio of fantastical short stories by George RR Martin are being turned into a single movie called In the Lost Lands and it's already got Milla Jovovich and Justin Chatwin (mmmmm furry Justin Chatwin) on-board to star. Picture sorceresses and werewolves and barbarians and so forth. The sky will be purple, their breastplates will heave.

--- Pack Mentality - Wow anthology horror movies really are the everything right now - there's that movie Tales of Halloween we told you about previously, with a bunch of directors tackling interconnected stories on a single Halloween night (speaking of STYD has a couple new pictures from that); there's the female-director anthology XX (which just got a pretty groovy poster, seen there); and now there's Holidays, which will have a bunch of horror segments about different holidays from different directors, including Kevin Smith (blecch) but also the dudes that made the terrific Starry Eyes.

--- And Finally, Hooray Final Girl is doing a VHS Week! All week long Stacie Ponder will be yes pondering a movie a day - yesterday she hit up the godawful-sounding 1988 flick Shadow Dancing; the movie may sound godawful, but per usual Stacie makes the awful sound fun. You'll want to hear about Christopher Plummer's fiery niblets.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy 31, Justin Chatwin

Do you think it's a blessing or a curse to have a birthday on Halloween? It's not like Christmas where everybody else is getting gifts on YOUR day - I think it would probably be fun to be able to have costumed birthday parties where everybody's into it. Of course I remember when I was a little kid I went to a Halloween party where they had a piñata, and I was the one who broke it open and I got SO UPSET when everybody else rushed in and started grabbing the candy - it was me who smashed the goddamned thing, those were my spoils! Buncha bastards. Point being, selfishness belongs to all of the holidays. Second point being, take those pants back off, Justin Chatwin. We're not finished here.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Justin Chatwin Tweeted This Picture...

... of himself back in June, and I'm just now seeing it.
A pox upon my own house.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Good Morning, Chatwin

Another week, another chance to post shirtless to more-than-shirtless pictures of Justin Chatwin on Shameless. We are living in a golden age, people. Hit the jump for more, including near full rump.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good Morning, World

(click to embiggen) Another week, another opportunity for me to post naked pictures of Justin Chatwin in Shameless and admit that I still don't watch the show. It's really only an obscenity at this point, that I don't, after all the advantage I've taken of what it's afforded us. Emmy Rossum should show up at my door and slap me silly.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Good Morning, World

A little bit of leftover Justin Chatwin naked on Shameless-ness - these are from last week's episode I think? He's been pretty giving with the gratuity this season - since I still don't watch the show I've been lax at keeping up with it all. Anyway, hello! I am back.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Shameless Goes Bottomless

Last week when I posted all excited-like about the prospect of Justin Chatwin getting down to just his skivvies in the season premiere of Shameless, I didn't know he had even more (read: less) in store for us. The skivvies done been eighty-sixed! And I think I might see a hint of Justin Chatwin Jr. poking his head out? Hit the jump for it and tell me if my hungry eyes are deceiving me...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Shameless Starts This Weekend, Right?

Looks like they're exploiting Justin Chatwin again, hooray!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Morning, World


Happy Monday, everybody. That would be Justin Chatwin working his wares on last night's Shameless - my efforts to document his every disrobed moment continue unabated.

Before I toss you to the jump to see more caps from this scene if you so desire, let me interject here that I'm probably going to keep blogging light today slash this week after last week's brain-busting strum und drang. But for now, more Chatwin this way!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... hot-tubbin' with Justin Chatwin.


So Shameless finally gave us the scene of Justin stripping to his ennsy weensy little thong last evening - we'd seen paparazzi shots of them shooting the scene, you should recall. And the pap-snaps were kind of better than what Shameless actually showed - they edited it pretty shyly. They should call the show Shameful! Ba dum bum. Anyway even despite such complaints it is Justin Chatwin pretty much entirely naked, so I capped it all the same. See the rest after the jump.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Morning, World


Ahh, so this is what Shameless is there for! It airs Sunday nights so we can start out a new week with shirtless (or more) pictures of one of the always-getting-naked guys on it, whether they be Justin Chatwin or Mr. Gaga (aka Taylor Kinney)(that link is NSFW) or this here fella, James Wolk. We've only mentioned Mr. Wolk here at the blog once before, when he was momentarily mentioned for Superman (Henry Cavill went on to get the role, of course) - everybody fell in love with him from that short-lived show Lone Star... well I suppose I can't say "everybody" since nobody watched it, but somebody did and they fell in love with him, and it is not hard to see why. In fact, see some more whys after the jump...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... taking in the view with Justin Chatwin.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Wind Beneath My Thong

The second season of HBO's Shameless premiered this past weekend, did anybody watch it? I did not, I was busy throwing up. So I don't know if the scene where Justin Chatwin strips down to the world's tiniest blue thong (today is surprisingly stripper and thong centric, so strange) was in the first episode or not. I doubt it was, since I haven't seen caps or heard word of it yet. But I did find some new pap-snaps of the event! We'd already posted three before, but here's several more, and thankfully my complaint about no from-behind shots was heard and gloriously rectified! Click them and they grow.

The second best thing about these shots, after Everything About Justin Chatwin Being So Close To Naked, is obviously the guy in shot #5:

He is my hero.

Monday, November 07, 2011


I guess today is a day for staring at good looking menfolk's semi-exposed underpants. I mean obviously every day that's a pleasure when given the chance, but today it's turning into a specific focus. Earlier we did it with Ryan Gosling, and then as I was scanning through Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds for our "Five Frames From" post I was reminded of this, the most egregious example of a continuity error ever commited to celluloid.

These two shots are separated by a single edit, and as you can see Justin Chatwin is wearing completely different underwear from one second to the other. First red, then gray. This has always driven me so crazy! So... I'm glad I could get it off my chest here. Shame on you, Steven Spielberg! From now on you should hire someone whose specific purpose is to make sure actors are wearing the right underwear from shot to shot. I am willing to offer up my services, by the way.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Morning, World


Apparently these shots are from the set of the currently-shooting second season of Shameless, via, which I've posted a lot of pictures of Justin Chatwin from before but still have yet to watch any of. Might the introduction of an itsy bitsy blue thong push me over the edge into viewership? It all depends upon the camera placement, naturally. You scratch my back, cameraman...