Showing posts with label Billy Howle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billy Howle. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Billy Howle Three Times

Kind of surprised to realize that I forgot to mention in all my blathering about Tahar Rahim and his very good BBC program The Serpent last week that the show also has a very fine turn from Billy Howle here, playing the Dutch ambassador's assistant who doggedly hunts the bloodthirsty Tahar down. I've liked Howle in most everything I've seen him in so far -- he certainly etched himself into my memory with his um exposed turn in Motherfatherson last year -- but The Serpent marks his best work to date, I think. It's just a really strongly acted limited series all around -- I haven't even touched upon the great work from the women on the show -- and I can't wait for it to make its way here to the US so's y'all can see for yourselves. Anyway re: Howle there are two previously posted photos from this 2018 photoshoot for The Guardian  seen above over here, and of course there is more than plenty back in our archives...

Friday, January 08, 2021

Good Morning, World

I've been having a real heavy Tahar Rahim Week this week, which is a boon to any week, even one as unwieldy as this. The BBC has been airing The Serpent -- a thrilling true-crime retelling of the Charles Sobhraj saga in the mid-70s, where he lured hippie-types into his web of poison and murder for their traveler cheques and passports; I plowed through that whole thing. (And I very much recommend it -- not sure when it's getting a US release but I'll keep y'all informed.) 

And I've been flirting with watching The Mauritanian, the new flick from State of Play director Kevin Macdonald (who worked with Tahar previously on The Eagle), and which stars Rahim as a Guantanamo Bay detainee fighting for his rights -- it's out properly in February (here is the trailer); it also stars Jodie Foster, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shaileene Woodley, and Zachary Levi. I wanted to finish The Serpent first though, so I'll try to watch my screener this weekend. Tahar's apparently real good in it (but when is he not?)

Oh and the Tahar Week continued because two photo-shoots of him made themselves known -- he's got one for British GQ (read that chat over here), which is the majority of what you see here, and then he's also got one shot for Man About Town magazine, which you'll see after the jump...

Friday, April 05, 2019

Billy Howle Two Times

Has anybody been watching Motherfatherson? I realize I'm speaking to a limited audience since the show's only aired five episodes on the BBC so far and I'm only watching it through nafarious means myself but perhaps I've got some Brits or some similarly nefarious people up in here reading this. Anyway I plowed through the first four episodes last weekend when I really should have been spending my time on more urgent things, but I couldn't stop -- I got hooked real quick. (And not just because Billy here has that abundant nude scene we already shared with you last month.) The show is good! (Helen McCrory y'all.) Maybe not as good as Tom Rob Smith's other two big writing efforts -- that'd be London Spy and The Assassination of Gianni Versace -- but then this one's way less gay so I would feel that way. Thoughts? Anybody?

Friday, March 08, 2019

Good Morning, Billy

Well this one will certainly wake us up and send us into the weekend with a "smile" upon our "faces" I think -- our favorite new TV writer Tom Rob Smith (he is the man behind Ben Whishaw's London Spy as well as The Assassination of Gianni Versace) has a show airing on the BBC right now that is called MotherFatherSon and which stars Dunkirk twink and MNPP fave Billy Howle...

... (I suppose at some point I'm going to have to stop calling these thirtysomethings "twinks" but as a brand it still makes me laugh so that time's not yet) as a big deal newspaper dude who's the son of a real big important dude (played by Richard Gere). Anyway there've been all these headlines in the UK papers in the past 24 hours about the show having a "chilling" and "cuckoo" sex scene which yeah, sure, it's those things, but it's also just a long slow build to Billy Howle stripping naked and standing there proudly for us, too. Don't believe me? Hit the jump, obviously...

Friday, November 09, 2018

Good Morning, World

It seems appropriate to share these shots of Billy Howle skinny-dipping from a great distance in this year's film version of The Seagull this morning because 1) it's Billy's 29th birthday today (see lots more of Billy here)...

... and 2) his film Outlaw King is out on Netflix this morning, which has already become infamous for a "from a distance" skinny-dipping scene, one by Billy's co-star this time, one Christopher Pine. Wanna see what all the "Chris Pine Penis!" headlines have been all about? You'll have to hit the jump for that...

Thursday, May 10, 2018

I Saw a Seagull

Hello it's too late in the day for me to be blogging so here's just a quick heads-up: my review of The Seagull, the Chekhov adaptation starring Annette Bening and Saoirse Ronan and Elisabeth Moss and Corey Stoll among others that I saw a couple weeks back at Tribeca, went up tonight at The Film Experience -- click on over to read my thoughts. Oh and after you've done that come back and stare at some pictures of the actor Billy Howle, right here, who's also in the movie. Just cuz. Okay bye.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Good Afternoon, Gratuitous Aneurin Barnard

For a movie I didn't like at all I sure do let a lot of Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk into my life - what can I say, it was stuffed with beautiful twinks, and I have content to create.  (See our post on Billy Howle here, and see our post on Freddie Fox here, and see our post on Jack Lowden here, some Fionn Whitehead over here, and see some Barry Keoghan on the Tumblr here...) Point being the only award that Dunkirk really deserved was one for its casting director, but I suppose auditioning all these beautiful twinks was its own sort of award. 

Today it's the turn of Welsh Dunkirk Twink named Aneurin Barnard, who's celebrating his 31st birthday. Can twinks be 31? I don't know. It's somebody else's business to wrangle with those silly homo-linguistic rule games - I'm just here to stare at the pretty young man.

Barnard has done a lot of work already - he was in the horror movie called Citadel in 2012 (I also didn't like that, whoops) and he played a skinny-dipping King Richard on The White Queen (you'll see some nice gifs of that down below). And he's got a lot of work lined up too - he's in John Crowley's follow-up to Brooklyn called The Goldfinch (sidenote: the young version of him in the film's being played by Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard which is actually really great casting don't you think?) with Ansel Elgort...

... and Nicole Kidman; that's out later this year. And he's part of the great big cast for Armando Iannucci's forthcoming take on David Copperfield, along the likes of Tilda Swinton and Ben Whishaw. So you're going to see a lot of him soon! Up to and including the rest of this post, where I'm sharing dozens and dozens of pictures of him right on after the jump...

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Jack Lowden Eleven Times

We all knew Dunkirk was going to re-enter the movie conversation once the year ended and all the woefully befuddled critics started making their lists with Nolan's name on it - despite the film's quite evident crappiness there for all to plainly see - but if I do have to endure those cinematic aneurysms at least with them comes a welcome reminder of all the Hot Twink Action he managed to cram in between his gibberish. 

(See also yesterday's tweet on Fionn Whitehead.) (Also see this Gratuitous Billy Howle post from a few months ago.)  Anyway if you like you might hit the jump for a half dozen plus more pictures of Jack Lowden, whose character did at least get the opportunity to wear a life-vest like nobody's business...

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Good Morning, Gratuitous Billy Howle

I hope that the actor Billy Howle will forgive me for having no fucking idea what character he played in Dunkirk earlier this year, since nobody but nobody actually had a "character" to play in that movie - they were furrowed brows and hairdos, mostly. (Guess it's monthly reminder that I fucking hated Dunkirk time.) 

Seriously, I just now looked at pictures of the kids in Dunkirk and I have no idea which one is him. But anyway I noticed that it is Billy's 28th birthday today and I realized I had a bunch of pictures of him buried on my computer from when Dunkirk came out and I, full of hate for myself, found myself googling it's un-merry band of adorable twinks even despite my filmic reservations.

Things look good for Billy ahead - he's got the movie version of The Seagull with Saorsie Ronan and Annette Bening, and he is one of the many hot-dude faces populating Outlaw King, the "Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Beard" movie we've mentioned several times already. So maybe he can put this Dunkirk travesty behind him. Hit the jump for a few dozen more pictures (including some gay kissing from some show called Glue)...