Showing posts with label Alfonso Herrera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alfonso Herrera. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Happy InDePlaidPants Day 2023!

This is one of our sillier traditions here at MNPP -- as if anything is done here with a straight face -- but for the past four years now, thanks to an off-hand comment from a reader, I have posted a gallery of actors wearing plaid pants a la this site's name and re-dubbed July 4th "InDePlaidPants Day." Because patriotism is stupid, but hot guys looking sharp is anything but. It's a smaller gallery than usual this year (and weirdly very black-and-white), but no less quality! Hit the jump and enjoy your sartorial independence...

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Good Morning, World

I get to post images of Sense8 star Miguel Angel Silvestre all the freaking time because his Instagram is a smorgasbord of self-exploitation, and for that we are grateful. But his co-star in lustful humping on that show, Mr. Alfonso Herrera? Notsomuch. So today we celebrate some exquisite bulge-baiting from Alfonso, who posted this work-out video on his Insta yesterday. Blessings unto you Alfonso, and blessings unto us all this morning. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A Max for all Senses

You go into anything Sense8 underestimating the sex appeal of Max Riemelt and you're bound to come out the other end deeply ashamed of yourself, and sure enough all of my pre-finale posting focused on Miguel Angel Silvestre missed the real star, aka Max's ability to make everything he comes into contact with an erotic extravaganza. Shame on my Wolfgang blinders. I don't want to dive into spoilers in case any of you haven't watched the finale yet but I went looking and couldn't find a gif of my favorite moment from the finale anywhere and I needed it, so I made it. but it's spoilery. So we'll  just go ahead and hit the jump for it...

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Good Morning, World

If I was smart, if I didn't have Oscar Wilde's quote that "Nothing exceeds like excess" tattooed upon my private parts, if any of those things were true then maybe I would save some of this morning's Instagram bounty for a rainy day when there wasn't so much to post. Alas. I gotta give. This my curse. So we'll post all three. Above is Sense8 star Alfonso Herrera showing off that current beard he's been rocking. (See more beard here.) And then...

... we have James Badge Dale enjoying 
some early beach time. And then...

... we have Tom Hopper (from Black Sails and Game of Thrones - see more of him over here) wishing us a top of the morning (in this instance I suppose that makes him the "top.") So good morning, everybody! (And since we've got a triptych here if anybody wants to "Do Dump Marry" them in the comments I wouldn't argue with that.)

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Pics of the Day

Y'all know what I am looking for when I'm looking at a new batch from pictures from Sense8 - something akin to this, of course - so I'm a little bit disappointed in the first batch of pictures from the Sense8 finale; what can I say, I am me, and this is a show that stars Miguel Angel Silvestre. You can see the whole batch (or should I say cluster) over here. The finale drops on Netflix in exactly one month! There better be an orgy; I was promised orgies. Fuck the baguettes!

Friday, April 06, 2018

Good Morning, World

Miguel Ángel Silvestre always makes it so, so easy - I checked to see who was celebrating a birthday this morning, saw he is turning 36, went to his Instagram and voila, that picture was there for the taking. (click to embiggen) Two minutes and we're done. My morning feels perkier already! You're the greatest, Miguel. Looking forward to the much-deserved Netflix finale special later this year, my love. May you and Alfonso Herrera give each other several happy endings.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Alfonso Herrera Eight Times

The interview inside of Open Magazine, which this photo-shoot's from (via, thanks Mac), is in Spanish so ya got me what they're talking about. If any of our Spanish-speaking readers want to give us the highlights in the comments feel free! And by "highlights" I mean tell me if he talks about how much he misses making out with Miguel Angel Silvestre on Sense8 - if he's just rhapsodizing about his baby or whatever I'm good. Otherwise we're perfectly pleased that somebody's documenting that beard of his that we were just rhapsodizing ourselves about on Twitter recently. Now just hit the jump for the rest of the shoot...

Monday, December 04, 2017

Quote of the Day

So I guess there was a gay kiss between the actors Ben Daniels and Christopher Cousins (seen above) on the TV version of The Exorcist the other week, and the show's show-runner Jeremy Slater just gave my favorite response of all-time (via) to those folks who expressed displeasure at seeing two men kiss:

"I don’t think there was that much of a backlash, I saw a couple of homophobes on Twitter and my response is, ’Good, fuck you. I’m glad you didn’t like it, I’m glad it ruined the show for you. You shouldn’t have good things in your life.... If a homophobe can’t watch the show anymore because one of the characters is gay, then I’m glad something good has come out of it."

I watched the first three episodes of The Exorcist and trailed off not because I wasn't enjoying it (as if I could not enjoy something with Alfonso Herrera looking like this) but just because I got distracted - you know how it is, what with so many damn shows on these days. Have any of you kept up with it? Anyway point being I am obviously going to start watching the show again now with this. A most excellent answer, Mr. Slater!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Holy Shit They Did It

I really didn't think the fan campaign to annoy Netflix into the ground about their cancellation of Sense8 would amount to anything, not after so much pain over the years over niche shows gone too soon, so fuck my face for doubting the power of the internet's staunchest annoyers - they got it done! DH has word (right from Lana Wachowski herself) that Netflix will do the smart thing, business and sense-wise, and give the series a proper conclusion (after a cliffhanger ended the 2nd season) with a 2-hour finale special! It will air some time next year. Hurray! Somebody find me Miguel Angel Silvestre to make out with (or Alfonso Herrera) (or Brian J. Smith) (or Max Reimelt) (or hell I'd make out with Doona Bae) immediately!

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Let Us Ignore...

A post shared by Miguel Angel Silvestre (@miguelangelsilvestre) on
... the news that Netflix has canceled Sense8 and just watch this video of Miguel Angel Silvestre boxing for twenty seconds, because everything is terrible except for that. Dammit. I've always thought that save the hotness the show was a mixed bag, but it had really truly and finally discovered "plot" in its second season and the damn thing ended on a cliffhanger! Why you fucking with us, Netflix?

Thursday, May 04, 2017

A Nice Treat For Us

"It just happened! It was all like in a dream and it felt so good – the response of people was just so energising and took us away. And of course people like to see us making out together and we thought it would just be a nice treat for them.

It was in the moment. [If] you see some people, you connect with each other and you feel something, you should just do it. Like on a party, you try things out and let things happen because it feels right. It’s not that we wanted to show off or show people how we really feel about each other; it’s not about that. It’s more about using this energy that was really heavy at Sao Paulo Pride and giving it back." 

That is Max Riemelt talking to Attitude about the awesome spectacle he made with his Sense8 co-star Brian J. Smith (and the rest of them, honestly - they all went at it) during Gay Pride in Brazil last year. (Video here!) He also talks about his penis and sex a lot because he's talking to a gay publication so of course he does.

Anyway today's a terrible day in the real world so let's focus on nice things, like the Sense8 cast making out and stuff. The second season of the show premieres on Netflix tomorrow!!! I know what I'm doing this weekend, then. Have you seen the brand new trailer?

Yeah, here's the brand new trailer:

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Which is Hotter?

Today is the 35th birthday of the Spanish sexpot Miguel Angel Silvestre -- we were infatuated with Miguel before Sense8 came along thanks to a certain Señor Almodovar (you can hike through our extensive Miguel archives to see just how much) but Sense8 has really given him a place to put his many gifts front and center.

Anyway I'm kind of shocked that I've never asked us to face off Miguel with his on-screen love played Alfonso Herrera before (see lots more of Alfonso here) before, but I went through those extensive archives just now and it's true! I guess the question always seemed too cruel... but not today, for some  reason. Not today...

And don't forget that Sense8 is back on May 5th!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Make Love Not Sense

I don't know how I miss such things - I swear I double- and triple-check Miguel Angel Silvestre's Instagram account like a psychopathic spazz every week and yet somehow I'm always playing catch-up with him (PS this is not a complaint geared towards you, Miguel - quite the contrary! I am only lamenting my own deep and profound human failings). I mean he posted that picture of himself and Pedro Pascal two full weeks back! (Miguel is co-starring on Pedro's show Narcos, which we told you about before.) Somebody slap me. 

I was looking Miguel up today specifically thanks to my pal Jarett, who shared a few new shots from the second season of Sense8 -- dropping on May 5th! -- and from there I stumbled upon a few more which've been making the rounds, and eventually I found enough to make this post big enough to carry us after the jump. You're gonna wanna hit it...

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Which is Hotter?

Did you guys hear that they officially announced Sense8's return date? There will be the long rumored Christmas Special released on December 23rd, which is a thrill. But then they're making us wait until May 5th to see the second season proper, which is less of a thrill and more of a thrill-kill. Way to draw out the climax, Netflix! Anyway they released a few new images, this one...

... being the most important; seeing Alfonso Herrera beside that cross reminds me I really have got to catch up with The Exorcist show that he's the priest on. I watched the first episode and I thought it was pretty good...
... for reasons. Seriously thought it was better than I anticipated and I have heard good stuff from many people so I think over the long holiday break I will try to plow through the show. It's on my list. But until then let's ask a dumb question which I already know the answer to but maybe there are more Catholics here than I figure...


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Alfonso Herrera Seven Times


The interview attached to these pictures (thanks Mac) is in Spanish so I don't know if Alfonso spends the entire thing talking about what it was like to stick his hand down Miguel Angel Silvestre's briefs and clamp down or what, but I'm just going to pretend that's all he wanted to talk about because... well, isn't that what you'd want to talk about if somebody wanted to talk to you and you had done that? For reals. Anyway I'm starting to feel pretty impatient on season two of Sense8 -- get with it, Wachowskis. I need my goofy sexy sci-fi brain-fuck already. (And if you missed our great big gratuitous Alfonso post way back when, click here.)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Feel A Little Cowpoke Coming Through

Alfonso Herrera, who was recently seen doing this...

... to Miguel Angel Silvestre on Sense8 (not to mention this, and this, and especially this), and who got his very own big gratuitous post back in March... well you'd think that was enough? Let somebody else have things for a change, dude!

But no, Alfonso wants more... and truthfully we want more Alfonso (my boyfriend took one look at him & Miguel in Sense8 and put his money down on the former), and so this is good news as far as that is concerned -- he's just signed on to star in a TV adaptation of the John Travolta & Debra Winger movie Urban Cowboy. It's being shepherded by Craig Brewer, the director of Hustle & Flow (BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY BLACK SNAKE MOAN). Anyway literally the only thing I remember about Urban Cowboy, which I haven't seen since I was a teenager, is this shot of John Travolta naked in bed...

... so let's hope for lots of that then.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Do Dump or Marry - Three Eighths Sensate

We could (and have -- we most certainly have!) just post pictures of Miguel Angel Silvestre again and call it a day when talking about Sense8, which I finally finished last night. But really we've given him so so much love already (seriously!) and if Sense8 taught me anything, it's so spread the love around...

Probably the most important Life Lesson of all! Anyway I was trying to explain the show to somebody and why I liked it so much but I discovered it to be kind of impossible? Meaning it seemed inexplicable to me, why I was liking the show so much. I recognize all of its failings - its tremendously messy, for one - and you can't even say I'm willing to overlook its faults because it's a subject near and dear to my heart; in fact the often sappy and optimistic emotional-activist streak it wears so proudly is usually like salt being rubbed in my eyes.

And yet! I really loved it, warts and all. Part of me worried it was just because the show's so goddamned sexy, that that was what got me over the hump...

... of lesser things. I can't say it didn't help! But that doesn't explain how invested I was in all of the characters (all eight, not just the pretty pretty boys) by the end. Thankfully, as I scoured my soul for answers, Tim put forth my own inner thoughts in his piece on the show for The Film Experience - maybe we've got a sensate bridge of our own? Go read what Tim says, is my point - Tim is on point. And after you do that...

... you should probably take to the comments here and Do Dump or Marry these three. As I said at the start I'm side-stepping the obvious choice - Miguel Angel Silvestre, who I was in love with as a beautiful prop before this show proved himself here an actually witty actor to boot, so clearly he wins all the contests. So instead we're tackling the three other incredibly attractive dude-sensates on the show. (Which also means sorry Alfonso Herrera - you'd also win everything too, honestly.) That means you've got Brian J Smith (as the Chicago cop Will) and Aml Ameen (as the Nairobi van driver) and Max Riemelt (as the German criminal -- see more of Max here) to pick from. And yes, I know, it's gonna be hard...

... but we believe in you!

Monday, June 08, 2015

Miguel Stimulates Our Senses

So I only managed to make it four episodes into Sense8 over the weekend, meaning I still have 8 (appropriate number) episodes to go, meaning I don't really want to talk too much about it just yet. I haven't even gotten to the scene depicted above, but I've had a difficult time not looking up sexy gifs beforehand as this post and this post from Friday had already made clear. And it'll probably take me through the weekend to finish the show, given my schedule.

But so far so good! It is very sexy indeed, and I'm already wrapped up in seeing how The Wachowskis fit the sprawling puzzle together. Surprisingly, given my pre-viewing obsessions, it's actually two of the women who are my favorite characters so far -- Doona Bae as Sun is number one kick-ass, and Erendira Ibarra is super appealing as someone who can't get enough of watching Miguel Angel Silvestre and Alfonso Herrera having sex with each other. Sing it, sister.

Have you watched it? If you wanna share 
non-spoilery thoughts hit the comments!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... cozying up with Miguel Angel Silvestre & friends.

Yeah yeah we already had a Miguel moment this morning but the folks behind his upcoming Wachowskis show for Netflix called Sense8 went and released eight character trailers for the eight main characters in the show (thanks Mac) and I'll be damned if his specific minute-point-five isn't a treasure-trove of skin. 

Looks like they know what they've got with this beauty. (Not that I doubted they would - even a blind person could see he's the most gorgeous thing going.)

And yup that's the lovely Alfonso Herrera in bed beside him up top, who we previously gratuitized the minute we read that he and Miguel would be playing special friends on this show. Why can't this show be out already dammit! Eight days is forever away!

I had planned on just watching the four trailers involving the four super-pretty male actors - Miguel and Max Reimalt (seen above) and  Brian J. Smith and Aml Ameen - to cap their gratuitous bits, but halfway through I realized the very theme of the show, the inter-connectivity of these eight folks, makes that incredibly dumb of me - clearly I needed to watch all eight...

... and boy am I glad I did, because there were moments worth snapping from all the videos. Like if I hadn't watched the video about the Indian woman Kala I would've missed Max's bum! Plus more of that orgy from the first trailer. (And not to mention I found out that the transgendered character is named Nomi. NOMI! Thank you, Wachowskis.) Anyway watch all the videos at this link, and hit the jump to see some more caps...