I don't think I've made much of a secret of Austin Butler doing very little for me personally, so consider this post a sacrifice -- basically I am Jesus hanging on the cross right now posting these images of Austin in Esquire magazine for you (here is the interview, which you'd have to hold a gun to my head to make me read). I did it all for you! I guess I'm also sort of the nanny in The Omen? Those two have so much in common, I hope they got together in hell for scones or something, had a little nosh. Anyway Austin Butler. I thought he was okay in Elvis, but his whole "I was liuterally possessed by that dead singer and I literally couldn't stop talking like him" thing really turned me off that awards season. (I preferred Jacob Elordi's low-key performance in Priscilla, although obviously you're not going to get that performance in a Baz Luhrman movie - I get that. It's why I also prefer Sofia to Baz in general.) And I tried watching a couple episodes of Masters of Air but that show's really not for me (i.e. there weren't any scenes like George Clooney included in Catch-22 of Chris Abbott walking around naked). And Austin's performance on that show is very posturey too.
That said I have seen Jeff Nichols' delayed movie The Bikeriders and his whole posing schtick worked really well for the movie, since that's the character he's playing, and it's the most I've liked him (well except for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood -- he was fun in his itty bitty role in that). It's perfect casting, if nothing else. That said I'm not terribly happy or excited that he got cast in the role of Feyd-Rautha in the Dune sequel -- I would love to be proven wrong but every image I'm seeing is making me feel right. We'll see. Anybody have any strong feelings on the young man either way? Hit the jump for the photos, aka my exorbitant sacrfiice...