There is probably very little reason to remember the 1988 erotic-thriller Masquerade that starred Rob Lowe, Meg Tilly, Kim Catrall and Doug Savant here, besides the fact that that might be the most 1988 cast ever typed. (Sidenote: I always forget Kim Catrall did a lot of movies in the 80s -- I re-watched the first Police Academy movie last week on Netflix, for The Gute natch, and there she was!) And yet here I am remembering Masquerade. As it turns out...
... there are a couple of reasons to remember the movie, and they are (unsurprisingly, given the person typing these words you are reading) Rob Lowe and Doug Savant. Lowe in the 80s is a given (and I've posted a couple of shots of him in this movie here & here) but Savant, Savant I only really knew as the homosexual Matt Fielding on Melrose Place, and I spent the entire run of that show wishing another actor had been given the gay role. (Also that they'd had a clue what to do with a gay, which they never did.) But now...
... looking back at Doug strutting around in his tighty-whities as Rob Lowe watches with, it must be said, a great deal of interest, well now I think I shall entirely blame the people making Melrose Place for not knowing what to do with Doug Savant. Because he clearly could've brought something if he'd been allowed to. See more of that something right on after the jump...