Showing posts with label Gerard Butler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerard Butler. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2021

Putting the Crave in Kraven

I have to admit that I kind of miss clean-shaven Aaron Taylor-Johnson, but I think we're all going to have to stay used to his caveman look for a good long while given his recent casting as the Spider-Man villain called "Kraven the Hunter," who's mainly known for his abs and his bushy beardedness. Well, Aaron is certainly fitting that bill. (Cut to a million comments saying "he could fit my bill.") Anyway Aaron was spotted at the beach in Malibu this past weekend hanging out with his wife Sam and his fellow actor Gerard Butler (via) -- you know, they could make another 300 movie, this one starring Aaron, I wouldn't be mad. Hit the jump for more...

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Is That A Kinnaman In Your Wetsuit Or

I am doing Gerard Butler a favor by cropping him out of these photos from his recent Malibu surf-time experience with Joel Kinnaman (see the full versions here, thx Mac) -- I mean Gerard looks perfectly fine for a fifty-year-old man; the problem is he's standing next to a half-naked decade-younger Joel Kinnaman, which would do anyone but the Gods in. (click to embiggen)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Good Morning, World

I am aware that these are some super goofy gifs of Gerard Butler (in the 2001 miniseries Attila) with the floating bloomers and long locks, but it's his birthday today and I feel bad for him after he lost his house in the California wildfires and I'd already posted anything worth posting on him way back in the day -- skim through our archives but like, skim hard, far, cuz it's been awhile -- so this is what we got. Anyway it introduced me to Attila's hilariously revisionist DVD cover art-work, which they clearly went back and re-worked after Gerard became a big thing in the movie 300 five years later, and that's not nothing. Hope you can eke out a good birthday at a bad time, Gerry.

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Which is Hotter?

I would be shocked to find, if I went back through our archives, that I hadn't polled this question before, but this being Zack Snyder we're talking about there's no need to work myself into a lather of creativity or anything (and anyway most of our old polls don't show their outcomes after the old polling service we used shut down). So we'll ask it today, on the occasion of Snyder's 52nd birthday...

survey tools

For all of my snark towards his last few films I did really love Dawn of the Dead and 300, and I really liked Watchmen and Sucker Punch even (I know, I know), so it would be great if he got his mojo back. He should go try to make something... without Henry Cavill around, I guess. Henry distracts him! Of course Henry would distract any of us, I mean, let's be honest...

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wu Raider

There is a whole lotta CG sturm und drang in in the new trailer for the Tomb Raider reboot starring Mrs. Michael Fassbender but none of it comes close to making my ass find a seat opening weekend as much as the two shots of her co-star Daniel Wu in a tank top do. (See plenty more of Mr. Wu right here.)

Giving Lara Croft a scorching hot man to bump ugly bon mots with was a blessed part of the Angelina Jolie Experience as well - Daniel Craig & Gerard Butler sauntered around being objectified in the original duology, and the movies (generally terrible movies) were just the slightest bit better for it. Glad to see they're sticking true to that much, at least! Watch:
Tomb Raider is out on March 16th.
What do you think? Yay? Nay? Wu Too?

Friday, October 20, 2017

35 Days Until You Can Call Me By Your Name

This is my first weekend post-NYFF and I am planning on taking it super, super easy. True, NewFest is happening and I will post some more about that but thanks to the magic of screeners I don't have to leave the house to do that, thank god. I have nothing planned! Nothing! You have no idea how sweet that prospect is to my ears.

That said the abysmal reviews for The Snowman have actually made me want to see it more than I did before the abysmal reviews, and speaking of disasters I fucking love Disaster Movies so I might have to go see Geostorm too...
Truth. All that plus it's 11 days until Halloween and I haven't done much of anything to get myself in the mood for my favorite season of all the seasons - I gotta watch some scary movies! if y'all see anything interesting over the weekend give it a shout in the comments; otherwise just have a warm one...

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Where Is Your Gods Now

I know we're all boycotting Gods of Egypt because of the white-washing (and thankfully the trailer's so ridiculous that I don't feel much tension in missing it) but I still wanna take the chance to stare at Nikolaj Coster-Waldau when given the chance, ya know? They released a few stills from the movie (click to embiggen) and he looks great, although ridiculous, and yes white.

White as sin! Anyway the movie's on course to flop horribly, but let's not hold it against Nicky. I have a few things that I want to hold against Nicky, personal things, but this isn't one of them. Let's hope the new season of Game of Thrones is a good one for the Kingslayer and we can put this unfortunate bit of business behind us. (And yes I's also like to put Nikolaj behind me - words have many meanings.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fassy Michael Fassy

I just started plowing through pictures of Michael Fassbender at the Globes a bit ago and realized I had to stop because I would literally, literally, spend hours doing just that, but this sure is a nice one! (And so is this picture of him and Gerard Butler I posted on the Tumblr.) Anyway I was sad he didn't win Sunday night and he'll probably lose the Oscar in a similar fashion but at least it seems he will get nominated this year, which is overdue as long as, well, when speaking of Michael Fassbender and long things I think you know where my mind goes. Ahem.

Hey look! Three new pictures from his Assassin's Creed movie were released. I don't know if these have been floating around for awhile or what but they's new to me so here they are.

I really have no idea what to think of this movie - I don't know the video-game from a hole in the Fassy - but I went to the theater and paid my own earned money to see Jonah Hex so, you know, what's it fucking matter anyway.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Today's Mood

If I was a beautiful black man in a beautiful suit this picture of Chadwick Boseman would somewhat represent my state of mind sitting here at my desk today -- either that, or this tweet, one of the two. I am just a spazz, is my point - more than usual even. I can't focus, my mouth's hanging open, I'm spinning around in circles. I don't know what's wrong with me but let's hope by tomorrow I'm feeling less spastic and more fantastic. (That's my new motto, by the way - totally trademarking it.) But here to pretend this post has a purpose beyond me being pathetic why don't you go read what Chadwick Boseman had to say on the white-washed (and godawful looking) Gods of Egypt movie that he's a co-star in, it is interesting!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Pics of the Day

Makeup Artist Larysa Chernienko has been posting a ton of pictures from behind the scenes of Zack Snyder's film 300 on her Twitter account all week long, and here's a pair of Michael Fassbender (with bonus Gerard Butler below) pictures just, you know, cuz. (click to embiggen) See some more fun shots (with some especially hot extras) at the link!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... asserting dominance...

... over Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

Well we've got the trailer for Alex Proyas' upcoming epic CG-fest Gods of Egypt (out in February, always a sign of quality) which we were just gaping at the gaudy posters for on Friday, and...

... yeah, my eyes hurt too, Nicky.
Watch it here:
At least somebody did seem to realize that watching Nikolaj run around in that slinky skirted costume of his was gonna be this overblown dreck's highlight, and the trailer highlights it accordingly. Hit the jump for some more pics & Nicky will assume his position...

Friday, November 13, 2015

Who Wore It Best?

I wasn't going to bother wishing Gerard Butler a happy birthday today because what's Gerry done for me lately? Huh, Gerry? 300 was a long time ago, my friend. But then I stumbled upon the first posters for his upcoming epic Gods of Egypt from director Alex "Dark City was also a long time ago" Proyas, co-starring Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, and uh...

That's a whole lotta look, guys! My first thought was... well my first thought was "That's a whole lotta look, guys!" But my second thought was, and this is something I have been noticing lately, I really do appreciate it in theory that we seem to be moving away from the washed-out colorless post-LotR landscapes. I know the gaudiness of these posters is not the hill to die upon with this argument, and maybe the movie itself won't follow the same color scheme seen here, but directors and their technician friends have started embracing the entire rainbow again, which is something that was missing for a bit. (Insert stink-eye at Man of Steel right here.) This is good. The world needs color! (And yes it's also terribly ironic that I'm making this argument against a movie as white-washed casting wise as this one.) But this... this is a lotta look.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nikolaj Gets Cocky

From an interview with Men's Health:

"In the gym, I’d crush [Gerard Butler]. But who’d win in a fight between Jaime Lannister and Leonidas from 300? That’s a good question. Jaime would probably talk to Leonidas and make him do something stupid. He had a bit of a short temper. I think Jaime would just have called the Mountain. Why risk it, if you’ve got a Mountain to call?"


Who'd win in a fight?

Jaime Lannister0%
King Leonidas0%

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Who Wore It Best?

Raise your hands if you're nude?
I know I know what a cheap way to ogle butts. Whatddya want from me, everything can't be golden, there are only so many ways to pun our way ass-wards. (Which is clearly always the place to end up.) Anyway Steve Zahn's turning 47 today while Gerard Butler's turning 45, and celebrating their birthday (suits) seemed (always always) apt. Right, Steve?

Steve agrees.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Golden Gods

Even after some photo-shopping on my part the quality's not great (I think it's a pap-snap from the set) but that's the first picture I've seen of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in Alex Proyas' upcoming ancient deity epic Gods of Egypt (via) - do you think anybody behind-the-scenes of this movie has heard the rightful bitching at Ridley Scott & Co. over the white-washing of the Moses story with Exodus: Gods and Kings? I suppose the fact that Gods of Egypt is filled with mythical not historical characters could give them a little bit more of a buffer than Scott's film has, but with a cast like Nicky, Gerard Butler, Geoffrey Rush and Rufus Sewell (they have got Chadwick Boseman in there, at least) they might be asking for it.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Footy Boys

Oh these pictures of Taylor Kitsch and Gerard Butler hanging out at the World Cup in Brazil are just a gift, aren't they? Not quite in the same way that the pictures of Bradley Cooper and Michael Fassbender hanging out were a gift though. More of a sad, orange, past-the-expiration-date gift. I feel like they're saying to each other, "Hey remember 2007? That was a nice year, right?" "Right." "Sigh."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Let's Put Edgar Ramirez In a Wetsuit

The word of the day is "UPGRADE." The other day we learned that Gerry Butler had dropped out of the Point Break remake and honestly we were a little bit indifferent, as we've been to the entire prospect of this movie happening (but then I was never all that huge a fan of the original movie, either). But now comes word that yup Edgar Ramirez is snapping up the part and this is a whole different ball-game we're playing. This is an entire ocean of hot half-naked dudes on long-boards' worth of yes. Take it away, Keanu...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

I Am Link

--- Star Lord Lover - Well I wan't expecting to ever have a robotic metal-helmet fetish introduced into my life, but then they went and put Chris Pratt in one in his Guardians of the Galaxy shape and now, I just don't know. I guess that's where we are.

--- And Speaking of sexy rough-n-tumble superhero types, Captain America isn't pussyfooting around those DC dudes a bit - Disney says the third Marvel movie in the saga of Chris Evans' bouncing arse will not back down from its release date even though Batman Vs. Superman or whatever they're calling it also plans to be belly-flopping onto the exact same date. Well I have enough room for at least Chris and Henry Cavill in my... heart. Yeah, heart, that's it.

--- Cannibal Feast - Today's lunchtime read - a wonderfully thorough interview (beware spoilers for what we've seen so far) with Bryan Fuller about what we've seen on the second season of Hannibal, and where we're headed. Season Three talk, ho! I finally caught up with Friday's episode last night (I knew there was sexy stuff and I didn't want to watch it with my mother while she was here, sue me) and goddamn it grossed me out. (thanks Mac)
--- Tyrannosaurus Rowr - I never watched The Office but Andy Buckley's been around in enough random things that he's at least a familiar (cute) face to me - he's just signed on for a role in the new Jurassic Park movie - hopefully he's playing Chris Pratt's man lover. A lover, who is a man.

--- Peggy Prowled - We've been waiting for something from Bryan Bertino, the director of The Strangers, for ages - now there's word he's making There Are Monsters, a movie about a woman and her daughter trapped in their house by, you guessed it, monsters -- and it will star Elisabeth Moss! I am so down with this. bertino actually has another horror something called Mockingbird already finished, but no word on when we're seeing that.

--- Queen Blood - It's been a very long time since I've read Clive Barker's Books of Blood in full so my memory of the story "Jacqueline Ess" is extremely foggy, but Lena Headey's just signed on to star in a movie version of it so I guess I'll have my memory jogged. (How good was she on this week's Game of Thrones, by the way?)

--- Man Or Muse - Since he's the king of Cannes this year, with two big movies in competition, we're hearing a lot of Robert Pattinson things right now - here's some new pictures and clips from David Michod's The Rover and Cronenberg's Map to the Stars, and here's some quotes from the boy-man-vampire on how rough the Twilight critics were on him and how he might team up with Harmony Korine next.

---  Surf's Nope - Gerard Butler apparently decided that one shitty surfing movie on his resume was plenty, and has dropped out of the remake of Point Break. We should expect a replacement announcement soon I guess, cuz the studio is all over making this thing happen. Some exec wants a paid beach vacation, I guess.

--- Women on the Verge - Last night The Film Experience's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" series took on Robert Altman's great great great film 3 Women, with Sissy Spacek and Shelley Duvall - hit up this link here for links outwards to all the posts across the web.

--- Jock Rock - Every time I read the name Finn Wittrock I am immediately transported to an episode of The Flintstones, so thankfully I don't read the name Finn Wittrock all that often, I have more important things to have on my mind than Barney Rubble. Like movies where Aaron Eckhart's playing a football coach! But now the two shall meet - Finn Wittrock (he was in Noah and he's in Angelina Jolie's upcoming movie) is set to play a University of Texas player, apparently well-known and regarded or something, and Eckhart's his coach, and hopefully the entire thing is set in the lockerroom.

--- Off Agent - Wolf Creek director Greg McLean's next movie, the "micro-budgeted" horror flick 6 Miranda Drive with Kevin Bacon and Radha Mitchell, has gotten a new cast-mate - Ming-Na, who can currently be seen rocking a lot of bodysuit-type outfits while scowling on Agents of SHIELD, will be playing something-or-other. I am gonna make a guess: the movie's about a family that "unwittingly" brings a supernatural force home with them from the Grand Canyon (who would "wittingly" do such a thing?) - I've seen enough horror movies to know the ethnic person in the cast will probably have some tie to the supernatural world. That's how these things work.
--- Snow In New York - Here in New York BAM has announced the movies that will be playing their CinemaFest at the end of this month, and their centerpiece film is none other than Bong Joon-ho's long delayed here in the US Snowpiercer, with Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton. I have already seen and reviewed the movie thanks to this here wonderful internet, but it might be worth it to see it on a big screen, it's a gorgeously shot thing. They're also showing David Wain's rom-com snarkfest They Came Together with Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd. (thanks Mac)

--- And finally, speaking of New York film festivals, here's the campaign page and down below is the fundraising video for the NYC Indie Film Fest, which is celebrating its fifth year and is trying to raise some cash to expand.Go give them some money, I want all the film festivals I can get please.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Slave Boys To Super Men

Two weeks til the 300 sequel comes out and we're finally getting some stills that matter - there's up-n-comer and atypical (for this series) twink Jack O'Connell, who's been getting recent raves for his performance in the prison flick Starred Up, getting some mano-a-mano from Sullivan Stapleton, the new movie's Gerard Butler replacement. And here's a look at our favorite ginger boyfriend David Wenham returning to the series...

... I didn't know he was coming back! And he's got both eyes so this must be a flashback? I don't really get what the timeline is for this movie, but... well who cares, really. I skimmed a few reviews (the film screened recently) and it sounds like it could be a fun time and not a total disaster like I worried (Eva Green was singled out as being totally crazy, in a good way), so I am totally there.