Showing posts with label Callum Turner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Callum Turner. Show all posts

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Pic of the Day

I don't know how this mo0vie escapes my eyeballs until now -- perhaps it's the fact that this movie isn't even listed on the director Mark Jenkin's IMDb page yet -- but there is apparently a movie called Rose of Nevada being made that co-stars George Mackay and Callum Turner! Two of my most favorite white boys of the moment, smooshing themselves like chocolate and peanut butter deliciousness -- I can hardly wait. The movie, according to The Film Stage where I found this photo, is called Rose of Nevada and it's a time-travel thriller -- if you've seen either of Jenkin's previous films Bait of Enys' Men then you know that prospect is hardly a simple one in his wildly weird hands. Here is their plot description:

"“In a forgotten fishing village, a boat mysteriously appears in the old harbour. The Rose of Nevada, lost at sea with all hands 30 years ago, has returned. For the few who remember, it’s a sign. The Rose of Nevada must go out to sea again, maybe then the luck of the devastated village will turn. Nick (MacKay) takes a job aboard the boat in an attempt to provide for his young family. Alongside him, newly arrived Liam (Turner) joins the crew, desperate to escape his past. They head to sea and after a successful trip return to harbour. But something is amiss. They’ve slipped back in time and the villagers greet them as if they are the original crew.”"

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Callum Turner Ten Times

Semi-flabbergasted that this photoshoot (via) of the disgustingly handsome Callum Turner escaped my greedy eyes last January when he was doing press for his Master of the Air series -- thankful that I have stumbled upon the photos today then as I looked for an image to attach to news of his latest project! Well not "news" exactly -- a review, more like! His film Atropia, which he co-stars in opposite the terrific Alia Shawkat, just won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, and I have reviewed the movie for Pajiba, read it here. I found it an enjoyable if not super deep movie that gets the majority of its juice from those two actors, who are very on point. Anyway staring at Callum is always a privilege so let's do it more after the jump...

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Callum Turner Six Times

Instead of constantly refreshing my social media accounts to take in the horror that is the Los Angeles fire right now -- and here is a good rundown of places too donate to if you're doing the same and feeling helpless; I also recommend buying one of these Parks & Rec themed charity posters from Bottleneck Gallery, with the 100% of the proceeds going to the LAFD -- here are a few photos of actor Callum Turner modeling for Louis Vuitton because he's always a good distraction. Not that this matters in the scope of what's happening out there but my trip to L.A. for the Critics Choice Awards this weekend has now been officially canceled so I kinda need some Pretty Man distraction myself. The show's been rescheduled for January 26th but that's right in the middle of Sundance so it looks like I'll be missing my first ever awards show, siiigh. But like I said -- that's extremely small potatoes compared to the devastation. And if there are any L.A. readers here in the house please please please stay safe! So yes let's all hit the jump and dip our anxieties into some sweet Callum for a moment...

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Monday, April 01, 2024

Callum Turner Nine Times

At the rate I am going I don't think I will ever finish Masters of the Air -- these war dramas just ain't my bag, even when they star massive heaps of hotties like this one and all the other Bands of Brothers before it. I've maybe finished two episodes across the several weeks since it started and it's just not overcoming my indifference. Still how about that Callum Turner though? let's keep getting him roles. Vanity Fair was kind enough to feature him this week and grace us with this very fine (if over-dressed) Matthew Brookes photoshoot; hit the jump for them all...

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Callum Turner Nine Times

I have been watching Masters of the Air in like five minute increments over the past several weeks -- whenever I have a few minutes I turn it on long enough to get my Callum Turner or Barry Keoghan or [fill in the blank with the name of any one of the exceptionally attractive young actors that are on the show] fix, see something get all blowed up, and then move myself along. Seriously -- I think I'm about a quarter of the way through the second episode after weeks of this, haha. These war dramas made for grandfathers just ain't my bag, but they torment me every time by casting all the hotties! Anyway Callum here -- who I would just like to remind you I have been ogling since way back in 2018, so I'm no Callum-cum-lately dammit -- is indeed king of the hotties, and he's got this new shoot for GQ magazine, so let's give him his laurels by hitting the jump and looking on the boy like he deserves to be looking upon...

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Callum Turner Four Times

I was looking something else up just nown when I realized that my review of George Clooney's latest film The Boys in the Boat dropped right before Christmas and so I never properly linked to that review from here at MNPP. So let's do that. Here is my review of that movie which here, two weeks later, seems all but forgotten. Like most of George Clooney's directorial efforts! That said BITB is actually not terrible by my estimation -- cheeseball as hell but it goes down easy enough. Oh and if you, like the rest of the world, have forgotten -- this is the movie about the US rowing team in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Here's the trailer. Callum here is the lead and he's real easy to stare at as far as I'm concerned -- we've been doing just that for years in many a post, after all! Anyway these photods are via Glass Magazine and if you hit the jump there are three more plus -- plus!! -- a few bonus shots of Callum rocking his skimpy rowing uniform on the set of Clooney's movie just cuz I love you...

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Good Morning, World

Being quite lazy this morning since it's my last work day before the holiday break and just posting this new photoshoot of actor Callum Turner for VMan magazine (via), even though there's nothing morning coded to be seen -- oh well. We put on clothes in the morning and he's wearing clothes! Far, far, far too many clothes if you ask me, but I suppose that give sme an opening to link back to my first "Good Morning, Gratuitous Callum Turner" post or to my second "Good Morning, Gratuitous Callum Turner" post, since I've done plenty of Callum Turner posts in the past. Indeed just check the Callum Turner archives -- they're fit to burst. Anyway Callum's rowing movie The Boys in the Boat is out this holiday weekend and I'll have things to say on that soon enough so stay tuned. For now, let's just stare at a too-clothed Callum after the jump...

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Row Row Row Your Boys

George Clooney's latest homoerotic fantasia The Boys in the Boat has gifted us with a trailer today -- this is his movie about the rowing team at the Nazi Olympics yada yada that stars Callum Turner (mmm Callum Turner) and Joel Edgerton and James Wolk and a bunch of other hot pieces crammed into tank tops and shorts and ...

... getting all wet and sweaty with one another. Sports! Am I right? I shared a pile of photos from the set of this movie back when it was filming that were worth a few shakes of the leg but this trailer proves that there's nothing like a golden-boy filter thrown on the camera lens to make the homoeroticism truly sing!

This movie is out on Christmas Day, so I suppose a lot of you people should be preparing yourselves to be shifting around uncomfortably in the seat next to your parents as you discover fresh new and exciting feelings about the wonders of rowing. Here is the trailer:

And I made several more gifs for us, after the jump...

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Good Morning, James Wolk

Happy 38 to James Wolk today! I feel like I've barely seen him in ages! Since the skimpy panties in Watchmen, really? I never watched Zoo and that is my bad, because by the sound of it that nutty show was right up my alley and if people like me weren't turning in for it then no wonder it's not still on. Anyway we should be seeing some of James this year, as he's one of the (many many many) hot men starring in George Clooney's next directorial effort, The Boys in the Boat, about the rowing crew team in the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin. This movie is looking like it might be the gayest thing Clooney's ever done...

... and we all know how much that is saying with regards to the man who wore rubber nipples for Joel Schumacher. But in all seriousness it really does look like it might even rival Clooney's Catch-22 miniseries for young men in skimpy clothing -- just look at the set photos I posted last June! To say I'm looking forward to this is an understatement -- I think Clooney is generally a very bad director, but he's at his best when there are half-naked men in front of him. (Catch-22 is by far the best thing he's done, with that "Let's leer at Sam Rockwell's perfect ass" epic Confessions of a Dangerous Mind coming in second.) Let's hope he fully, similarly appreciates James when he's got him there. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Pics of the Day

Don't know how I managed to miss these photos from the set of George Clooney's upcoming movie The Boys in the Boat, which is about the University of Washington's rowing team in the 1930s working their way to the big 1936 Berlin Olympics (via) -- this one was on my radar immediately because the last time Clooney gathered up a bunch of hot boys for war stuff we got the hyper-gratuitous antics of his Catch-22 miniseries with Christopher Abbott. You add sports to the mix and you cast people like Callum Turner and like Joel Edgerton and like James Wolk and you set it during the height of inadvertently queer (thank you J.C. Leyendecker) "Arrow Man" fashion...

... and you've got a fetish parade right up my alley. Probably yours 
as well! Hell it's clearly George Clooney's best life...

Has anyone ever looked more in their element?

And yes George, I am just jealous. With good reason. 
You can see all the good reasons right on after the jump...

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ben Radcliffe Twenty-One Times

Thanks to 1883 Magazine for this fantastic and thorough new photoshoot of up-and-coming British actor Ben Radcliffe today -- there's also a little interview at the link, but it's mostly pictures of Ben with fluffy hair wearing fluffy sweaters and fluffy wide cords and I just wanna crawl into these photos and snuggle up. Ben can currently be seen playing the younger version of Rupert Friend on the Netflix series Anatomy of a Scandal (haven't watched it -- any good?) and he'll be featured soon as one of one thousand hotties in Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks' sequel to Band of Brothers called Masters of the Air, which has recognizable name talent in Barry Keoghan and Austin Butler and Callum Turner (oh how we do love Callum Turner) and then a list of not-so-recognizable names of actors like Ben here who will probably be recognizable soon enough, just like what happened with Band of Brothers back in 2001. I mean nobody knew who Michael Fassbender was on 2001 and yet there he was in Band of Brothers. Anyway Ben's cute in that very familiar Brit-twink way, and we do like that way in case you hadn't noticed, so hit the jump for all the photos...

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Pic of the Day

Indeed that is a photo of director Cary Fukunaga and actors Barry Keoghan and Austin Butler (aka Baz's Elvis to be) chillin' nips-out while shooting Masters of the Air, their upcoming series about World War II that I've mentioned previously a couple of times (including just two days ago) -- no idea of the original source for this, I got it via Film Updates on Twitter. There are so many cute guys in this series -- check out the cast list here -- that I hope we get a storm of gratuitous photos from its shoot! Like where's Callum Turner? Get Callum Turner in there, fellas -- there's plenty of room! In related news here is another photo of note that Barry tweeted out recently that I missed:

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Good Morning, Gratuitous Callum Turner II

It's usually a pretty good sign that I should post about somebody if that somebody's name shows up in more than one totally-unconnected place in a twenty-four hour span, and yesterday actor Callum Turner's name showed up in two places within about a half-an-hour span -- no needs to bait me so hard, Callum! (Wait, what am I saying?) First instance: I read this new interview with Cary Fukunaga & Edgar Wright in Interview Magazine and Fukunaga mentioned he's been hard at work on a new project, so I googled -- the new project is a fictionalized WWII miniseries called Masters of the Air whose cast is chockablock with pasty pretty boys like Callum and Austin Butler and Barry Keoghan (okay I might be the only person who calls Keoghan a "pretty boy" but I stand by that) and so on. This movie's been shooting for awhile now -- here is a photo that Fukunaga took of Callum and co-star Fionn O'Shea:

(Sometimes I wonder about Cary, y'all...) And the second instance was the news that Callum has been cast in the leading role in George Clooney's new movie (speaking of "straight" men I wonder about), which is a 1930s Olympian rower flick (mmhmm see what I mean) called The Boys in the Boat... now I personally think Clooney's a pretty lousy director. But if you saw his Catch-22 miniseries (the best thing Clooney's done, by the way) starring Christopher Abbott and Rafi Gavron and Austin Stowell and a parade of hot young fellas parading about in the tiniest shorts you ever done seen, well, then Clooney turning his "straight eye" on the Olympian rowing team of 1936, pictured here...

... well who cares if it's any good? It will be watchable whatever happens quality-wise, the same way that White Squall remains watchable all these many years on. Anyway these seem like big "gets" for Callum, who's been nipping on the edges of stardom for several years now -- I posted this site's first "Gratuitous Callum Turner" post in 2018 (right here) and since then he's hopped into the Fantastic Beasts cast and co-starred in the most recent Emma movie. Maybe 2022 will be his year. His whole look, which I would call Josh O'Connor adjacent, is fairly popular right now. (I mean it's always been popular with me but pop culture seems to be digging it, I mean.) So let's look! Hit the jump for a couple dozen photos I've never posted before (and a few I have)...  

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spend Your Weekend Immersed In the Law

Since there's nothing really big and new in theaters this weekend that looks much worth seeing -- that La Larona horror flick looks racist as shit to me, and don't get me started on that Christian garbage -- I'm going to spend my three-day weekend getting my own shit together for the 2019 edition of the Tribeca Film Fest, which officially kicks off on Wednesday and which I'll be reviewing films for once again for The Film Experience. I've already seen a dozen or so movies, a number which will more than double in the coming two weeks whee what a time to be alive. Anyway none of this has anything to do with that picture of Jude Law but who doesn't want to stare at Jude Law? Nobody, that's who. (He could've brought along his white speedo but perhaps it's under those jeans.) In summation, uhh, bye until Monday y'all.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I Am Link

--- Romantic Plots - Photog Autumn de Wilde is making a new movie version of Emma, the Jane Austen tome, which well even besides the perfectly fun Gwyneth Paltrow version will never get a better movie than Clueless made from it; I don't know why they try. Anyway I only bring this up because they have cast Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead which is very fine work, but even better they have cast Callum Turner, perennially underrated hot piece, as well as the great Josh O'Connor from God's Own Country and Rupert "Scudder" Graves to boot! It's a good damn cast they have.
--- Wicked Means - Colin Trevorrow gets a lot of shit for being a straight white dude who made a for-nothing indie and immediately graduated to blockbuster movies without proving himself, but we really should save some of that same shit for Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who went from The Kings of Summer straight to Kong: Skull Island, which is just as bad a movie as the Jurassic Worlds are, plus he also has the douchiest hipster beard. Anyway that aside I'm fairly interested in his maybe next movie, which might be an original monster movie set in Detroit and starring Michael B. Jordan. I'm always down for monster movies, my curse and a blessing.
--- Bad Vibes Ahoy - Mark your calendars with a great big red slash and make sure you've got a bottle of Pepto Bismal waiting for you at home that week, The Babadook director Jennifer Kent's next film, the already wildly controversial The Nightingalehas been set for release on August 2nd. We recently posted a clip from the film right here, which stars The Fall's Aisling Franciosi and Sam Claflin in a dark turn that will supposedly wipe all our bad Finnick memories right away.
--- The New Avenger - I constantly get the actor Macon Blair mixed up with his most frequent collaborator, director Jeremy Saulnier -- they made Blue Ruin and Green Room together -- and so when I read the news that Macon Blair is directing the Toxic Avenger reboot I thought the director of Green Room was directing the Toxic Avenger reboot and I was stopped in my tracks for a second. But all that is unfair to Blair, who did actually prove himself a director worth paying attention when he made a movie starring the goddess Melanie Lynskey. He knows what's up! Bring on the Toxie, then.
--- Cruel Bummer - I forgot to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Cruel Intentions earlier this month but you know what, I've commemorated the only moment in that movie that really matters so many times over the years that my work here is done. Still if you missed it EW did an oral history of the film speaking to all the folks involved and they got this choice bit of quote from Ryan Phillippe, owner of said "only moment in that movie that really matters," himself:

"I felt okay with [showing] my butt. Everybody has a butt, it’s really not that graphic. [Laughs] So many guys on Twitter are like, 'That’s the moment I knew I was gay.'"
--- Music Woman - When I reviewed Gloria Bell the other week I talked a lot about its soundtrack, which is a vital piece of what makes it work so well (as it is with all of Lelio's films) -- when I wrote all that I was hoping that one of our pal Chris Feil's "Soundtracking" pieces at The Film Experience would be forthcoming and I didn't have to wait long, click here to read Chris's typically gorgeous take.
--- Wolff's Pack - While I tend to focus on his Hereditary co-star Toni Collette more we should all be paying attention to what Alex Wolff is up to as well, seeing as how he was also top-tier in that movie -- well here's what's what: he's just lined up a thriller called The Line which has him starring opposite John Malkovich, Scott "Scoot!" McNairy, Jessica Barden (we lovvve Jessica Barden) and the adorkable Lewis Pullman. It is about "the wild excitement of being young and the dangers of living without fear of consequences," so they say.
--- And Finally it looks like Blumhouse is rebooting The Craft! Well "reboot" is a premature word to use - they might be giving us a sequel of sorts, set in the same world as the 1996 film, we don't know yet. (That link does have some plot details and uses the word "reboot" but... well we'll see.) Anyway even more important is that Blumhouse has actually hired a female director to direct the thing -- who knew there were female directors, right Jason Blum? Zoe Lister-Jones, mainly known as a TV actress (she was on Whitney and New Girl) is writing the thing and directing it. All I know is Fairuza better show or else...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Callum Turner Six Times

(via) In case you missed our big gratuitous post 
on this here Fantastic Beasts scene stealer click here
And for the rest of this shoot you can hit the jump...

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Good Morning, Gratuitous Callum Turner

I have one thing and one thing only to be thankful to Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and that's Jude Law's Pants. But let's say I had two things. If we said that I'd say the second thing was getting me to finally take proper note of Callum Turner, the model turned actor  who plays Eddie Redmayne's brother in distress.
Callum has been bouncing around for a little while -- he was the lead singer of the punk band in Jeremy Saulnier's brutally fantastic Green Room in 2015, and he played some fellow Assassin of Michael Fassbender's in Assassin's Creed (am I really expected to remember anything about that movie?) Oh and best of all he played...

... the dude that Jake Gyllenhaal murders in the opening moments of the band called The Shoes' music video for their song "Time To Dance" which you can watch in full right here. He's dallied with all my faves! Strangely enough...

... he also co-stars in this 2017 movie called Mobile Homes with his Green Room co-star Imogen Poots that a friend of mine has randomly brought up twice over the past week and a half that I'd never even heard of before - have any of you seen it? Guess I've got to now...
Anyway I thought he was good casting in Fantastic Beasts because he is both believably that weirdo Eddie Redmayne's brother as well as hotter and more likable, complicating who we're supposed to be rooting for among that movie's tepid love triangles a wee bit. 

I guess Harry Potter producer David Heyman thought so too because Callum's next role is the lead in a BBC "conspiracy thriller" called The Capture from Heyman - other than that we'll have to wait and see. While that happens let's hit the jump for dozens and dozens of pictures (I did mention earlier he did got his start doing some modeling after all) then...