Extremely saddened to hear about the passing of Donald Sutherland, one of my all-time favorite actors and easily my favorite of the 1970s group that is (was) still around and kicking. Brilliant in absolutely every single thing I ever watched him in -- go watch Six Degrees of Separation (my personal fave) or Klute or Don't Look Now (or maybe that one is) or MASH or Invasion of the Body Snatchers (or maybe that one is) or hell his every scene in the Hunger Games movies. He was legit incapable of not spinning gold. He is far and away the best thing happening in Ordinary People and somehow he got none of the attention for it. In one of the greatest disasters that AMPAS has ever reigned over Sutherland never got a single Oscar nomination -- they finally gave him an Honorary one in 2018 but let's be real the man should've had several statues by then. I am immensely depressed that we will never see him pop up in another scene of some random movie and immediately make whatever nosnense is going on feel believable and true. This one hurts! Please tell me your favorite Sutherland performances and/or moments in the comments! What a loss.
ETA I just read that Sutherland had written a memoir before he passed, and it's set to come out in November! This makes me very happy -- it's like we'll get to spend some more time with him. Click here to pre-order it. I bet the man had some stories to tell!