--- Him There - There was
a long article slash interview with Spike Jonze in the NYT over the weekend all about his new film
which I saw and adored at The New York Film Festival last month. I
haven't read this article yet; I'm gonna once I finish this post. Let's
read it together! On your mark get set... oh wait, you have to finish
reading this post first. I'll give you a minute. I'll just stare at that picture of Spike until you're done. Mmmm Spike.
--- Fly Swatter - David Cronenberg of all people has taken Stanley Kubrick to task for
being too cold of a film-maker, saying that he himself is much more intimate and personal. He's not a fan of
The Shining either, saying that Kubrick really understood the horror genre.
--- Sex Maniac - We finally have
a clip involving sexytimes in Lars Von Trier's
Nymphomanic to look at, and it is indeed not sexytimes in the slightest. There is some naked Shia LaBeauf, some humping, and I think I see him lapping at some lady business in there. It's all in split-screen with cheetahs and piano playing. Right on, Lars. Right on.And speaking of Shia,
here's the red-band trailer for Charlie Countryman, which we've spoken of
previously; I actually totally wanna see it, the more I see of it.
--- Melisandre's Kid - The producers of the
Insidious movies are making
Incarnate, starring Aaron Exckhart as an "unconventional exorcist" who can get into the possessed's unconscious mind. I care because they
just hired Carice Van Houten to play the mother of a possessed little boy that Exckhart's trying to cure, and I will always care what Carice is doing.
--- After Splice - There's a new horror anthology television series airing in Canada called
Darknet, and the pilot was directed by Vincenzo Natali (the director of
Cube and
Splice), and it is online now, you can
watch it here. I thought
Splice was amazing, even though I know that's a pretty divisive movie.
--- Madding Man - There's the first picture of Matthias Schoaenaerts and Carey Mulligan in
Far From the Madding Crowd over at this link - that's the adaptation of Thomas Hardy's book from Thomas Vinterberg, director of
The Hunt.
--- Camp Killer - Toss this on the trash heap of shit-ideas -
Sleepaway Camp, a movie that belongs to the 1980s and nowhere else,
is being remade. I can't even imagine what they could even have to add to what already stands. How are they ever going to top that ending? Why would anyone even want to try? I mean I know the answer is "money," the answer is always "money," but I just feel depressed for these people, that this is what they've chosen to do with their lives.
--- Resurrect Me - In related news, the
Pet Semetary remake has found a director, and it's someone I actually really like - Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, the Spanish director of
28 Weeks Later (and I know this is blasphemy to some people but I actually prefer
Weeks to
Days). Anyway there is a lot of stuff I like about the first
PS movie (that kid is amazing, and ? in the back room, argh!) but I could see you totally making a new movie out of the material, and finding something new to say. Course the script's by the guy who wrote
Halloween H20, so.....
--- Face Punch - Jake Gyllenhaal is
circling the boxing drama Southpaw (which apparently was going to star Eminem once upon a time) from
Training Day director Antoine Fuqua. It was written by the guy who makes
Sons of Anarchy. Once upon a time I'd have a lot to say about Jake making a boxing movie but I'm so worried about him right now with
his current skinniness that I can't even.
--- And Speaking of projects I might normally have more to say about if I weren't trying to run through as much as possible here,
Michael Fassbender is going to make a gangster movie called
Trespass Amongst Us, which will be scored by The Chemical Brothers.