Showing posts with label Carice Van Houten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carice Van Houten. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Domino in 150 Words or Less

I know we're all tired of the "Define Camp" conversations by now -- we were all tired of them weeks ago, really -- but I usually only start finding things funny the second they have become absolutely exhausted beyond recognition (see also the crush I developed on Shia LaBeouf only in the past couple of years), which... well, is kind of Camp now that I think about it. Life is a flat circle and once we get around to the butt-end of it, almost back to where we started, is when I finally chuckle. The absurdity of finally giving in. Anyway my point is Carice Van Houten saving the day in Brian De Palma's new film Domino by drop-kicking in the gunt a terrorist waiting for the go signal from a drone during a bullfight before he blows everybody up with his soda-can bomb is the definition of Camp, full stop.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

After Lannister

With all the hullaballoo surrounding the Game of Thrones finale the past few days -- and I think it tells you all you need to know that I haven't had much of anything to say on that after ten plus years of writing about the show! -- I missed this other Nikolaj Coster-Waldau content: his movie with Brian De Palma called Domino (which also stars his GoT co-star Carice van Houten) got a new clip! Watch:

(via) We also posted the trailer for the film back in April; it's had a seriously troubled production and De Palma's disavowed the movie but we don't even come to close to caring about all of that -- those two actors plus that director has got to turn out something worth seeing, even if only in spirts and fits. Domino supposedly hits both some theaters and VOD on May 31st.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Only the Best For Brian De Palma

Although we have some reasons to be nervous due to behind-the-scenes drama the trailer for Brian De Palma's new movie Domino is here and the movie is hitting theaters at the end of May -- click on over to The Film Experience where I get into all that this morning. I think it looks like it still could be good! It looks like a Brian De Palma Movie for one, and it stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau AND Carice van Houten for another. A Game of Thrones Dream Team!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Brian De Palma's Making Thrones Fan-Fic Now

It is Brian De Palma's 77th birthday today - Happy birthday, Brian De Palma! - and so I looked him up to try and figure out an idea for a post to do in celebration of said birthday and I got myself a good surprise! I already knew and posted about (although to be honest I had forgotten) that BDP was currently working on making a new movie called Domino starring that fine chap you see above Mr. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. What I didn't know was that he'd replaced the female star who was first announced (Mad Men's Christina Hendricks) with someone I'm even more enthusiastic about - Nikolaj's Thrones co-star Carice Van Houten!

We wished Carice a happy birthday just last week and hoped at the time that she'd get some good movie roles now that Thrones is coming to an end - working with Brian De palma is certainly a good start! And a mighty fine book-end to her career-launching work with Paul Verhoeven on Black Book, of course. Check off all the 80s Sleaze Masters, girl.

Anyway as long as Domino is still about the same thing it was before it's got Nikolaj & Carice starring a cops working together to solve the murder of a dude who was both Nikolaj's former partner and Carice's former lover. And I hope these two bring as much heat opposite each other as they should, because god they'll make for a hot pair. Jamie Lannister & The Red Woman together at last! Hit the jump for five more new pics of Nikolaj if you want...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Good Morning, World

Even though I lightened this shot up considerably it's always night at the Night's Watch... I s'pose, if we're being a stickler about the "Morning" theme of these posts, I could argue this scene represented the dawn of a new day for Jon Snow, or something... anyway let's set that aside for just this once and luxuriate in this shot from the Game of Thrones blooper-reel that aired at Comic-Con over the weekend. Blooper? I hardly know her...

Seriously though this is no blooper. How dare they ever classify that as a blooper. It's an affront to all things non-blooper and blooper alike to classify that as a blooper. Bloopers unite! Fight the blooper-archy! Et cetera, et cetera. Here's the full video:

And one more for good luck:

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Quote of the Day

"It was such an important scene, we shot it from so many angles. I think I washed his body 50 times. There would be a lot of people who would be very jealous, including my mother and sister. I was joking about that with him – ‘if only my mother could see this’ – and he loved that."

-- I edited that quote from Carice Van Houten (aka Melisandre on A Game of Thrones) to take out a spoiler from this past week's episode (and there are more spoilers at the link), although I'm pretty sure everybody knows what went down by now. I don't want to be the one to ruin anything though, since even though I saw it coming from outer space I still had it definitively spoiled for me since I had to wait 24 whole hours to watch the damn episode. God forbid you wait 24 hours! 

Anyway we're not here to talk about spoilers, we're here to talk about being jealous of washing Naked Kit Harington, which we all are. (At that same link Kit describes the process of shooting this scene as "a teenage boy's wet dream" so you know, let your mind's wander.) Damn you, Carice! First you get to molest Joe Dempsie and now this. If I'd have realized what a coup that role was gonna be I'd have auditioned for it. I'd have made a super Melisandre. Or at least the one she looks like after she takes off her necklace.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I Am Link

--- Madding Man - Two posts of interest at The Film Experience - here's Nat's take on the new Far From the Madding Crowd movie, which I personally was curious to read since neither he nor I had ever seen the Julie Christie movie or read the Thomas Hardy book. He liked the new movie with more reservations than I had (here's my review); I loved this though:

"What Bathsheba wants is, in the end, a moot point. The camera knows what it wants and what it wants is the good shepherd played by the greatest movie star Belgium has ever offered us. Schoenearts is irresistible to look at and the camera agrees, continually flattering him with intense closeups..."

Of course I loved that though. Also at TFE is the news that the incredible actress Cara Seymour is going to be taking over the site on June 9th! We have adored Cara Seymour every single day since we watched Christian Bale, naked save a pair of white sneakers, chase her with a chainsaw. I actually right this minute have a goldfish named "Christie" in her honor!

 --- Let's Experiment - Last week we told you that Tony Goldwyn and John Gallagher Jr had joined the cast of Greg McLean's upcoming office-centric horror thriller The Belko Experiment (written by James Gunn) which reads as a kind of "Lord of the Flies meets Office Space" ... well a few more very cool names have since leapt on-board - Michael "Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer" Rooker, for one! Also the terrific and seriously under-appreciated Melonie Diaz.
--- The Quiet Man - The Playlist shares two pictures of Pedro Almodovar on the set of his next film called Silencio with actress... um is that Adriana Ugarte? She looks different with that hair. They say the film is "the story of the tumultuous life of Juliet, tracking the character across thirty years from 1985 to 2015." Okay. All I know is I'm super sad that Miguel Angel Silvestre doesn't seem to be in this; I was really hoping his small role in I'm So Excited would lead to him becoming Pedro's latest hunk of muse (I guess he's too busy having gay sex for the Wachowskis). Daniel Grao (pictured right) is in Silencio and he is promising, though. I saw him in a 2012 movie called The End and he's gorgeous. (Also gay from what I remember?)
--- Big League - Last week I was trying to explain Penny Dreadful to a friend of mine who clearly doesn't get out enough (how could anybody have not heard of Penny Dreadful?) and I name-dropped The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie (and why did I think she'd have heard of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen if she hadn't heard of Penny Dreadful?) and here we are less than a week gone and we're hearing that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is getting rebooted? I have powers. Terrible powers. Still that series has no place to go but up; I really love Alan Moore's comics.
--- Hate 2-0 - Apparently the racial and religious tensions in Europe (France specifically) have got director Matthieu Kassovitz and star Vincent Cassel thinking it's time to revisit their 1995 film La Haine with a sequel. I loooove the original so very much but think this might be a terrible idea. In the twenty years since Kassovitz hasn't approached making anything as great as that movie, and I fear he might be too soft for the subject now.
--- Witch of the North - Although I feel as if she's being spoilery with what she specifically chooses not to say, here's a nice interview with Melisandre herself the actress Carice Van Houten, who's been an MNPP Icon ever since she dyed her pubes that special shade of golden for the resistance. Fun Fact: She used to date Seth Meyer's twin brother! And Seth is the nerd who convinced her to take the role on Thrones. Thanks, Seth!
--- Skin Born - I will link to it whenever anybody gives good love to Jonathan Glazer's already-a-masterpiece Under the Skin but I'm especially keen to do so since it's my pal Sean talking up the flick this time around, calling it "one of the most harrowing and singular scary movies you’ll ever see." Word. The way he describes the beach scene (oh you remember the beach scene, don't pretend you don't remember the beach scene) is especially nice.
--- Never It - We already talked up the news that Cary Fukunaga had dropped out of making Stephen King's It into a movie (or rather a pair of movies) yesterday but now there's more details on what went wrong, and also the news that this pretty much strikes the entire project dead as a little boy who gets his arm ripped off by a killer clown in the gutter. (That is very.)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good Morning, World

You guys are watching Episodes on Showtime right? I mean it only remains, in its fourth season, one of the funniest shows on television, is all. I thought maybe you liked to laugh. Well if you are (a smart person and you are) watching Episodes then last week you met the Dutch writer Arjen Van Der Linden, who sold his show to the same network that our main characters, Beverly and Sean, have their show (now shows) on. 

Uhhhhhh. He'd been on-screen for less than a minute before I'd looked him up (and found the naked pictures)... the actor's name is Barry Atsma and he is actually Dutch - well clearly he is Dutch; you can't fake how Dutch he looks. I mean he played Vincent Van Gogh in a movie and they don't let any Thom, Dick, or Johan play Vincent Van Gogh, ya know? And he got naked with Carice Van Houten in a movie, which appears to be a Dutch rite of passage.

But he was born in England, so maybe you can? Fake Dutch, I mean. I don't know. Here's some bio info in case you give a shit: "He lived as a child in England, Greece, Brazil and the Netherlands and learned at a very young age how to speak English and Portugese."

Yawn. Now that the "reporting" part is done, let's look at pictures! I gathered up a bunch so, you know, hit the jump and that's where the pictures will be.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Am Link

--- Nice Bad Guys - Matthew Bomer, once he finishes shakin da booty for Magic Mike 2, will head over to Ryan Gosling's new movie to play a bad guy! It's called The Nice Guys, it also stars Russell Crowe, and it's from Shane Black, who wrote and is directing. Black is of course the dude who burned a bunch of bridges back in the 80s and got a comeback thanks to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3, aka Robert Downey Jr. brought him back.
--- Up For Chuck - Guinevere Turner, the author of the perfect perfect perfect American Psycho screenplay (she also played the wine-sloshing threesome-having society gal in the movie), is adapting the 1971 book The Family, about the events that led up to the Manson murders, for a movie to be directed by music-video director Jonas Akerlund. (Amongst other great pieces of work Akerlund made Madonna's "Ray of Light" video.) 

--- New Utopia - It is official: David Fincher's next project is going to be his HBO remake of the amazing amazing amazing British television thriller Utopia, and kind of surprisingly he says he's going to direct every single episode. He's making it next year. I am so torn on this - the original is SO GOOD, I wish they'd just air it here in the US as is because it really doesn't need changing a bit; all the actors are killer, it's gorgeously shot already, and the story is so scary and exciting and fun. I just hope he changes it a ton, is what I hope. Spin it off into your own thing, David. Then I can maybe see the point.

--- Super Week - I don't know if there are even still tickets for most of this stuff but IFC Center here in NY is doing a ton of super amazing events next week for New York Comic Con - it's called "Super Week" and on the list is stuff like Baz Luhrmann presenting a screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show; the NY premiere of the unrated Director's Cut of Nymphomaniac; Nicholas Hoult will be there with his new movie, and on and on. I probably can't do any of it myself because of continuing NYFF and actually being at Comic-Con duties, dammit.

--- Pig Person - Here's a sentence I never really expected to write: Y Tu Mama Tambien actor Diego Luna is directing a movie called Mr. Pig, which will star Danny Glover as a man traveling to Mexico, with a pig. It will co-star Maya Rudolph. First person to make a "Is Maya Playing the pig?" joke gets kicked in the nuts.

--- Her Triumph - I know that the Jesse Owens bio-pic is going to be all about, you know, Jesse Owens and sports and stuff, but hearing that they just cast Carice van Houten to play director Leni Riefenstahl in the film... well now I want this to be a Leni Riefenstahl bio-pic, sorry Jesse Owens. The film will detail the African-American athlete's travels to the Olympics in Berlin in 1936, which Riefenstahl turned into her film Olympia.

--- Vice Maker - I'm just gonna slip this link to the trailer for Paul Thomas Anderson's Inherent Vice in right here, side-stepping the fan-fare because it's great and everything but I know some people don't wanna watch it and far be it from me to ruin their day. I will say I watched the trailer even though I'm seeing the film later this week for NYFF and the trailer made me very very excited. And who is that shirtless blonde dude?

--- And Speaking of trailers the trailer for the second Avengers movie will apparently be shown in front of Chris Nolan's Interstellar. I have always planned on seeing Interstellar, I have to see Interstellar, it's too big a something to miss, even if I'm kinda over Nolan and I'm way way way over McConaughey. So this news at least gives me a little more impetus to give a shit.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I Am Link

--- Melisandre's Menfolk - Because I was totally correct when I decided right off the bat with Black Book that the actress Carice Van Houten's one of the world's bestest people, here she is in an interview about the upcoming fourth season of A Games of Thrones going on about how the show needs more male nudity. Huzzah give her an Emmy! I'm far too lazy to check through our archives and double-check this but I'm 99.44% sure that she's gone on about this before, too. I love you, Carice! (Relatedly click here to see that scene where she helped us out and stripped Joe Dempsie half-naked.)

--- And Speaking of Thrones, in honor of V-Day over at io9 they posted a special feature from the 3rd season's DVD set where that master of mutilation ceremonies George RR Martin talks about the weddings of Westeros and beyond. 

--- Back It Up Franco - In a chat with Cinema Blend Dave lets it be known that he shows off his ass in the upcoming Zac Efron Seth Rogen frat comedy Neighbors. He says in the movie he has "his first real sex scene," which I guess means he discounts that time he fucked himself up the ass, sadly. That was real for me!

--- The Eyes Of Steven Soderbergh - If you were wondering what Steven Soderbergh did with himself last year, The Playlist has you covered - here's a list of literally every single thing he watched or read and the day he watched or read them. I wish he'd scribbled in notes about what he ate for each meal and the respective bowel movements too; I don't feel like I quite know him without that information.

--- Sex Cult - Furry wonder Thomas Jane has joined the cast of The Veil, a horror movie about cults (cults are really hot right now) that's coming from the same production house that brought us the Insidious movies, the Purge movies, the Paranormal Activity movies. This movie may or may not be found-footage, but it deals with a camera crew so it'll probably be at least partially so. The guy who directed that Punisher short film with Jane that got a bunch of attention last year is directing.

--- Here Comes The Haderach - I've been chomping at the bit to see Jodorowsky's Dune, the documentary about cult filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky's aborted attempt to make a Dune movie way back when. It's out in about five weeks, and here's the trailer. I don't need to watch the trailer, I don't need convincing, I've been on board with this movie since the first time years ago that I heard this Dune was even a thing.

--- Peaky Hardy - Has anybody seen the BBC crime drama Peaky Blinders (what a name) that stars Cillian Murphy? I feel as if a lot more people will be watching it now that Tom Hardy has joined the cast for the second season. So many big stars on TV these days, it's getting ridiculously hard to keep up.

--- Free Page - Over at The Film Experience Nathaniel shares the awesome news that Ellen Page's long delayed movie Freeheld, a true story about a lesbian couple dealing with terminal illness and pension benefit problems, is back on, and it will co-star Julianne Moore and be directed by Peter Sollet, who made the great movies Raising Victor Vargas and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

Monday, November 04, 2013

I Am Link

--- Him There - There was a long article slash interview with Spike Jonze in the NYT over the weekend all about his new film Her, which I saw and adored at The New York Film Festival last month. I haven't read this article yet; I'm gonna once I finish this post. Let's read it together! On your mark get set... oh wait, you have to finish reading this post first. I'll give you a minute. I'll just stare at that picture of Spike until you're done. Mmmm Spike.

--- Fly Swatter - David Cronenberg of all people has taken Stanley Kubrick to task for being too cold of a film-maker, saying that he himself is much more intimate and personal. He's not a fan of The Shining either, saying that Kubrick really understood the horror genre.

--- Sex Maniac - We finally have a clip involving sexytimes in Lars Von Trier's Nymphomanic to look at, and it is indeed not sexytimes in the slightest. There is some naked Shia LaBeauf, some humping, and I think I see him lapping at some lady business in there. It's all in split-screen with cheetahs and piano playing. Right on, Lars. Right on.And speaking of Shia, here's the red-band trailer for Charlie Countryman, which we've spoken of previously; I actually totally wanna see it, the more I see of it.

--- Melisandre's Kid - The producers of the Insidious movies are making Incarnate, starring Aaron Exckhart as an "unconventional exorcist" who can get into the possessed's unconscious mind. I care because they just hired Carice Van Houten to play the mother of a possessed little boy that Exckhart's trying to cure, and I will always care what Carice is doing.

--- After Splice - There's a new horror anthology television series airing in Canada called Darknet, and the pilot was directed by Vincenzo Natali (the director of Cube and Splice), and it is online now, you can watch it here. I thought Splice was amazing, even though I know that's a pretty divisive movie.

--- Madding Man - There's the first picture of Matthias Schoaenaerts and Carey Mulligan in Far From the Madding Crowd over at this link - that's the adaptation of Thomas Hardy's book from Thomas Vinterberg, director of The Hunt.
--- Camp Killer - Toss this on the trash heap of shit-ideas - Sleepaway Camp, a movie that belongs to the 1980s and nowhere else, is being remade. I can't even imagine what they could even have to add to what already stands. How are they ever going to top that ending? Why would anyone even want to try? I mean I know the answer is "money," the answer is always "money," but I just feel depressed for these people, that this is what they've chosen to do with their lives.

--- Resurrect Me - In related news, the Pet Semetary remake has found a director, and it's someone I actually really like - Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, the Spanish director of 28 Weeks Later (and I know this is blasphemy to some people but I actually prefer Weeks to Days). Anyway there is a lot of stuff I like about the first PS movie (that kid is amazing, and ? in the back room, argh!) but I could see you totally making a new movie out of the material, and finding something new to say. Course the script's by the guy who wrote Halloween H20, so.....

--- Face Punch - Jake Gyllenhaal is circling the boxing drama Southpaw (which apparently was going to star Eminem once upon a time) from Training Day director Antoine Fuqua. It was written by the guy who makes Sons of Anarchy. Once upon a time I'd have a lot to say about Jake making a boxing movie but I'm so worried about him right now with his current skinniness that I can't even.

--- And Speaking of projects I might normally have more to say about if I weren't trying to run through as much as possible here, Michael Fassbender is going to make a gangster movie called Trespass Amongst Us, which will be scored by The Chemical Brothers.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... making Gendry squirm.

When they showed Joe Dempsie shirtless in the first season I didn't really get why they made Gendry such a hunk - he hasn't had a whole ton to do in the books so far. I mean I didn't mind, it was just unexpected. But now I see they had a whole thing sorted out...

And what a thing! Hit the jump, I've capped the whole scene (well exept for the shots with the leeches, because yuck times three).

Monday, January 21, 2013

I Am Link

--- The Suit Is Back - You can see the entirety of the first picture from Kick-Ass 2 over here, which includes Jim Carrey as Colonel Stars, costumed vigilante. I chose to focus in on the part of the picture that matters the most for us here, though.

--- Eastern Promises - The trailer for Brit Marling's new movie The East can be watched over here. As you might recall I am not a fan of Brit Marling, but this movie co-stars Ellen Page, Alexander Skarsgard (as sort of gay) and Patricia Clarkson, so you know I have no choice in this matter.

--- Monster Maker - Ryan Gosling desires men with scars. I made that sound like something it's not (and I did that on purpose).

--- Action Woman - Toni Collette is doing another TV series! And this couldn't be more of a 180 from The United States of Tara. It's a Bruckheimer produced thriller called Hostages that's about a female surgeon who gets dragged into a conspiracy when she is picked to perform surgery on the President. I am picturing Toni Collette walking slowly away from an explosion, and I like what I am picturing. Listen, as a fan of Toni who drinks in all her work like it's oxygen, I'll take whatever I can get.

--- A New Prince - I've been turning a bit of a blind eye to Sundance for the time being because I just get sort of sad, hearing about all the movies I am not seeing. But this caught my eye - David Gordon Green's new movie Prince Avalanche, which was a bit of a mystery for awhile, just screened, and The Playlist is calling it "a return to form," which I guess means he's trying to be serious and not silly this time. I mean, I like him silly too, guys. Anyway PA stars Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch.

--- Porn Lothario - Oh and also people seemed to like Joseph Gordon Levitt's directorial debut Don Jon's Addiction out at Sundance; it just sold for a big pile of beans, too. I guess his character is addicted to porn, so my hopes are high for JGL touching himself scenes!

--- Beats Off - And speaking of the dirty stuff at Sundance, word is on the street that Daniel Radcliffe has plenty of man on man action in Kill Your Darlings, where he plays Allen Ginsberg. Bringing you the news to know, I am!

--- Leaks This - I wasn't all that curious about the Julian Assange movie except I like Bill Condon well enough (Gods and Monsters, of course) and Benedict Cumberbatch is swell. But now! Now this is different! Carice Van Houten has joined the cast - she'll play a journalist who becomes the spokesperson for Assange. So I am all in. Carice for life.

--- By A Nose - Have you been reading The Film Experience's 10 Year Anniversary Celebration of Stephen Daldry's film The Hours? It's some must read stuff if you're a fan of the movie. I rewatched it this past weekend, first time I'd seen it in several years - I really do love it.

--- Outback Again - Wolf Creek 2 started filming today! Wolf Creek 2 started filming today! (thanks Glenn)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Intruders in 200 Words or Less

The first scare in Intruders works on a primal level that hits right at home for that scared little kid hiding inside all of us. It's nighttime, there's a storm, and we're the little kid who's done something our mother told us not to do and now our carelessness has put her, our mommy, in danger. Horrifying. Elsewhere there are succinct flourishes of this sort, times when the film boils down that essence of deeply universal spookiness - like when we force ourselves to be strong, facing down the nightmares that cannot be real, must remain inside our imagination, only to have them reveal themselves at that moment as very real, and very tall. 

Unfortunately there's a whole lot of gobbledegook surrounding these moments that I just didn't care about, and instead of bobbing along an eerie ebb of dread more often I felt myself sinking sank sunk under scatter-shot exposition. It tries to shake up an old-fashioned tale with some modern storytelling - two seemingly unrelated but overlapping stories! - but I found it mostly distracting, and sussing out a purpose from the villain's shenanigans remained inexplicable to a fault. Intruders mistakes murk for mystery.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Iain Glen Four Times


I wish I had a Ser Jorah Mormont to follow me around with weary puppy-dog eyes. Everybody still watching A Game of Thrones? As someone who's read the books, I can't believe they ended this week's episode where they did! I won't get into spoilers but I expected at least a couple more mind-busting minutes to the episode. Still though, they visualized that scene better than could have even hoped. So spectacularly creepy - even though I was sitting on the edge of the sofa waiting for it, my jaw dropped. Literally. Right onto the floor. And there it lay til this day.

The show, visually-speaking, is incredible this year - much better if you ask me than last. I'm sure it's because it's a hit and HBO is giving them a real budget now, but there's a sense of scope that was missing from the first year, when things like the Dothraki Holy City and the big tournament at King's Landing seemed relatively puny.

I also watched the first episode of Veep last night, which I found hysterical; and I don't have any desire to wade into any of the angry back-and-forth that Girls appears to be generating but there is nothing making me laugh harder on TV these days. I am firmly entrenched in the "Lena Dunham is brilliant" camp, and am going to go off and google "stuff that gets up around the sides of condoms" right this second.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quote of the Day

Oh I love Carice van Houten so so so very very much. Vulture interviewed her mostly about her role as the red priestess Melisandre in the upcoming second season of A Game of Thrones (beware there are some spoilers regarding her character), and they asked her about the show's much-ballyhooed "sexposition" (i.e. sex exposition, meaning having characters bone and/or be naked whilst chatting forward the plot) and she had this to say:

"It's weird: We kill everyone in films, we see blood, we see war, we see killing machines, but you cannot see a breast that your mother has. It needs to be in an elegant way, of course. But who has their bra on during sex? It's so much easier if you just let it all loose. Let it hang. Let people see some flesh. It's not necessarily my favorite thing to do; it's not like I'm running around with my bra off on every set, or going, "Hey, when can I take my bra off?" But I'm lucky enough to still be young enough where it's okay. I could understand not wanting me to do that if I were older. But if you're making love in a film, you gotta take the bra off. Same if you're birthing a shadow."