Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Buy! Buy! Buy!
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
A Luke Evans Reminder
Friday, October 23, 2020
This is Not a Review of The Witches
Which is all to say that watching Robert Zemeckis' new adaptation of The Witches came fraught with more luggage than any movie could hope to manage -- as many bellhops and boisterous chambermaids as it tossed at me I kept piling my travel-things in its way, tripping up myself and my fun. The agony's two-fold -- you're trying to divorce yourself from your memories and expectations, while you're also trying to make of yourself a child, knee-deep in those old things all over again. It's impossible. The movie demands a child's eye but my child's eyes got emotional cataracts, son.
I don't know really how to write about the movie. Not properly. I wasn't watching the movie so much as I was watching for the movie I wanted the movie to be, which is wasn't, but what is? What was? What even could be? Even Roeg's film, as beloved as it is, has never been that thing I remember from my own beforetime. Revisiting the book's the only thing that takes me back there, and "back there" is so complicated and sad that I sometimes can't stand it.
Those are the things the book makes me remember the most. My loneliness, profound as any spectacular fantasy full of seaside whimsy and lip-puckering turns of phrase, shouldered against it hard as can be, shoulder to shoulder. Unpack one and it all comes unraveled. The Witches was my favorite escape place, where I dragged everything awful along for the ride. Me and Roald killed off my parents and gave me a fun Grandma who gave a damn, and we went on a ridiculous scary ride, for just almost long enough to forget... and then for it all to come flooding back in around the corners. I dog-eared this book to save myself from drowning. And that's all I got.
Good Morning, World
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
You May Remove Your Wigs!
Thursday, May 09, 2019
I Am Link
"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen. I'm not in any way repulsed by the male form. It's an uncomfortable thing regardless of who you're with — it makes no difference as to your sexual preference."
--- Spidey Bros - Collider got to chat with Tom Holland on the forthcoming Spider-Man movie 9thx Mac), and of course they chat about Jake Gyllenhaal because who can look away from the two of them??? Certainly nobody around these parts anyway. Tom says again, for the hundredth time, just how bad he wanted to work with Jake -- oh me too, Tom, me too -- and how their vibe, or the vibe of their characters anyway, is like "big brother little brother." I've seen that movie. Four stars!
--- Laughing Gas - I am not going to watch this trailer myself -- horror movie trailers ruin the good scares way too often -- but if you'd like to see the trailer for the It sequel click your ass right on here and see it then. Chapter Two takes us into the future to the grown-up versions of the Losers Club, now played by Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy and Bill Hader and so forth, as Pennywise the world's friendliest and funniest clown returns to torment them. It's out in September.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Great Moments In Movie Shelves #182
Thursday, January 17, 2019
The Grand High Hathaway
Monday, July 09, 2018
And That's All I Have To Say About That
Thursday, June 21, 2018
I Am Link
--- Grand High Excuse Me - For some reason Hollywood has decided to make a new movie version of Roald Dahl's classic book The Witches when we've already got Nicholas Roeg's practically perfect 1990 version with Angelica Huston - don't ask me. But they are getting Robert Zemeckis to direct it, it looks like, and that's not a bad idea if they have to do this. Zemeckis has had a few years of not-quite-up-to-snuffs but this seems like a possibly good match.I don't know. I don't really let myself get too worked up about remakes anymore - the originals still exist for us to watch. So the question turns to - who would you cast as The Grand High Witch?
--- Hulk Out - You might've already read this since it was making the rounds pretty hard yesterday but Vulture's piece ranking the Marvel Movies by gayness is high hysterical work by good ol' Kyle Buchanan - I laughed mightily and long. I had a hard time picking just one favorite bit but then I realized something even more important...
You know the world has gone off the deep end when I - we're talking about ME here - had totally forgotten we see Hulk's big ass in Thor Ragnarok— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) June 20, 2018
--- You Shall Not Pass - There's a documentary about Ian McKellen called McKellen: Playing the Part that's making the rounds starting this week - you can see if it's playing anywhere near you right here - and our pal Nathaniel got to chat with the doc's director for Towleroad, read the interview right here. I saw the doc earlier this week and it's worth checking out if you're a fan of the actor - it reminded me first and foremost what an incredibly brave move it was for him to come out thirty whole years ago in 1988. Just wow.
--- Tab Up - Last week we heard that the real-world 1950s closeted romance between actors Tab Hunter and Anthony Perkins was getting turned into a movie - this week Attitude caught up with Tab himself and got some good quotes from him on that romance and what we should probably expect from the movie, biographically speaking. It's pretty much like I said - this was not a great romance; I hope the movie stays true to the difficulty of what the two had, even just personality-wise, because that seems more interesting to me than some rose-colored version. (thx Mac)
--- And Finally it's been a very long time since I've done one of these link round-up posts so this news is weeks old, but I can no longer allow MNPP to exist without this news-story written somewhere upon it - Brian De Palma's next movie is going to be a fictionalized and no doubt controversial version of the whole Harvey Weinstein Horror Show. I can't even entirely wrap my head around what that movie will be, but I have already bought my tickets to opening night. In related news and worth reading is BD's recent editorial about how Dressed To Kill is the ultimate American Giallo, which I agree with one thousand percent.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
5 Off My Head: Siri Says 1992
Still I was just coming of age as a cinephile at this moment in time (I was 15 and living inside the local video store) so I saw a whole helluva lot, but these fall into a chasm where a lot of them I haven't re-watched many of them since they came out. Anyway...
... Raising Cain (dir. Brain DePalma), Orlando (dir. Sally Potter), Malcolm X (dir. Spike Lee), The Mambo Kings (dir. Arne Glimcher), Porco Rosso (dir. Hayao Miyazaki)...
Monday, July 31, 2017
Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...
Madeleine: You should learn not to competewith me. I always win!Helen: You may have always won,but you never played fair!Madeleine: Who cares how I played? I won!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
5 Off My Head: They Call Him Harrison
"I'm learning a lot about manure. Very interesting."
"The earth moved. The angels wept.
The Polaroids are, are, uh... are in my other coat."
"Are you suggesting that I killed my wife? Are you saying that I crushed her skull and that I shot her? How dare you! When I came home, there was a man in my house. I fought with this man. He had a mechanical arm. You find this man. You find this man."
"No corpse stinks that much after only 12 hours.-----------------------------------
Take my word for it."
Weird that three of these are doctors right?
(Four if you count the scientist he plays in Beneath.)
He plays doctors an awful lot - I never noticed that.