Showing posts with label Miguel Ángel Silvestre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miguel Ángel Silvestre. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Today's Fanboy Delusion

 Today I'd rather be...

... backing it up for Miguel. (via)

I love this man. This video is literally just him saying,
"Hey you, take a moment to look at my ass." Bless him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Good Morning, Miguel

(click to embiggen) It seems like Miguel Angel Silvestre
would like our attention right now. You got it, Miguel! (via)

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Good Morning Miguel Again

I feel like it's been years since we last saw a photo of Miguel Angel Silvestre without clothes on? Oh wait, I didn't mean years -- seconds, I meant seconds. I feel like it's been seconds since I last saw Miguel without his clothes on. And huzzah for that! This new photoshoot is for the Spanish magazine Folie -- there's an interview at this link but it's in Spanish and per usual I'm being too lazy to translate it, so if you see something worth telling me, tell me. Now let us wake ourselves up this Thursday morning with Miguel, Miguel, and more more blessed Miguel, after the jump...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Miguel Ángel Silvestre Six More Times

Well when Miguel Ángel Silvestre rains he pours -- I shared six sweat-inducing photos of him in Esquire Mexico yesterday but now he's gone and snapped a sex barrage of himself at a party he attended and posted them to his Insta and I can hardly leave these unloved. Picture it: you're at the bar and suddenly this is standing next to you. What do you do? Besides drop dead I mean, because that's my answer. Hit the jump for the rest...

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Miguel Ángel Silvestre Six Times

Ahhhh sweet Spanish sexpot there he be, old reliable -- Miguel Ángel Silvestre is covering the latest issue of Esquire Mexico and reminding us why we care, why we post, why we breathe. He's apparently talking the new season of his outrageously over-the-top horror series 30 Coins (bless you Álex de la Iglesia) which has hit Max -- did any of you watch the first season? I dug it. Anyway the interview's in Spanish and I haven't bothered translating it -- if there's anything interesting please share in the comments! Me, I'll be here with the photos, and we'll be having a grand time together. Hit the jump for them all...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... salvaging summer's remnants with sweet ass Miguel.

What a good and giving dude this dude is!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Good Morning, World

(click to embiggen) Well sure why not, let's make three posts in the seven days be Miguel Ángel Silvestre and his already legendary tighty-whities boat photo-shoot. What the hell else have we got that's better to look at? Happy Thursday, people!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Good Morning, World

Happy Monday! And yes I posted two (other) of these photos of Miguel Angel Silvestre wearing nothing but tighty-whities and a smile this past Friday -- but did you know there are more? Lots more? Besides just this fresh two seen today, I mean?

Well now you do -- the only problem is the entire batch has still not shown up sans watermark. And I'm poor - I ain't paying to buy those things. See them here, small and/or with watermark. And imagine the possibilities...

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Good Morning, World

Well as mentioned below I wasn't planning on posting at all today -- busy with Tribeca stuff! -- but then these photos made themselves known to me and, well, here we are. Only for you Miguel! The man knows how to push my buttons. (Please push my buttons, Miguel.) Don't ask me why he's standing on a boat in tighty-whities -- he loves us? That's a good enough answer for me.

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Good Morning, World

I wish I had some more outtakes (or intakes) of Miguel Angel Silvestre posing in his birthday suit for Esquire Spain here on the celebratory occasion of his 41st birthday. But all I have is a video of him doing lots of squats in short-shorts. Poor us! How will we properly celebrate if we're not zooming in three hundred percent so we're staring directly at his shaft? I suppose we'll deal. That's our present to you, Miguel. You can wear shorts this birthday. But don't go getting any fancy ideas!

Monday, April 03, 2023

Good Morning, Miguel Again & Again

Hold onto your pants -- all the better to rend and tear them to pieces -- because two outtakes from Miguel Ángel Silvestre's already-mind-blowing photo-shoot for Esquire Spain appeared over the weekend and, uhh, they make the bare-assed in-takes seem positively bashful. These are both NSFW in the way that I would normally throw them behind the jump but as mentioned last week Google already took ads off the site so fuck it -- I'm just posting them right up front because we deserve this. Make sure to click the photos to luxuriate in all of the fine details. Miguel is a hero to all, a villain to none. The best humanity has to offer.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Miguel Ángel Silvestre Eleven Times

Good lord almighty, what the hell goodness did we do in this world to be blessed with this new photoshoot of Miguel Angel Silvestre for Esquire Spain today??? And we're not talking half-assed -- well maybe we are given the above photo shows literally half his ass. What I mean is that this shoot goes all out -- he's even naked on the cover! (And speaking of, never have I hated type more.) But I'd be freaking out over any of the photos contained therein (and sidenote: if anybody speaks Spanish please let us know what's being said in the interview, if there's anything of interest of course) so hit the jump and let's luxuriate in the magnificence of this man together...

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Good Morning, World

Listen as long as Miguel Ángel Silvestre sees fit to self-exploit himself on his Instagram account, then I'm gonna keep on tagging along for the ride. I will take the damned bait every damned time. He posted this latest video on his Insta over the weekend where he was going to an Armani show -- I promise (unfortunately) that he actually puts on some clothes at some point) and if you hit the jump you can watch that video, with a few more gifs...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Good Morning, World

Happy Hump Day from Miguel Ángel Silvestre!
(via) Hit the jump for four more...

Friday, November 18, 2022

Good Morning, World

As we consider alternative social media platforms now that Twitter's halfway to tits-up I'm looking at Miguel Angel Silvestre's TikTok account this morning and thinking to myself, "Hey maybe I should finally sign up for TikTok." If I do I don't think I'll post there much -- I'm a writer and one with extreme introversion at that and not really looking to make videos of myself. Posting selfies on my Instagram has been a whole journey. Anyway this is a good reminder that all of my social media accounts are linked over in the right-hand column but for this exact minute (we'll see how long it lasts) you can still find me on Twitter. Anyway yeah to get to the point Miguel posted another gratuitous video of himself because of course he did and I have the video and the gifs after the jump...

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Good Morning, World

I get to post images of Sense8 star Miguel Angel Silvestre all the freaking time because his Instagram is a smorgasbord of self-exploitation, and for that we are grateful. But his co-star in lustful humping on that show, Mr. Alfonso Herrera? Notsomuch. So today we celebrate some exquisite bulge-baiting from Alfonso, who posted this work-out video on his Insta yesterday. Blessings unto you Alfonso, and blessings unto us all this morning. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Good Morning, World

(via) Good news coming at us from every corner this morning -- not only have Democrats seemed to have fought off a "Red Wave" in our election last night, but Miguel Ángel Silvestre appears to be letting his body hair grow in some! We should all be dancing in the streets this morning!

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Good Morning, World

Running behind this morning as the subways decided they just didn't feel like it today -- nope, not gonna take anybody to work today, sorry! -- but thankfully Miguel Angel Silvestre made it easy, as usual for me, and had some hot photos prepped to his Insta just for an emergency. I look at him, sexin' up that mountain top, and I forget all of my subway woes! More like subway hoes, amirite? Okay yeah no I don't know what that means. No don't go, Miguel...

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Today's Fanboy Delusion

 Today I'd rather be...

... talking about "P l e a s u r e" with Miguel.
And here it is as a gif, just because: