Today I'd rather be...
... helping Dickon out.
It's good to see after the big battle on this week's Game of Thrones that Dickon (Tom Hopper) managed to not only survive but to get back to some of his buddies for some real R&R. He deserves it!
We've been aware of Tom Hopper for awhile now thanks to his sexed up presence on Black Sails (which is really what those gifs up top were for) but we'd only ever posted anything on him over on the Tumblr (including that time he mimed giving a blowjob to Alex Pettyfer, most notably) but now that he's shown up on Thrones....
... watch out! All bets are off! In that spirit hit the jump for a couple dozen more (just because I couldn't stop myself even though i intended this to be a shorter post)...
Been swooning over Tom Hopper for years . . . Good golly: Look at those arms!!!
6 feet 5 inches of yum... Bloke needs to be naked always.
Hope you didn't get TOO attached.
LOL I know David! I can't believe they didn't at least make him strip off his armor before that happened. WHAT A WASTE.
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