Showing posts with label Paul Kara Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Kara Ross. Show all posts

21 December 2008


"Hey for Christmas", circa 1680-90
(to the tune of "Dargason")

Come Robin, Ralph and little Harry
And merry Thomas at our green
Where we shall meet with Brigit and Sary
And the finest young wenches that e'er were seen

[chorus] Then hey for Christmas once a year
Where we have cakes, both ale and beer
And to our Christmas feast there comes
Young men and maids to shake their bums

There's a fiddler for to play ev'ry dance
When the young lads and lasses meet
With which the men and maids will prance
With the fiddler before them down the street

Paul Kara Ross & Ben Bauman - "Peata Beag"/
"Hey For Christmas"/"Here We Come A Wassailing"


The morrice-dancers will be ready
Meat and drink enough to lade ye
And in a fool's dress will be little Neddy
To entertain our Christmas lady


Thus did they daunce from noon till night
And were as merry as cup and can
Till they had tyr'd the fiddler quite
And the sweat down their buttocks ran

"Dargason"/"Hey For Christmas" glosado por
Gustav Holst na St. Paul's Suite


The rest unto hot-cockles went
But Neddy gave Nelly a blow too hard
Then all together by th'ears they went
And all their sporting soon was marr'd


They took the fiddler and broke his pate
And threw his fiddle into the fire
And drunkenly went home so late
That most of them fell in the mire

