“Social media can make it easy to feel like everyone else is awesome and perfect all the time, but that’s really never true,” Goff wrote on Facebook. “Part of the solution, I think, is more people opting to take a moment here and there to be real and show what’s behind the smoke and mirrors, because it’s relevant for y’all to know that this isn’t reality.”
More info: ursulagoff.com | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: aplus)
“Social media can make it easy to feel like everyone else is awesome and perfect all the time, but that’s really never true”

To prove that, this hairdresser posted her two selfies taken just days apart

“We should keep in mind that behind every pretty face or perfect lifestyle is a regular person”

“There’s really no point in comparing amongst ourselves because this is all cultivated”

“I think of all the young… girls, who are influenced by media in this way, and I think about how badly I know I’d feel if I were a teen today, trying to cope with ever more perfect females all over the place”

“Part of the solution, I think, is more people opting to take a moment here and there to be real and show what’s behind the smoke and mirrors”