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25 Bizarre And Crazy Facts About Cats

Cats usually get a bad rap. They always suffer when compared to dogs. Man’s best friend is in all of the movies, they rescue people that are trapped in the snow, and they’re just super cute and snuggly. While all of those things are true, and we’re not here to try and switch you over from being a dog person to being a cat person, we do want to at least put in a good word for our feline friends. First of all, they are far less active than dogs. They sleep for nearly 70% of their life! This means you have a lot less that you need to worry about and take care of. Cats don’t need constant attention and they are fine just doing their own thing around the house. They are actually so good at moving around undetected that the CIA invested tens of millions of dollars into creating a “spy cat”. We know, it sounds like something out of a crazy Hollywood movie, but its true. Unfortunately for the CIA though, the cat was hit by a taxi. But you don’t need to be a powerful government agency to recognize the value of cats. These are 25 bizarre and crazy facts about cats!


At night, Disneyland is overrun by cats. The theme park feeds them and takes care of them though, because they keep the rodent population in check.

At night, Disneyland is overrun by cats. The theme park feeds them and takes care of them though, because they keep the rodent population in check

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Cats lack antibodies against dog blood so they can only receive it via a transfusion once. The second time would kill them.

Cats don

Source:, Image: pixabay


Japan has “cat cafes” where you can go have a coffee and chill out with a bunch of cats.

Source:, Image: wikipedia


The Indiana State Prison allows prisoners to adopt a cat and keep it in their cell. They are meant to improve the mood of the prisoners.

The Indiana State Prison allows prisoners to adopt a cat and keep it in their cell. They are meant to improve the mood of the prisoners.

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Cats have scent glands on their face that release pheromones when they rub against you. It is the dog equivalent of peeing on something.

Cats have scent glands on their face that release pheromones when they rub against you. It is the dog equivalent of peeing on something.

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Bill Clinton’s cat has an unreleased SNES game where he fights of Republicans and eventually warns the White House about a stolen nuke.

Bill Clinton

Source:, Image: pixabay


When professor of physics Jack H. Hetherington was told he couldn’t be the sole author of one of his papers because he used pronouns like “we”, he added his cat as an author.

Source:, Image: pixabay


Thank to an extremely efficient pair of kidneys, cats can hydrate themselves by drinking salt water.

Thank to an extremely efficient pair of kidneys, cats can hydrate themselves by drinking salt water

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Since adult cats don’t produce lactase, the enzyme necessary for digestion of lactose, they shouldn’t be given milk.

Since adult cats don

Source:, Image: pixabay


In Islam, cats are revered for their cleanliness. Muhammad is reported to have said that “a love of cats is an aspect of faith”.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The CIA dropped over $20 million to equip a “spy cat” that would spy on the Soviets. It was hit by a taxi.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Cats are responsible for the extinction of 33 other species.

Cats are responsible for the extinction of 33 other species

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1879, Belgium unsuccessfully tried to use cats to deliver mail.

In 1879, Belgium unsuccessfully tried to use cats to deliver mail

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Oftentimes shelters won’t let black cats be adopted around Halloween out of a fear that they may be sacrificed.

Oftentimes shelters won

Source:, Image: pixabay


The city of York in England is home to 22 cat statues scattered about on rooftops and houses. The cats have been said to protect the residents.

The city of York in England is home to 22 cat statues scattered about on rooftops and houses. The cats have been said to protect the residents.

Source:, Image: wikipedia


When cats bring dead animals back to their humans, they are “teaching them to hunt” as they would with a younger cat.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Old cats meow more because they have Alzheimers.

Old cats meow more because they have Alzheimers

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Scottish sailer Alexander Selkirk once survived for 4 years on a deserted island thanks to feral cats that protected him from large rats during the night.

Scottish sailer Alexander Selkirk once survived for 4 years on a deserted island thanks to feral cats that protected him from large rats during the night

Source:, Image: wikipedia


A cat named Emmy lived aboard the RMS Empress of Ireland and she never missed a voyage. On May 28,1914, however, she refused to board. The ship left without her and then sank the following day.

A cat named Emmy lived aboard the RMS Empress of Ireland and she never missed a voyage. On May 28,1914, however, she refused to board. The ship left without her and then sank the following day.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Domestic cats will try not to drink from a water bowl that is next to their food. This is because in the wild, water next to their kill could be contaminated.

Domestic cats will try not to drink from a water bowl that is next to their food. This is because in the wild, water next to their kill could be contaminated

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Cats will headbutt people that they trust or that make them feel safe.

Cats will headbutt people that they trust or that make them feel safe

Source:, Image: pixabay


In most US states, declawing cats is legal but in the European Union it is not.

In most US states, declawing cats is legal but in the European Union it is not.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Koko the gorilla got a pet cat for her birthday in 1985 after she requested to have one as a birthday present.

Koko the gorilla got a pet cat for her birthday in 1985 after she requested to have one as a birthday present

Source:, Image: Adam Rifkin via Flickr


Talkeetna, Alaska had a cat as mayor for 15 years.

Talkeetna, Alaska had a cat as a mayor for 15 years

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Cats sleep for 70% of their lifetime. Humans, by contrast, only sleep for 30%.

Cats sleep for 70% of their lifetime. Humans, by contrast, only sleep for 30%

Source:, Image: wikipedia