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Teddy Was Tossed Out Like Trash, But Luckily, Someone Was There To Save Him

Twelve-year-old Malory Steiner was playing outside her home in Royalton, NY, when she saw an SUV toss a black garbage bag out its window and drive off. It might have been just a bad case of littering, but then something strange happened.

“The bag started walking down the road,” she told her local news station. She quickly realized that there was a small dog inside the bag, and that it was not in good shape. “I saw that it was starting to rip and it was around his neck.”

Tearing open the bag, Steiner and her family saw that inside was an elderly pug in poor health.

Once he was removed from the bag, the family called the Buffalo Pug & Small Breed Rescue team, who arrived shortly. “It is just disgusting,” Steiner’s mother said of the dog’s treatment. “I still can’t believe somebody would do something like that.”

The pug, named Teddy, was taken back to BPSBR’s headquarters, where it was discovered he was in even worse shape than anyone had realized.

Besides being starved and dehydrated, Teddy also had some kind of severe skin condition (it wasn’t mange, they think it may be an allergy), as well as an old spinal injury, a broken tail, infections in both ears, poor teeth, a very bad case of dry eyes, and possible partial kidney failure. The good news, though, is that he didn’t show any signs of cancer.

They set to work immediately, dosing him with antibiotics, special shampoos, and eye drops.

Teddy has been eating and drinking, which is a good sign, and the rescuers hope that he’s feeling a bit more comfortable.

Despite everything he’s been through, Teddy is a warm, friendly dog who loves snuggling.

See the news coverage of Teddy’s story here:

(via The Dodo, WKBW)

Local authorities are still searching for the person who dumped Teddy like trash, but for right now, the BPSBR’s energies are focused on getting him the medical attention he needs, both for his injuries and his advanced age. Steiner, who witnessed Teddy’s ejection from the car, is being hailed as a hero for her part in his rescue.

Being Able To Recognize These 10 Symptoms Of Cancer Could Save Your Dog's Life

Working through cancer with a loved one isn’t easy. The pain and suffering that must be endured is immense, and incredibly taxing on the whole family. The severity of the situation, however, can be decreased if you catch things in their early stages. But, if you’re a dog, you can’t exactly call up the doctor when something’s achy…so the responsibility to spot signs of cancer in pooches falls on you, their owner.

Here are 10 symptoms that could indicate that your pup has cancer:

1. Swollen lymph nodes

Lymphoma, a common cancer, will cause these glands to swell. You’ll notice if they’re swollen most easily by the ones under the jaw or behind the knee, but you should get your pup a biopsy or cytology for confirmation if you’re worried!

2. Lumps

Everyone knows to look out for lumps on themselves as a precaution against cancer, but this also applies to your pup. While lipomas (fat deposits under the skin) are fairly common in dogs, it’s still a good idea to have a doctor take a look at any new or changing bumps on your pooch’s skin.

3. Abdominal distension

If your dog’s belly is suddenly looking overly round or swollen, it might be a mass or tumor in that area. It could also be bleeding, so you should get your dog an ultrasound or radiograph ASAP.

4. Weight loss

If you haven’t cut down on your dog’s diet and she or he is rapidly losing weight, it could be a sign that cancer is taking a toll on their body. To be safe, take them to your vet, as it could be a sign of a whole slew of medical problems, not only cancer.

5. Vomiting or diarrhea

Aside from simply being an unpleasant experience for your pet, chronic vomiting and diarrhea could be a sign that your pup has a tumor in their gastrointestinal tract. But, again, no one likes to be in this situation, so get that dog to a doctor!

6. Unexplained bleeding

While some dogs do suffer from bleeding disorders, those are usually diagnosed at an early age. If your dog is bleeding inexplicably, take them in for an exam right away, as it could be a sign of cancer.

7. Coughing

You should bring your dog in for a chest radiograph if you notice a dry cough, especially in older pups. There’s a chance that it’ll take more than just a nap to kick their cough.

8. Lameness

Bone cancer will often cause lameness in dogs, especially in larger breeds like great danes. If your pup has trouble getting around, take them in for a radiograph immediately!

9. Trouble urinating

While it’s not too uncommon for dogs to develop urinary tract infections (especially in males), those can be treated with antibiotics. If your pet’s still straining when he urinates, or if there’s blood in the urine, you should schedule a bladder biopsy with your vet as soon as you can. Bladder cancer could be the root of the problem.

10. Dog breath

Oral tumors will cause your kibble-loving pup to switch entirely to wet food, and they’ll make it difficult for them to chew. They’ll also cause your dog’s mouth to smell rancid, so if your dog seems picky about their food, is chewing strangely, or has a severe case of dog breath, an oral examination including radiographs or a CT scan is what the doctor’s going to order.

(sources Bark Post, The Veterinary Cancer Center)

Old age is sure to bring at least minor issues for your pup, but if you’re informed, you could prevent total chaos and a lot of pain. Keep an eye on that dog, and be sure to schedule periodic checkups with your vet!

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