The phrase “sugary foods” probably brings a few things to mind: junk food, chocolate bars, donuts, and soft drinks. What you probably don’t think of are snacks that are generally accepted as “healthy” alternatives.
Take Part wanted to illustrate just how sugary some normal foods are, so they compared their sugar content to that of a Krispy Kreme donut. The results were pretty shocking.
I’m going to start eating grilled cheese and donuts.

Take Part
Using this dressing on salads seems like a terrible idea.

Take Part
I guess no one thought Fruit Loops were a good idea.

Take Part
Yep, even “healthy” fruit juice is worse than ONE Krispy Kreme donut.

Take Part
…that whipped cream is worth it, though.

Take Part
The break room donuts are suddenly WAY more appealing.

Take Part
To see even more shocking sugar statistics, visit Take Part.
The full gallery of Krispy Kreme comparisons will leave your jaw on the GROUND.
Suddenly, I don’t feel so bad about gorging on Krispy Kreme donuts…