Showing posts with label #creepy. Show all posts

You Know The Bermuda Triangle, But Have You Heard Of The Bridgewater Triangle?

When it comes to the creepiest places on Earth, we all know that the Bermuda Triangle ranks near the top of the list. But for many amateur paranormal investigators, the Bermuda Triangle is a little too far away from home.

If you want to come face to face with pure creepiness without having to travel too far, then the Bridgewater Triangle is the place for you. It’s an area that has recently become a hotspot for paranormal activity, and it’s just outside of Boston.

The Bridgewater Triangle covers about 200 square miles in southeastern Massachusetts.

The Bridgewater Triangle covers about 200 square miles in southeastern Massachusetts.

Mysterious Universe

Believers in the Bridgewater Triangle claim that the area is teeming with UFOs, ghosts, and other paranormal figures. Catching UFOs streaking across the sky is a common occurrence in the area.

The boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle can vary depending on who you talk to, but there are generally accepted areas and objects that mark its borders.

The boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle can vary depending on who you talk to, but there are generally accepted areas and objects that mark its borders.


One of the creepiest places within the Triangle includes the former resting place of the Dighton Rock (pictured above). The Dighton Rock was a 40-ton boulder located along the banks of the Taunton River, and it was covered in strange symbols. The symbols were originally thought to be of Native American origin, but researchers have never had any luck in decoding them. Even though the boulder has been removed and placed in a museum, scary things still happen at the site.

Aside from an abundance of UFOs, the Triangle also plays host to other forms of terror.

Aside from an abundance of UFOs, the Triangle also plays host to other forms of terror.

Flickr / Vladimir Pustovit

Residents living in or near the Triangle have reported seeing Bigfoot-like creatures roaming the wilderness. For a time, cattle mutilations were also fairly common. While they were happening, local police believed that the perpetrators might have been killing the creatures as part of a ritual sacrifice.

In 2014, a pair of documentary filmmakers tried to get to the bottom of all the creepiness, but their findings were inconclusive.

In 2014, a pair of <a href=

The Bridge Water Triangle Documentary

(via: Mysterious Universe)

So there’s another awesomely creepy place to add to your paranormal road trip itinerary. Just make sure you bring Bigfoot repellent.

Set The Mood This Halloween With Some Totally Creeptastic Candles

Candles are great for creating ambiance in any room. They can fill just about any space with romance — or eeriness, if you’re doing it wrong (or right). But if you’re into candles of the creepy variety, why not use them to spice up your Halloween decor?

Forget the plain candles that you might already have kicking around. These candles, many of which are handcrafted, can add a bit of chilling flair to any home. Click the links below each photo for more information on where you can get these spooky statement pieces.

This human spine candle will light up a whole room.

This take on traditional prayer candles pays homage to some classically spooky characters.

You can even pay tribute to some brutal serial killers this season!

Nothing completes your creepy setup like a baby head that you can set on fire.

Except for some creepy baby heads with three times the creepy baby face.

This candle “platter” serves up some truly gross illumination.

Pop some creepy floating candles into a bowl of water for instant atmosphere.

This candle celebrates the brutal (if phony) medieval torture device that we’ve all come to know and love.

These candles will take you back to the terrifying time in your childhood when you read these books in the dark.

Hail the Ancient Ones with this candle of Cthulhu’s spawn.

Small, simple candles are just as effective.

If realism is your thing, you’ll love this.

And this.

Perfect for birthday cakes, am I right?

These cleverly made candles have red wax inside, so as they burn, they appear to ooze blood. Perfect!

Of course, a candle doesn’t need to be specially carved in order to be spooky.

There are a lot more of these weird candles for sale out there. You just have to know where to look! And if you’re feeling particularly crafty, you can try your hand at making one from scratch.

This Castle Might Not Be Haunted In The Traditional Sense, But It Sure Is Skeevy

If the Halloween season has inspired you to finally live out that fantasy of being the neighborhood’s resident creep (just me?), then you might want to check this place out. But consider yourself warned. This faux castle in Woodstock, Connecticut, actually does have a lurid past.

It’s less about murder and mayhem than it is about general weirdness and discomfort, which is probably a good thing. It’s still pretty disturbing, though.

The castle was built in 2009 by Christopher W. Mark. He’s the great-grandson of a wealthy Chicago industrialist.

He’s also living proof that inheritance can be a really, really bad thing.

Christopher Mark is a strange guy.

He describes himself as an importer of antiques, and he’s been described by others as being “colorful.” In this case, that’s not a good thing.

One of Mark’s business endeavors, for example, was a modeling agency, which posted its photos on a now-defunct website, complete with the models’ measurements. This was the description on the site itself:

“Just one look at the shapely form of beautiful women brings about physiological changes that our senses will not allow our minds to deceive.”

Um, gross.

Upon touring the house and finding several “massage” rooms — and a shower large enough for a whole party — a local politician said that the place was “just weird.”

Mark was cited by the town because his “business” was unlicensed, and he got into further spats when he wanted to make the castle larger than was actually allowed by city zoning laws.

Oh, and there was also an exotic animal refuge on the property, featuring a zebra, an emu, and an ill-fated camel. When Mark and his now ex-wife were divorcing, each blamed the other for the negligence that led to the poor creature’s death by starvation.

Inside, the house is expectedly grand.

No castle is complete without a sarcophagus, am I right?

Or a made-up coat of arms!

If that sounds appealing to you, this place is now on the market.

It’s listed as an eight-bedroom home, and it’s going for a cool $45 million.

(via Curbed)

So if you want a really sad haunted castle to call your own, this might be the one for you. It has a moat and everything. Just watch out for the ghost of that dead camel.

This Halloween House Is Wonderfully Monstrous -- And Totally Handmade

Artist Christine H. McConnell (previously) definitely has a flair for the strange, and this Halloween, she brought it to life with a truly stunning holiday display.

She turned her parents’ stately home into a many-eyed monster, and it’s so awesome.

If this house isn’t ready for Halloween, I don’t know what is.

She even decided to share how she did it. It’s surprisingly cheap and easy, too!

McConnell cut the eyes and teeth from foamcore, which can be purchased fairly inexpensively from craft stores. She then drew and painted the designs before attaching them to the house. And because they’re foamcore, the pieces are extremely light and easy to work with.

McConnell painted each one carefully to create a realistic effect.

She also set up some lighting so that it looked even creepier at night!

How cool is that?

(via BoredPanda)

Not only does this look absolutely awesome, but it’s a decoration idea that anyone can pull off with some foamcore, paint, and a little time. You, too, can turn your house into a horrific beast this Halloween! See more of McConnell’s work on her website, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

This Cat Can Come With You Wherever You Go -- And It'll Totally Freak People Out

We love cats, and we totally wish that we could bring our furry little pals around with us wherever we go…but this is just too much.

A Japanese woman named Pico creates plush purses that are shaped like cats — and they’re very, very realistic.

They just look too real, honestly.

The plush cats are entirely handmade, and each one is totally unique. Pico uses wool felt to create the realistic body shapes and furry textures. They also come with a strap and a zipper, so you can freak everyone out by reaching into what looks like your pet cat to pull out your wallet.

Pico is also the owner of two real cats, so she is surrounded by inspiration.

This will help you make a statement at your next party.

(We never said that the statement would be a good one.)

While most are in the purse-shaped “catloaf” position, some, like this one, have legs — and hats.

Since the bags are so detailed, they take quite a while to make.

The artist does auction them off from time to time.

(via Laughing Squid)

To see more of Pico’s creations, check out her blog and Twitter. And for your next fancy gathering, consider slinging a cat around.*

*(Please do not actually engage in cat-slinging.)

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No Halloween Costume? No Problem. Just Make Yourself One Of These Cool Masks

As Halloween rapidly approaches, the scramble for clever costume ideas becomes increasingly frantic. But if you’re still looking, consider getting one of these masks from Wintercroft.

We covered him and his DIY masks last year, and now, he’s back with a new collection of geometric creations. These might be even cooler than his last batch.

Each mask is made with thin cardboard.

If you want one for yourself, you just have to buy the pattern, download it, and print it out.

After that, you glue the pattern to some thin cardboard, cut it, fold it, and tape it together.

Old cereal boxes are perfect for this task.

In the end, you’re left with a totally unique mask!

Since the masks are made out of cardboard, you can customize them to your liking.

Since Wintercroft’s emergence last year, his mask collection has grown to include 50 items.

Some of the designs are really complex.

But each one comes with easy instructions, so you’re guaranteed to love it!

Some of them even come with moving parts.

Take this elephant trunk, for example. How cool is that?

This panda is not amused.

He’s also added some gloves to the collection.

Depending on how you style them, they can be cute or — like this rabbit — kind of menacing.

Or in the case of this bearded human face, completely terrifying.

(via Colossal)

Wintercroft’s masks can be purchased on Etsy, where you can download the patterns immediately. They only cost seven dollars! If you haven’t figured out your Halloween costume yet and would like to avoid the cheap, store-bought kind, you should definitely give one of these a try.