Dogs, cats, ducks, and rabbits — all of them are very cute as babies, true. But enough already, right? Let’s switch it up a bit before we reach puppy overload. How about we check out some cuties we probably haven’t seen before, and may never witness in person? What’s life if you don’t spice it up with some unknown fuzzy (or slimy, or scaly, or spiky) babies every once in a while.
Are you ready for this cuteness?
1. Let’s ease in with something just as fluffy as a tiny kitten…a baby chinchilla!
“Baba please!”
2. And from left field we bring you our annoying feathered friends who drop poop packets on your new blouse while you walk to work…pigeons!
3. You most definitely want to run into a tiny porcupine out in the wild…if only to witness that killer mohawk.
4. Hedgehogs apparently have adorably squishy feet as babies!
5. This little baboon baby has quite the long to-do list, apparently. Such a worrier!
6. So svelte. Very fashionable. Much baby zebra.
7. As long as this little guy doesn’t spray me when I grab him for some cuddles, I’m okay…heck, I’m alright either way!
8. Did this baby octopus use a curling iron for those ringlets?!
9. If you thought bats were spooky creatures of the night…look at this one enjoying his mini bottle and get back to me.
10. Your Mickey Mouse ears had me fooled, baby hyena!
11. Hamsters are already so small…but they are EVEN. SMALLER. As babies.
12. They may dig holes in your garden…but can you blame ’em?
Baby chipmunks for president!
13. Maybe one of these tiny tykes will be the next Punxsutawney Phil?
“A groundhog can only dream…”
14. I think this baby camel has something sassy up his sleeve.
15. The award for cutest, tiniest suit of armor goes to…this baby armadillo!
16. Snakes as adults? Understandably scary. As babies? Who could run from this little guy?
17. I call this, “Baby Rat In The Throws Of Childhood, Full Of Candy And Innocence.”
18. This pint-sized giraffe is already over those long legs of his. Can you imagine entering the world with those spindly legs? No thanks.
19. I have no words for this baby beaver besides: are you real?
…Are you sure?
20. Cutest baby hippo ever…or worst cat ever?
21. This aardvark is still kinda creepy as a little one…but in a cute way?
Yeah, let’s go with that.
22. Can you imagine the little squeaks that come outta this young guinea pig?
I can, and I’m about to explode with too much cute.
23. I kid you not…this is a real baby owl. It is made of fluff, pure imagination, and wonder…I’m pretty sure. Also magic probably.
24. Hey there, tiny alligator! Honestly, I’d still like to keep my distance from you, if that’s alright.
You’re still cute from over there, though…
25. When this snapping turtle grows up, he’ll be just under two feet long, and will be able to chomp off your entire arm if you’re not careful.
…But d’awwwww for right now!
26. Excuse me…I’m going to need a moment of silence while I mourn the tiny part of me that died of happiness when I saw this cute baby llama. R.I.P.
27. I’m not sure why this little guy has his own fin in his mouth, but his goofy grin makes me all kinds of happy.
(via The Dodo)
I think the hippo might be my absolute favorite shiny baby on this list. No…wait, definitely tied with that shark. So. Adorable. What’s yours?