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You'll Be Shocked When You Realize Which Disease Just Killed Someone In The U.S.

In high school, you probably learned about how the bubonic plague took Europe by storm in the 14th century. What you probably don’t know, however, is that the plague is still out there — and it’s still taking lives.

The deadly disease recently decided to pay the United States a visit. Unfortunately, two people have died from the plague in Colorado over the past few years, and the second of those deaths occurred just three days ago.

Also known as the Black Death, one particularly terrible plague epidemic was responsible for approximately 200 million deaths in Europe between 1346 and 1353.

Due to unhygienic living conditions and a lack of antiseptics, hundreds of people died every day.

Cases of the bubonic plague have now started cropping up in Pueblo, Colorado. It has claimed two lives in the area since 2004.

Since the most recent victim succumbed to the disease earlier this week, people have begun worrying about how far the illness will spread.

Oddly enough, this is not the first time someone in Pueblo has died from this strange sickness.

It claimed another life in 2004. Fleas, infected animals, and other non-human carriers can easily transmit the virus to healthy human hosts.

For more on this case, check out the video below:

(source: Pueblo County)

Another person in Boulder, Colorado, recently tested positive for the virus, so I think I’ll just avoid the Centennial State for a while.