Jaden Hayes already lost both of his parents by the age of six. His father died two years ago, and his mother unexpectedly died in her sleep only two weeks ago, leaving Jaden all alone. You would think that he would have a lot to be sad about, but Jaden is tired of being sad. He not only wants to feel happiness, but he wants others to be happy, too.
Jaden, with the help of his aunt and cousin, set off to make people smile on the streets of Savannah.
Barbara DiCola, Jaden’s mother’s sister, and DiCola’s daughter, Natasha Compton, walked with Jaden through the city, armed with bags of small toys and party beads. Jaden’s goal was to bring a smile to peoples’ faces. He would smile at them and offer them a toy, and almost everyone returned the grin.
“He would sit back and he’d say, ‘They’re not smiling, Auntie. They need a (rubber) duckie and these beads,"” DiCola said, describing how they would scan the passersby for someone who looked like they could use some cheering up.
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Over the course of two outings, Jaden approached around 275 people, and most of them were more than happy to smile back, chat, and even offer Jaden a hug. Some posed for photos, which Compton uploaded to Instagram to share with the world. Some people, after hearing of Jaden’s loss, even wanted to offer donations, but the family declined them.
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Not only are Jaden’s “smile giveaways” helping strangers smile, they’re also helping the family heal. Aside for the time immediately following his mother’s death, DiCola says that Jaden has remained positive, and his cheerful, giving personality is still going strong. DiCola and Compton both agree that this is hugely helpful for the family, who are still coping with the loss.
“It’s certainly helped me a lot because me and his mom were real close. She helped raise me,” Compton explained. “It’s helping me, and I know it’s definitely helping my mom.”
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
Instagram / mstashers
(via Today)
Jaden is far from done with his quest. He and his aunt plan to go out again and see how many other people they can help find their smile. While loss is something that takes time to heal, it appears Jaden is well on his way. You can keep up with his adventures in sharing smiles on Natasha Compton’s Instagram.
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