Every parent will lie to their child at some point — it’s just a fact of life. There isn’t enough time in the day to explain every single thing to a curious kid. It’s impossible. So, in order to get kids to behave, eat right, or just to mess with them for a few precious years…parents tell their children (mostly harmless) white lies.
Thanks to a couple of Reddit threads, now we know some of the most hilarious (and outlandish) lies parents have ever told their children. Game on, moms and dads!
1. The ole vegetable trick.
via Mr Milenko
2. Hopefully, there was a puppy at the end of all of this.
via AppleChiaki
3. A solution for those super-annoying toys!
via CapnNoodle
4. 15 years later and still no curly hair…
via Ice Burn
5. Trying new things is good…even if you’re tricked into it.
via RadioGuyRob
6. Forget bowling angels, God is getting rid of His futon.
via sonia72quebec
7. Early pun education.
via Kailslaw
8. Oddly enough, this makes sense.
via Ms Plick
9. No, no. This isn’t Coke at all.
via L4r4z4
10. The safest white lie ever.
via SquiddyTheMouse
11. Another brilliant idea for the arsenal…
via effthegreen
12. So many lessons in one lie!
via Mr Milenko
13. Just wait ’til they learn the music truck hands out ice cream, too.
via No Filter217
14. One simple lie inspired an entire Rugrats episode dedicated to this.
via bNoaht
15. At least it’s better than having your pants lit on fire.
via jfqs6m
16. Wait…this ISN’T true?
via gordhed
17. So, behave. Seriously.
via jbaus
18. Do they hand out these magical buttons at Driver’s Ed?
via dracarys dude
19. An example of hilariously awesome parenting.
via Anthem12891
20. …must ask Science about this.
via live lyfe
21. There must be thousands of lies just about thunder alone.
via Miserable Bugger
22. It’s hard to tell what the hidden lesson here is (aside from crippling paranoia).
via Immakai
23. Now, if only they could read AND talk about 35% less…
via Mr Milenko
24. …just really awful naps, kids.
via ThatLurkerGuy
(via Reddit, Twenty Two Words)
Parents need to lie to their kids sometimes, but these are pretty creative. Maybe one day when I’m a father, I’ll tell my kids some of these. Very, very creative.