Showing posts with label #happy. Show all posts

32 Super-Adorable Doggie Smiles That'll Make You Grin Just As Big

We aren’t doctors, but we’re pretty sure there’s only one perfect cure for whatever ails you: a sweet doggie smile.

Results may vary, of course, but we are firm believers in the unorthodox healing powers hidden inside all that adorable fluff. No matter how stressful your day has been, you just can’t help yourself from smiling right back at their super-cute faces. Go ahead and try to resist. (Hint: it won’t work.)

1. Just daydreaming about dinner.

2. “I’m going to find the BIGGEST stick!”

3. “I won the race!” “I still say you cheated.”

4. I almost can’t handle this teeny, bashful smile.

5. Prepare to be tackled with love in 3…2…1…

6. Someone is proud of themselves for finally being potty-trained.

7. Objects in mirror are even cuter than they appear.

8. “My wish already came true!”

9. This is her permanent expression.

10. “Are you sure we can’t go on the furniture?”

11. “I’m having such a good ear day.”

12. “Hehe, I’m a book!”

13. “Omigosh it’s me! I look great!!”

14. I have a feeling there was bacon involved in this picture.

15. There’s always one jokester.

16. “The leaves are finally in season!”

17. “We nap now?”

18. “Say cheese!” “Okay! Wait, where’s the cheese?”

19. You just have to get as far as “wa-” for this guy to get this excited.

20. She expects nothing less than 1500-count Egyptian cotton.

21. Belly rubs turn her into a T. rex.

22. I guess we know who the charmer is in this fuzzy family.

23. “Ah, I feel my spirit awakening!”

24. He just loves all your bad jokes!

25. “Give me five minutes and we can go on another epic walk.”

26. “Oh my! You look so lovely!”

27. Who could resist this face?

28. His version of chubby bunny is the cutest.

29. “This is my best friend. His name is Mr. Bear, but I call him Teddy.”

30. Cutest couple alert!

31. “I already marked ALL the territory.”

32. That. Wink.

Aaand now my cheeks hurt from smiling with these sweeties. Each and every one of them deserves a nice, big treat for sharing all that happiness with the rest of us!

Don't Be Fooled...This Attack Is The Most Joyful Puppy Experience Ever!

Have you ever experienced a dog lick attack? It’s one of the most hilarious, disgusting, adorable, happy things you can have happen to you (in my opinion).

When this little boy finds himself knee-deep in his very first, he can’t decide whether he wants to laugh or escape…either way, it’s adorable.


I am SO jealous of this little kid.. can you imagine!?!

Posted by Kyle and Jackie O on Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Everyone loves puppies, even when there are more than you can handle at once. Too many puppies? No, never too many puppies.

He may be overwhelmed, but it’s with joy!

This Tubby Lil' Hedgehog Gets The Most Blissful Belly Rub In Existence

Humans aren’t the only ones who deserve a nice spa day every now and then. Our animal buddies need pampering, too. Sure, their lives aren’t too rough on a regular basis, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get to kick back and relax like the rest of us.

This chubby lil’ hedgehog knows exactly what we mean while she enjoys a tranquil belly rub from her human. Watching her zone right out into bliss will make all your own problems feel like they’re melting away…


Her human also treated the happy hedgie to a post-massage mani/pedi. I think we can all agree: this is pretty much the best (and most adorable) spa day ever.

When They Took Off His Leash, This Dog Could NOT Contain His Excitement

There aren’t many times in a dog’s life when they get to be free of the leash outside, and this smart dog knows that. Just wait and see his adorable reaction to being let off his leash in a huge park. If that’s not the definition of happiness, then I don’t know what is!

This dog’s happiness is nothing short of contagious. Let’s all go outside and play!

This Cute Shiba Can't Stop Smiling...Despite The Terrible Hand She's Been Dealt

Despite suffering from both glaucoma (an eye ailment that may lead to blindness) and Cushing’s disease (a condition that comes from high cortisol and can result in depression, loss of muscle, and osteoporosis), one perpetually smiling pup manages to maintain an equally sunny attitude. Cinnamon has become quite the celebrity because of her particularly happy face, with strangers stopping his mom, Ashley, and dad, Andrew, on the street all the time to inquire about the shiba inu’s gleeful grin.

Here’s the whole bright-eyed family.

Cinnamon is an 11-year-old cuddle buddy who needs lots of love and attention from her parents.

If she’s left alone at home, or across the room during TV time, she’ll mope until one of them gets up to pick her up and plop her right down in the middle.

That’s right, this old pup is lazy as ever, but her parents aren’t about to just leave her there in the corner whimpering, just because she’s stubborn! Would you?

Andrew got Cinnamon in 2004, when she was just six months old.

…But now she’s going to be the flower girl in her parents’ wedding!

She is very excited…but of course, she always looks pretty pumped.

Even when she’s feeling sleepy, she’s grinning ear to ear.

Unless her parents are getting ready to go out the door, this resilient pup is smiling that happy face for the whole world to enjoy!

(source Caters News)

For more of Cinnamon and her happy family, you can follow her on Instagram. Who wouldn’t want this smiling face popping up on their feed every so often? It’s a surefire way to brighten anyone’s day!