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Here’s What Baby Emma From ‘Friends’ Looks Like Today


Your name poses a dilemma,

‘Cause not much else rhymes with Emma.

Maybe the actor Richard Crenna;

He played the commanding officer in Rambo.”

If you’re like most people on the planet, you will have definitely seen every episode of the comedy smash-hit, Friends. Well, it’s now been 12 years since the much-loved show came to an end, and although most of us know what the main six cast members look like now, what as happened to Ross and Rachel’s daughter, Emma?


Emma appeared in 22 episodes after being born at the end of season eight, and was the focus in hilarious storylines line her first birthday party, and the time Amy got her ears pierced without Rachel’s permission.

But, after a life of being viewed by millions of people around the globe, the actress – nay, actresses – who played Emma Geller-Green are now just normal 12-year-olds.

The twin sisters, Cali and Noelle Sheldon, recently sat down with Entertainment Tonight to discuss what it was like being one of the stars of one of the most successful shows in TV history – and not remembering any of it;

According to Entertainment Tonight, they go to school, play sports, instruments and have been acting on the side “as a hobby”, but wish to pursue acting careers in the future.

Cali and Noelle got the Friends job after their mum read on a twin parenting blog that many film and TV productions seek out twins for acting roles, due to the time restraints that are placed on young actors.

Although, look how much the girls look like their on-screen mum, Jennifer Aniston! They could actually be her daughters;

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Unbelievably, they confess to have only ever watching one episode of Friends all the way through, and that their mum says they’re not allowed to watch it until they’re 13. Makes sense, I guess she doesn’t want her daughters to know about “doing it” anytime soon.

Although the chances of a Friends movie or follow-up special are rare, we still have wonderful memories from the TV show. They really were the original “Squad Goals”. But still, we have the cast reunion to look forward to.