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25 Of The Saddest And Most Depressingly Named Places On Earth

Although we’ve done some lists on strange place names, today we are going to be talking about strange place names that fall under a specific category – those with depressing and sad undertones. Don’t be quick to judge these locations though. Many of them are in fact quite cheerful and would certainly be worth a visit. A good bit of these places are in the United States (not surprising considering that it’s one of the bigger English speaking countries), but there are others that are all over the world. Whether it’s Massacre Island in Canada or the town of Defeated, Tennessee, these places all have one thing in common…their sad and depressing vibe. It’s probably a lovely place to visit, but you definitely don’t want to propose on Mistake Island, Maine. That would not lead to a happy conclusion. Regardless, you’ll most likely find it amusing that people actually considered naming these places the way the did. And although there is probably a lengthy story and justification behind every single one, from our perspective all we see is Grumpy Dog Road or Little Hope, Texas. So if you like maps and geography then get ready because these are 25 of the saddest and most depressingly named places on Earth.

Featured Image: Donnie Ray Jones via Flickr


Dead Dog Island, Canada

Dead Dog Island, Canada 2515

Source: google


Cape Disappointment, Washington

Cape Disappointment, Washington 2415

Source: google


Mistake Island, Maine

Mistake Island, Maine 2315

Source: google


Mount Despair, Montana

Mount Despair, Montana 2216

Source: google


Defeated, Tennessee

Defeated, Tennessee 2117

Source: google


Misery Bay, Michigan

Misery Bay, Michigan 2015

Source: google


Melancholy Waterhole, Australia

Melancholy Waterhole, Australia 1915

Source: google


Massacre Island, Canada

Massacre Island, Canada 1815

Source: google


Little Hope, Texas

Little Hope, Texas 1715

Source: google


Misery, France

Misery, France 1616

Source: google


Heartache Road, Montana

Heartache Road, Montana 1516

Source: google


Hopeless Pass, California

Hopeless Pass, California 1415

Source: google


End of the World, California

End of the World, California 1315

Source: google


Calamity Lake, Minnesota

Calamity Lake, Minnesota 1216

Source: google


Termination Point, Washington

Termination Point, Washington 1119

Source: google


Alone, Italy

Alone, Italy 1015

Source: google


Unfortunate Cove, Canada

Unfortunate Cove, Canada 914

Source: google


Grumpy Dog Road, Montana

Grumpy Dog Road, Montana 815

Source: google


Nowhere Else, Australia

Nowhere Else, Australia 715

Source: google


Slaughter Beach, Delaware

Slaughter Beach, Delaware 615

Source: google


Gloomy Lake, Canada

Gloomy Lake, Canada 515

Source: google


Sad Road, Kentucky

Sad Road, Kentucky 415

Source: google


Lonesome Road/Lonely Street, North Carolina

Lonesome Road/Lonely Street, North Carolina 315

Source: google


Despair Island, Rhode Island

Despair Island, Rhode Island 262

Source: google


Heartache Road, Montana

Heartache Road, Montana 1100

Source: google

Where You Live Might Be Dull, But At Least It Doesn't Have A Name Like This

Where would you like to go on vacation? Probably somewhere nice, and the nicest places have pretty, inviting names. Bora Bora, Amalfi Coast, Barcelona.

…And then there are these places.

Instagram account Sad Topographies is dedicated to finding the places in the world with the worst, weirdest names ever and sharing them with everyone. Using Google Maps as their source material, this account is dedicated to showing you that even though where you live might be boring, it’s not any of these places.

This island probably has a complex now.

Mistake Island, Jonesport, U.S #mistake

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Real estate here must be weird.

Shades of Death road, Great Meadows, U.S. #shadesofdeath

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

This lighthouse warns ships of the impending disappointment this coastline offers.

Cape Disappointment, Washington U.S #disappointment

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Worst. Vacation. Ever.

Slaughter Beach, Delaware, US #slaughter

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

We figure there’s a story behind this, but we’re okay not knowing it. Also, whatever you do, don’t click on #bloodydick. Just…don’t.

Bloody Dick Peak, Montana US #bloodydick

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Let’s not go here.

Heartache Rd, East Helena US #heartache

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Let’s definitely not go here.

Murder Island, Argyle, Canada #murder

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Oh no, they’re everywhere.

Sorrow Islands, British Columbia, Canada #sorrow

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

What exactly were you expecting?

Disappointment Island, New Zealand #disappointment

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Well, that’s no fun.

Grumpy Dog Rd, Libby, U.S #grumpydog

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Okay, that’s worse.

Dead Dog Island, Killarney, Canada #deaddog

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Don’t fall in.

Crazy Woman Creek, Wyoming, U.S #crazywoman

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

You know that if they named it this, its history can’t be good.

Suicide Bridge, Hurlock, U.S. #suicide

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Okay, so this one is in Italy, which means the pronunciation (and meaning) is different, but still…it’s pretty funny.

Alone, Brescia Province, Italy #alone

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on

Of course, you don’t always need the all-seeing eye that is Google Earth to find some truly questionable naming choices. There are plenty of streets in small towns everywhere with some rather colorful names.

Like these:

Again, you have to wonder about the story behind this one.

We imagine this name harkens back to the hardship of early settlers.

This one, however, is rather direct.

This one is almost kind of cute.

While this one is all kinds of terrifying.

(Yes, we know it’s probably short for “Methodist,” but it’s rather misguided.)

Bonus: people living here probably don’t have to deal with as many door-to-door salespeople.

Same with this one.

Of course, some places go the other way and come out awesome.

(via Ufunk, Heavy, World Wide Interweb)

So if you ever feel down because the place you live isn’t graced with a beautiful name, just remember that you don’t live in any of these spots. Although, I think we’re all a little sad we don’t live on Captain Bacon Road…