Showing posts with label #heartbreaking. Show all posts

This Sweet Dog Was Abandoned At A Shelter, And You'll Be Stunned When You See Why

Those of us who have visited shelters know that they’re filled to the brim with animals that are in desperate need of finding forever homes. Many people who take on pets forget that these animals need to be treated like family. Thousands of them are abandoned each year because people think they’re too needy, too rough with kids, or too aggressive.

But not many are left behind because they’re too affectionate.

Meet Jubilee. She’s the adorable one-year-old pup that was abandoned because she always wanted to be by her owner’s side.

Meet Jubilee. She

Facebook / Jubilee

People were blown away when they heard why she was given up to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas.

People were blown away when they heard why she was given up to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas. desktop 1449074409

Facebook / Jubilee

Jubilee embodies many of the characteristics that people look for when searching for the perfect companion, but the man who dropped her off wanted nothing to do with her loyalty.

Jubilee embodies many of the characteristics that people look for when searching for the perfect companion, but the man who dropped her off wanted nothing to do with her loyalty. desktop 1449074539

Facebook / Jubilee

She also suffers from anxiety issues, so her former owner’s bizarre choice to give her up was actually a blessing in disguise.

She also suffers from anxiety issues, so her former owner

Facebook / Jubilee

He clearly wasn’t the kind of person who would help her deal with her troubles, but the volunteers at Montgomery County Animal Shelter made it their mission to improve Jubilee’s quality of life.

He clearly wasn

Facebook / Montgomery County Animal Shelter

Just one day after being dropped off, Jubilee found a new home! A wonderful woman named Samantha knew that this pup would be perfect for her family, and that her family would be perfect for her.

Just one day after being dropped off, Jubilee found a new home! A wonderful woman named Samantha knew that this pup would be perfect for her family, and that her family would be perfect for her. desktop 1449075080

Facebook / Jubilee

She even gained a puppy sister and a human brother in the process!

Her new sister clearly has to warm up to the idea, but she’s working on it. No one can resist Jubilee’s cuteness for long.

Her new sister clearly has to warm up to the idea, but she

Facebook / Jubilee

As for Jubilee, I think it’s pretty safe to say that she’s already settled in.

As for Jubilee, I think it

Facebook / Jubilee

To learn more about this adorable pup’s story, check out the video below:

What’s even more incredible is that multiple families actually showed up to rescue Jubilee. Samantha’s family ended up being the best fit for her, so the other people were able to rescue other pups that day!

If you want to help Montgomery County Animal Shelter continue doing amazing work for abandoned pets in Texas, be sure to check out their website. You can also keep up with every addition to their furry family on Facebook! Who knows? Maybe you’ll find an amazing companion like Jubilee in the process.

A Girl With Autism Wrote Her Mom A Letter -- What She Had To Say Is Heartbreaking

With over 3.5 million Americans living with autism, it’s amazing how little those of us on the outside know about the condition. How does it affect the lives of the people who deal with it every day? What medical complications are associated with autism? We should all know better.

Because we invest so little time in learning to understand our friends, family members, and neighbors with autism, it’s no wonder that this little girl feels like the world doesn’t want her in it. She wrote a letter to her mom to vent her frustrations, and what she had to say will shatter your heart.

What ‘messages’ are children hearing – from ourselves, from other parents, at school, from media and in the general…

Posted by I am Cadence on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Please know that when you speak ill of people with autism, they’re listening. It’s not fair that the media demonizes people on the autism spectrum, because they’re thinking, feeling human beings just like everyone else. Help do your part by becoming educated on the basic facts of the condition. We all need to make people like Cadence know that they’re wonderful.

The Reason This Family Is Camped Out At A Russian Airport Is So Heartbreaking

Being a refugee isn’t easy — and it’s an experience most of us can’t even begin to relate to. Even if you can make it safely to your destination, there are so many challenges to face in your new life. Often, the journey to your destination can be fraught with roadblocks, disappointment, and suffering.

With the ongoing wars in Syria and Iraq, countless families attempting to flee to brighter and safer futures get stuck in foreign European countries due to complicated bureaucratic hurdles. Sometimes, governments work out the kinks in a reasonable amount of time. However, it’s common for refugees get stuck in limbo with no end in sight.

Hasan Abdul Ahmad’s family of six has been stuck at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport for almost two whole months.

Both he and his wife are folk musicians, and they decided to flee their war-torn home to start all over again in a safer place.

When they arrived in Russia, they were told that their passports and their visas were fake.

Russian authorities accused them of illegally trying to cross the border and denied them asylum.

For 50 days, they’ve been living in an old smoking room, with all of their belongings stacked in piles.

All they can do is wait for their appeal to be addressed.

Until then, they’re relying on the kindness of passersby.

Luckily, there are many sympathetic souls that give them money, food, and toys for the children. The UN also comes by every few days to drop off large jugs of drinking water.

Listening to 13-year-old Rinas speak about his family’s struggle is heartbreaking.


The Syrian government recently confirmed that their passports and visas are, in fact, real.

But they are still confined to their airport prison until Russian officials consider the case sometime in the next few weeks.

(source ABC News)

It’s important to remember that this is just one of thousands of families struggling with their freedom. You can donate to help Syrian children in refugee camps in bordering countries. But you can also help by raising awareness of this extremely pressing and heartbreaking problem.

Rosie Is Recovering After Being Doused With Acid -- This Will Break Your Heart

The employees and volunteers at the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services have seen several unfortunate cases come through their doors, but the cruelty inflicted on this sweet girl broke each and every one of their hearts.

The timid pit bull is covered in burns caused by hydrochloric acid — a highly corrosive liquid usually reserved for industrial cleaning — and will be scarred for life. The team is doing their best to help her heal inside and out.

Warning: the photos of her wounds are extremely graphic and not for the faint of heart.

The burns spread across her entire head and face, and they might cause permanent blindness.

Her entire right ear and most of her left dissolved under the caustic chemicals.

They named her Rosie and fear she spent several weeks in her condition without medical care.

Thankfully, the shelter has received several donations from kind strangers to help cover the costly eye surgery that will hopefully restore her vision.

But Rosie and others like her are still relying on donations to provide them with the care they desperately need. You can add your contribution by mail or in person at:

Animal Care Services
4710 State Hwy 151
San Antonio, TX 78227

Rosie has been placed in protective foster care while they wait for her strength to grow. Cruelty investigators are also working to find the heartless human responsible for this horrific abuse. Follow the shelter’s Facebook page for updates on her recovery.

This Photo Is Heartbreaking, But It Managed To Save The Lives Of These Dogs

There’s no doubt that hugs are touching gestures, but did you know that they could also save lives?

That’s exactly what happened to Kala and Keira — two dogs in a shelter in Atlanta, Georgia — who were about to be euthanized. In a last-ditch effort to find these dogs a home, Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, a non-profit working to save animals from high-kill shelters, published this photo.

The heartbreaking shot was posted to Facebook, along with a desperate plea to rescue the two dogs.

The post read, “I’m Kala. This is Keira. We’re so scared in here. The people working in the shelters see how scared we are, but just told each other that today is our deadline. We have to have someone rescue us or we’ll be ‘next’.”

The photo quickly went viral, and only two hours and six minutes later, someone had signed up to take the frightened pair home.

The power of Facebook actually saved their lives that day.

(via Click On Detroit)

Sharing things on Facebook doesn’t usually do much, but when it comes to issues like this, the power of social media can be an incredible tool. Kala and Keira were loaded up into a car and taken to the vet, all because concerned animal lovers around the country shared their story. And that’s pretty amazing.

If you’d like to help animals in need, check out Angels Among Us Pet Rescue’s Facebook page. You can also help save lives by sending a donation.

Thinking of getting a pet? Adopt! Find more amazing rescue tales at the links below:

This Man Is The True Definition Of A Hero -- Just See What He Did For This Dog

Dog rescuer Wilson Martins Coutinho is one of the most selfless individuals on the planet. We realized this last year when he brought Francisco, a starving and abused pup, back to life with his incredible efforts.

The level of tragedy Coutinho observes in each case he takes on would break most of us down before we had the chance to make a difference. Known as “Protetor Wilson” (Protector Wilson), the Brazilian native is the closest thing we have to a real-life superhero.

Warning: the following photos are extremely graphic.

This poor thing was found barely clinging to life with severe wounds to his head.

Where others ignored his pain, Coutinho instantly jumped into action, assessing the damage.

He then used the shirt off his own back to create a makeshift bandage for the pup.

Trained in some veterinary basics, Coutinho brought the dog inside to clean what he could before taking him to a medical facility.

The doctors acted fast to help fight any infection, treating and wrapping the wounds.

The injuries were so extreme, it’s doubtful the sweet pup would have lasted much longer on his own.

Somehow, despite the abuse he suffered at the hands of humans, the pup began to slowly trust Coutinho as his wounds healed.

With the help of regular vet visits, the cutie started to look more like his true, happy self.

It’s mind-boggling how someone could look at this sweet face and treat it with such an extreme level of cruelty.

But it’s even more heartwarming to know that there are humans out there willing to go the extra mile to help save lives and give second chances.

(via Little Things)

Hopefully one day, the good will completely outweigh the bad and no dog will be forced to suffer at the hands of human ignorance and brutality.

You can find more information on Coutinho’s other rescue missions over on his Facebook page.