Showing posts with label #ufos. Show all posts

You Know The Bermuda Triangle, But Have You Heard Of The Bridgewater Triangle?

When it comes to the creepiest places on Earth, we all know that the Bermuda Triangle ranks near the top of the list. But for many amateur paranormal investigators, the Bermuda Triangle is a little too far away from home.

If you want to come face to face with pure creepiness without having to travel too far, then the Bridgewater Triangle is the place for you. It’s an area that has recently become a hotspot for paranormal activity, and it’s just outside of Boston.

The Bridgewater Triangle covers about 200 square miles in southeastern Massachusetts.

The Bridgewater Triangle covers about 200 square miles in southeastern Massachusetts.

Mysterious Universe

Believers in the Bridgewater Triangle claim that the area is teeming with UFOs, ghosts, and other paranormal figures. Catching UFOs streaking across the sky is a common occurrence in the area.

The boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle can vary depending on who you talk to, but there are generally accepted areas and objects that mark its borders.

The boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle can vary depending on who you talk to, but there are generally accepted areas and objects that mark its borders.


One of the creepiest places within the Triangle includes the former resting place of the Dighton Rock (pictured above). The Dighton Rock was a 40-ton boulder located along the banks of the Taunton River, and it was covered in strange symbols. The symbols were originally thought to be of Native American origin, but researchers have never had any luck in decoding them. Even though the boulder has been removed and placed in a museum, scary things still happen at the site.

Aside from an abundance of UFOs, the Triangle also plays host to other forms of terror.

Aside from an abundance of UFOs, the Triangle also plays host to other forms of terror.

Flickr / Vladimir Pustovit

Residents living in or near the Triangle have reported seeing Bigfoot-like creatures roaming the wilderness. For a time, cattle mutilations were also fairly common. While they were happening, local police believed that the perpetrators might have been killing the creatures as part of a ritual sacrifice.

In 2014, a pair of documentary filmmakers tried to get to the bottom of all the creepiness, but their findings were inconclusive.

In 2014, a pair of <a href=

The Bridge Water Triangle Documentary

(via: Mysterious Universe)

So there’s another awesomely creepy place to add to your paranormal road trip itinerary. Just make sure you bring Bigfoot repellent.

This Russian Man Claims To Have Located A UFO Crash Site Using Google Earth

In the world of conspiracy theories, there is no shortage of speculation surrounding UFOs. What are they? Where do they come from? Does the government know about them? Is the government using them? Regardless of what you believe, these conspiracies are interesting to read about, if nothing else.

There is one particular UFO theory that focuses on Antarctica as being a hub of UFO activity. Some people claim that there’s a secret UFO base there, and others say that the U.S. is currently battling with extraterrestrials in the Antarctic. While these ideas might sound absurd, one UFO believer in Russia thinks that he may have finally found proof.

Earlier this summer, Valentin Degterev was browsing Google Earth when he spotted this bizarre gash in the ice.

It certainly does look like a giant saucer embedded into the ice, doesn’t it? “I found the unique object using the online service of Google Earth in Antarctica,” said Degterev.

The coordinates of the alleged crash site are as follows: 80°34’08.4″S 30°05’19.3″W.

The coordinates of the alleged crash site are as follows: 80&deg;34

Google Earth

The object itself appears to be roughly 204 feet across.

Here’s a zoomed-out picture of the area.


Google Maps

While it certainly could be a UFO, it could also be a more natural phenomenon.

(via Unexplained Mysteries)

This is most likely just a regular crack in the ice or something, but part of me really wants to believe that it is an alien craft. All that’s missing from these UFO conspiracy theories is a bit of proof. Could this be the evidence we’ve been looking for?