Showing posts with label #funnyhorse. Show all posts

They Were So Surprised When They Saw Where This Horse Was Caught!

Ireland has a reputation for a certain level of debauchery and shenanigans. They really know how to have fun over there…and sometimes that can lead to some really great stories. But one of the strangest things to happen in Dublin recently had nothing to do with any of that.

It was just another normal day for commuters when an unusual passenger trotted aboard the train.

Yep, a horse took the tram.

Just because they’re usually a mode of transportation in and of themselves doesn’t mean that they, too, can’t sometimes say “Screw it, I’m taking the train. I’m tired.”

It seems like some kind of fever dream…but it was real.

Thankfully, everyone onboard with this unusual passenger was quick to share the happenings via social media. How often do you get to see something like this?

(via Mashable)

I’m glad that this horsey was able to hitch a ride on public transportation. Talk about being eco-conscious…or maybe he was just looking to try out all the new technology folks are always raving about.