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The Internet Is Going Crazy Over This Dad Preparing to Poop on His Son

The internet used to be reserved for the geeks and techies of this world. Now the internet is for everyone. And when I say everyone, that’s the idiots of the planet as well. This image, recently uploaded to Imgur, has received a lot of heat from those who claim it is inappropriate and promotes child abuse.

Many people believed this was a picture of a man about to defecate on his baby. Obviously this isn’t a prime example of good parenting. In fact, it’s probably not something that you should ever do. But take a long hard look at this picture and see if you can work out what’s going on.

Here is the original picture


And this is how the internet responded



Of course, it’s just a picture of a man kissing his baby. But there has been a common misconception about what the photo shows. Comments have ranged from “Totally thought it was some misshapen ass gaping over the baby” to “That took far too long to realize what was going on.”

What Your Poop Says About Your Diet

Everybody poops. It’s a fact of life, and even if you don’t talk about it as openly as some people do, it’s important to know what your poop is telling you about your general health and wellness.

This infographic pretty much sums it all up. If you ever had questions about what you see in the toilet, you should consult this handy little image.

(via Huffington Post)

That should answer any and all questions you have about your bowel movements. I hope you found the answers you were looking for. Now go drink some water and eat a veggie or two.

According To Scienctists, We've Been Pooping The Wrong Way For Years

Pooping is the great equalizer. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your job is, or how much money you make. We all have to do it.

But as it turns out, we’ve been doing it wrong. Scientists have discovered that our bodies weren’t made to sit while eliminating waste. According to their research, we would be better off squatting. In fact, sitting down on the toilet could actually do you more harm than good.

(via Business Insider / If I Science)

Let that be a lesson, folks. You’ve been pooping the wrong way for your entire life. Maybe we should all buy a few of those contraptions in the video and see if we feel better after a while.

What Happened To This Girl On Her Sweet 16 Made A Nightmare Out Of A Birthday

There’s no way to sugar coat this so I’m just going to say it: poop fell from the sky and hit a sweet sixteen birthday party in Pennsylvania this week. You know how a bird pooping on your head can ruin your whole day? Imagine that but with human feces, and a lot more of it. (Not to mention the fact that you’re a 16-year-old girl and all your friends are here and you’re now super embarrassed.) Talk about a party pooper.

It was in Levvitown, Pennsylvania, where one girl’s sweet sixteen party suddenly started smelling a little less sweet. That’s because the sky showered the celebration with some human feces.

A plane was flying by and decided to expel its waste while flying because they apparently forgot how gravity works.

Some of the guests got showered in poop, but luckily the cake had already been moved inside. The birthday girl’s stepdad was prepared for a little cleaning up after the party. This just wasn’t what he had in mind.

Here is the coverage on Fox 4. Turns out the grossest part of the story is this anchor’s poopy puns.

(via myfoxphilly)

This girl should probably get some free plane tickets for her troubles. In any case, the Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the incident, as planes are supposed to drain their waste while at the airport, not while flying over important teenage milestones.