Eric Hites was at a lifetime low. He weighed close to 570 pounds, was separated from his wife, and didn’t really have a career to speak of. He knew he had to make a change, and he knew it had to be drastic. His heart was in exactly the right place when he decided to start a journey by bike all the way across America. He wanted to prove to his wife — and himself — that he’s going to be around for the long haul.
The Proclaimers were the inspiration for the more than 3,000-mile journey across the country. While Hites was very heavy, on top of being a smoker, walking seemed improbable, but riding a bike was more attainable for him.
He started off with bike he bought for $17 from a friend in Indiana.
After just a short ride, he was winded. So he got to exercising in preparation for his trip.
He started a GoFundMe page to help him afford the trip, and his dad drove him from Indiana to Falmouth, MA, where they said a tearful goodbye.
In Rhode Island, his estranged wife, Angie Atterbury, came to meet him, and their love sparked up again.
She’ll be taking the journey with him, though she’ll be doing most of it by car after a trip to the hospital. She waits for him at his destinations, with water at the ready. She’ll take his last name back once they reach the Pacific Ocean.
Since starting his journey in July, he’s lost 70 pounds.
He knows that at this point it’ll be a fluctuating weight loss journey, but he’s already noticed such a difference, especially in his head and face…it’s a huge accomplishment already.
Both he and Atterbury are trying to lose weight and quit smoking at the same time, despite their doctors’ warning that doing so would be too stressful.
The couple isn’t racing across the country, though.
They’re meeting friends and seeing new sights along the way.
They’re using it as an opportunity to see America, while getting healthy and falling back in love.
In New York, Hites was surprised to get tons of media attention and warm greetings from locals.
He even got a serenade from the Naked Cowboy in Times Square!
Hites was planning to compile the story and all of his experiences into a book…but he certainly wasn’t expecting all the hype. He just wanted a chance to prove his love.
All of the extra attention and support is just another reason to persevere.
People on the streets who don’t even know what he’s doing shout words of encouragement when they see such a large person pushing his body to work hard. It’s wonderful to see that the majority of people are rooting Hites on instead of putting him down. Not that that would discourage him…he knows what he’s doing and he’s determined to make his life even better.
Listen to Hites talk about his trip…it’s truly inspiring.
Just getting a chance to upload this now. Shot it a few days ago before the rain hit here in the east. To all my fans, once again a big thank you…appreciate all your kind words! They help keep me going!
Posted by Fat Guy Across America on Saturday, October 3, 2015
Keep on keepin’ on!
(via The New York Times)
For updates on Eric Hites’ journey to health, happiness, and the Pacific, check out his blog and his Facebook page, Fat Guy Across America. Oh, and don’t be put off by the title, he knows the medical condition he’s in and he’s not afraid or ashamed to admit it…especially since he’s on the road to slimming down.