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Makeup Truly Is Magic In The Hands Of This Insanely Talented Artist

It’s often said that using makeup is like transforming your face, and with the right understanding of shadows and contours, it can be. But for makeup artists like Rebecca Swift, the transformative power of makeup is beyond what most of us can even comprehend.

Swift is currently undergoing a 100-day challenge, during which she turns herself into other people using nothing but makeup and some serious anatomical knowledge.

Swift turns herself into all of our favorite characters and celebrities.

Something tells me that Snow White isn’t having the best day.

She also gets gritty with Imperator Furiosa.

And she doesn’t just stick to fictional characters.

Here’s a Cher-inspired look.

And she even gets the jewelry right for Hillary Clinton.

She doesn’t limit herself to female characters, either. Check out her Ryan Gosling look!

Hey girl.

George Clooney gets a turn, too.

Of course, not all of her dudes are conventional heartthrobs.

Much love, Kip.

If you’re impressed with that, you should see what happens when she decides to forego the human route all together.

Of course, Batman villains are everyone’s favorite.

She also pays homage to cinema classics.

(via BuzzFeed)

This is just a small sampling of Swift’s incredible body of work, all of which can be seen on Instagram. She can do pretty much anything, from grotesque and elaborate makeovers, to subtler looks and disguises.

Oh, and she’s musically talented, too. Check out her songs on iTunes.