Showing posts with label #gooddeeds. Show all posts

This Advice Will Change How You See The World...And It Comes From An Unusual Place

Growing up, we often look to our elders for guidance and advice. Whether it’s about how to be a good person, how to deal with bullies at school, or how to do the right thing in a tough situation, they’re always around to help. But perhaps you should consider the fact that there’s another source of advice that we’re exposed to very early on: the cartoons we grow up watching.

From Mickey Mouse to Buzz Lightyear, the characters that we know and love often carry important messages with them. Check out a few in the illustration below!

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What’s your favorite? If you ask me, Dumbledore’s words of wisdom are the most profound of all.

This Little Boy's Small Gesture Teaches Us A Big Lesson About Love And Acceptance

Many people have lashed out at the Muslim community since the attacks in Paris and Beirut, blaming thousands for the actions of few. The Islamic Center in Pflugerville, Texas, was vandalized in the wake of these attacks, and the people who worship at the mosque were heartbroken by what they saw one day. The building was covered in feces, and torn pages of the Quran were strewn everywhere.

A seven-year-old boy named Jack Swanson was equally upset and disturbed by this hateful act, so he decided to do something amazing.

Jack had $20 saved in his piggybank for an iPad, and he told his mom that he wanted to donate all of that money to the Islamic Center. You can watch the inspiring story unfold in the video below:

But it doesn’t stop there. Jack’s act of kindness quickly went viral, and it eventually made its way to Arsalan Iftikhar of He decided to repay the little boy in the coolest way possible to let him know that his generosity did not go unnoticed by the Muslim community.

Posted by Arsalan Iftikhar ( on Thursday, November 19, 2015

That’s right! Little Jack got his iPad.

Posted by Arsalan Iftikhar ( on Thursday, November 19, 2015

To ensure that Jack knew exactly how he felt, Iftikhar even included a special note.

Posted by Arsalan Iftikhar ( on Thursday, November 19, 2015

(via ABC News)

All it takes is one act of kindness to extend the olive branch to people in need. Those who commit acts of terror win if we respond with hatred, which is what makes Jack’s gesture so incredibly important. If a seven-year-old boy can adopt a lifestyle of love and acceptance, the rest of us can, too.

After Learning About Homelessness, This 3-Year-Old Was Moved To Tears

There are some amazing and kind-hearted people in the world, but few display their emotions like one young Alaskan boy. When Patrick McClung, a passionate 3-year-old boy, learned what homelessness was, he was crushed. He couldn’t understand why people didn’t have homes — and burst into tears.

His reaction is enough to bring you to tears.


His sorrow was quickly transformed into charity, though, with the help of his mother.

A bighearted 3-year-old Alaska boy who got emotional and cried upon learning some people don’t have homes wanted to do…

Posted by KTLA 5 News on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

When learning about the less fortunate in the world, more people should react how Patrick did. Many people will share Facebook statuses or agree that things are tragic — but rarely do you see someone moved to such action. Patrick is a 3-year-old hero — and we hope he inspires you!

You'll Melt When You See Why These Kids Are Leaving Their Coats On The Street

If you ask any little kid what their favorite day of the year is, they’ll probably tell you that it’s their birthday. I mean, what’s not to love? You get cake, presents, and plenty of time to hang out with all of your friends. And let’s be real — little ones love unwrapping mountains of gifts.

But one mom wanted her daughter to experience the gift of giving this year. Instead of running around in the back yard with her friends and opening tons of presents, this adorable little one and her pals hit the streets of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to do what they could to help homeless people combat the cold.

Last weekend, residents of Halifax looked on in admiration as the adorable gang rolled through town, leaving winter jackets in their wake.

Last weekend, residents of Halifax looked on in admiration as the adorable gang rolled through town, leaving winter jackets in their wake. desktop 1448053295

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

The tied winter coats to telephone poles in the hopes that homeless people would grab them as temperatures dropped.

The tied winter coats to telephone poles in the hopes that homeless people would grab them as temperatures dropped. desktop 1448053476

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

And all of the little ones were more than happy to help!

And all of the little ones were more than happy to help! desktop 1448053581

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

The girls attached notes to each jacket to let people know that they’re free to anyone who needs them.

The girls attached notes to each jacket to let people know that they

Feed Nova Scotia

The jackets range in size, too, so that no one is left out.

The jackets range in size, too, so that no one is left out. desktop 1448053800

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

And Mom is convinced that the kids learned a valuable lesson in terms of empathizing with the hardships that homeless people have to deal with every day.

And Mom is convinced that the kids learned a valuable lesson in terms of empathizing with the hardships that homeless people have to deal with every day. desktop 1448053970

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

“They definitely learned the importance of it,” Tara told CBC News. “When we got back in the car after an hour on the street, they were all freezing and crying, and they were bundled up.”

Facebook / Tara Smith-Atkins

(via BoredPanda)

There’s something to be said for Tara Smith-Atkins’ parenting skills, because not many children would happily spend their birthdays making sure that homeless people are taken care of. It really doesn’t get better than that. Keep doing what you’re doing, Smith-Atkins clan! You’re all setting such a great example.

This Barber Went Above And Beyond To Give A Boy With Autism His First Haircut

Children diagnosed with autism often have trouble when it comes to trusting new people. Something as simple as a haircut can quickly turn into a nightmare of nerves and anxiety for these kids.

James Williams, a barber in Briton Ferry, Wales, knew that he’d have to get creative if he was going to give sweet Mason his first real haircut. Other stylists had tried to calm the little guy’s nerves, but each attempt ended in failure. That’s when Williams realized that the solution was to get on Mason’s level — literally.

Lying down on the floor, Mason calmly played his games while Williams snipped away.

It took a few visits for Mason to stop shying away from the sheers, but Williams patiently waited to earn the kiddo’s trust.

Sometimes, you just have to tackle life’s problems from a new angle!

Williams asked for a high-five when he finished the job, but Mason gave his new buddy a big hug instead. No amount of money can top that precious tip.

This Single Father's Life Was Crumbling Around Him, But Then A Stranger Stepped In

You should never underestimate the power of kindness. A little bit goes a long way, and you never know how drastically a small act of kindness could change someone’s life. A man named Leon Logothetis fully grasps the importance of human compassion. He used to be a banker, but he gave it all up in order to travel the world and help people in need.

During a recent visit to Denver, Colorado, he met a man whose life was crumbling around him. The single father had recently become homeless, and no matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to work out for him and his little son. That’s when Logothetis decided to step in.

Meet James in #GoBeKind Tour Day 4. "You have to be brought down to your humblest point so you can appreciate other…

Posted by Leon Logothetis on Tuesday, November 3, 2015

(via Facebook / Leon Logothetis)

What a touching gesture. We should all take a page out of his book and carry out one act of kindness each day. Who knows? Maybe we could change people’s lives for the better.

IKEA Is Turning Children's Doodles Into Stuffed Toys To Raise Money For Charity

For the past 12 years, IKEA has used their Soft Toys For Education campaign to raise awareness and funds for children in need around the world. For each toy they’ve sold as part of the project, they’ve donated one dollar to UNICEF and Save The Children.

This year, however, the company decided to get some extra help in designing toys. Kids around the world submitted their unique drawings for a chance to have them transformed into actual stuffed animals. Children helping peers with their own special talents — what could be more adorable and heartwarming than that?

Koen, ten years old, from the Netherlands.

Karla, ten years old, from Croatia.

Stella, six years old, from Cyprus.

Thymeo, four years old, from Belgium.

Terrence, six years old, from Malaysia.

Albert, seven years old, from Romania.

You-Chen Wu, six years old from Taiwan.

Maja, eight years old, and John, five years old, from Norway.

(via Bored Panda)

You can see the other winners and buy one or two for your kiddos over on their website. You’ll be putting a smile on more than just one child’s face with each purchase.

They Were Trying To Throw A Puck To A Little Kid, But What Happened Will FLOOR You

Sports players and coaches most of the time want to give their fans a really unique and special experience when they come out to a game. But occasionally, they’ll go above and beyond to offer an unsuspecting admirer a very special moment.

That’s exactly what happened when the coach of the Buffalo Sabres, Dan Bylsma was trying to give a young fan a cool souvenir. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way. Watch what happens when he tries to throw a puck to a kid at the game…

As he throws the puck to the little boy, an older man snatches it from him and sits down nonchalantly. UNBELIEVABLE!

Fortunately, the Pittsburgh Penguins (the team the Buffalo Sabres were playing at the time) heard of this story and decided to right the wrong.

They awarded the boy with a jersey and a couple of pucks!

Now that’s how you treat a fan to a special experience at a hockey game. I’m sure he’ll never forget it — they’ve got a lifelong fan!

(via Uproxx)

Thank goodness someone saw what happened and righted that horrible wrong. And shame on that old man for plucking that puck away from the kid. Have you no heart or soul, sir?! That’s exactly why he didn’t get a free jersey and multiple pucks.

This Dad's Good Deed Turned Into A Huge Project That Will Melt Your Heart

Ryan Weimer is the proud dad of five wonderful children. He and his wife, Lana, are probably some of the busiest people on the planet (as anyone with a motley crew of adorable little ones will tell you), but they always do their best to ensure that they put their kids’ needs above their own.

While that may sound like an apt description for any large family, the Weimer gang is anything but ordinary. They face a unique set of challenges, since three of their five kids were born with a condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). To help his children lead happier lives, Weimer started a wonderful project that would eventually go on to help children across the country.

It all started just before Halloween a few years ago, when Weimer’s oldest son, Keaton, asked if he could dress up as a pirate that year.

Although that may sound like a simple request, designing Halloween costumes for kids with SMA is tough, since they’re often wheelchair bound.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Weimer set out to create the most epic pirate costume that the world had ever seen. While brainstorming different concepts, he decided that he’d incorporate Keaton’s wheelchair by turning it into his very own ship!

“What kid wouldn’t love having a pirate ship to roll deep in, sailing through the streets, collecting Halloween booty?” Weimer writes. “He even made the front page of the newspaper!”

Keaton’s amazing costume was an instant hit! And you best believe that the other kids wanted their wheelchairs decked out, too.

After seeing how happy these costumes made his kids on Halloween, Weimer decided that he would make it his mission to provide that same sense of pride and happiness to wheelchair-bound kids across the country. That’s when Magic Wheelchair was born.

Magic Wheelchair’s goal is simple.

“Our vision,” Weimer writes, “is to put a smile on the face of every child in a wheelchair by transforming [the chairs] into awesomeness created by our hands, and their imaginations.”

And that’s exactly what they do.

Every year around this time, the Weimers and a group of dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that each request that’s been accepted by Magic Wheelchair is completed in time for trick-or-treating.

Everyone knows that dinosaurs are the coolest. It’s a fact.

These costumes help children feel strong and powerful.

Sitting astride a flaming dragon will do that to you, you know?

What’s even cooler is that children can submit their own video requests. If selected, Magic Wheelchair will help them transform into their favorite characters.

If you know a little one who would love Magic Wheelchair’s help next Halloween, all you have to do is visit their website and go through the simple application process.

(via My Modern Met)

What started as a Halloween challenge to make one little boy smile has turned into an incredible project that helps brave kids all over the country feel their best on the spookiest day of the year. To learn more about Magic Wheelchair’s inspiring work, check out their website. If you’re interested in what you can do to help, visit their volunteer page!

One Woman's Reaction To Undergoing Chemo Is Inspirational (And Hilarious)

Being diagnosed with cancer causes many people to go to a dark place. It’s understandable that someone would feel depressed after getting such a heartbreaking diagnosis.

But then there are people like Sara Cutting. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in July, but she decided that she wouldn’t let it ruin her outlook on life. During her 18 weeks of chemo, she decided to make an Instagram series that she refers to as 365 Day Different Daily Headgear. The name’s a mouthful, but the project is totally awesome.

Cutting’s photos add humor to an otherwise unpleasant situation.

By sharing this series, she hopes to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

So far, this project has helped her raise over $15,000!

She’s so passionate about her mission.

Check out a few more of her adorable photos!

(via BuzzFeed / Instagram)

If you’d like to donate to Macmillan Cancer Support, visit this link and give as much as your heart desires. It’s going to a good cause, and it’s supporting an amazing woman who is raising awareness for a devastating condition. What could be better?

When This Old Man Told A Radio Show That He Was Lonely, They Did Something Amazing

When this 95-year-old man called into a BBC radio show, no one expected something this wonderful to happen. Bill, a longtime listener of Alex Dyke’s morning show, called into the show to tell Dyke about how much he missed his wife.

Dyke was so moved by his story that he sent a cab to Bill’s house to pick him up and made him a special guest on the radio show.

Bill, the 95-year-old fan of Alex Dyke’s show, called in to tell the story of how lonely he’s been since his wife’s tragic injury.

She took a nasty fall that landed her in hospice care. Bill visits her every day, but he wishes that she could still be at home with him. Since he doesn’t have his wife around anymore, Alex Dyke keeps him company.

Bill was invited to be a special guest on Dyke’s show.

He was received warmly by listeners, and by Dyke himself. The gesture meant a lot to Bill.

(via BuzzFeed)

What a heartwarming story. I’m sure Bill was ecstatic about being on the show, and now he has quite the story to tell his wife when he visits her again. We hope that she makes a speedy recovery so that she can return home! Bill would probably much rather listen to the radio with his favorite lady, anyway.

One Facebook Post Changed The Course Of This Puppy's Life Forever

People abandon and abuse animals in the cruelest and most unusual ways. It’s hard to imagine how anyone could treat them like this, but almost every single day, stories of animals in need gain attention online. In these situations, social media can actually save lives.

Marcia Lutz was walking one day when she noticed something odd in a ravine. When she took a closer look, she came to the horrifying realization that someone had tied a puppy up in a plastic bag and left the poor animal for dead. She knew that she had to do something, so she shared heartbreaking images of the dog on Facebook.

Lutz decided to share the photos with a local rescue organization.

When they saw the pictures on Facebook, they immediately came to the pup’s rescue.

Cláucia Jackline de Oliveira and another volunteer climbed into the ravine and saved the puppy.

It took less than half an hour for these heroes to arrive on the scene.

When they reached the distressed puppy, they realized that the poor thing was sitting in its own waste.

The rescuers posted photos on their Facebook page in the hopes that someone would adopt the dog.

Amazingly enough, this little one was adopted after just one hour!

(via The Dodo)

Say what you want about social media, but in cases like this, you can’t deny its influence. Thanks to Maria Lutz, some kind-hearted rescuers, and the power of Facebook, this dog now has a loving home!

Her Fiancé Called Off The Wedding, So This Bride-To-Be Did Something Incredibly Sweet

A phone call that no mother ever wants to get from her daughter is one that explains that her wedding is off. The disappointment felt between the two parties can’t be put into words, but that’s exactly what happened to Kari Duane and her daughter, Quinn. Quinn was set to be wed, and just days before the ceremony, her fiancé called everything off.

But they had already put down a ton of deposits on multiple parts of the wedding, including the catering. Even in the midst of her heartache, Quinn decided to do something amazing with those resources.

Since it was too late to get the deposit back for their food, the Duane family decided to turn what would’ve been a wedding reception into a banquet for the homeless.

Everyone in their community who needed something to eat was welcome with open arms.

The feast included a whole host of delicious choices, like salmon, salad, cauliflower, and gnocchi.

These people were grateful to the Duane family, especially since they knew how much Quinn was hurting.

(via KCRA)

This act of charity didn’t go unnoticed, and everyone in attendance was eternally grateful for the family’s kindness. Anyone who came left with a full stomach and an even fuller sense of gratitude.

A Judge Dying Of Cancer Finds Help From The Most Unlikely Source

When someone is sentenced to years in prison, the last thing on their mind is thanking the judge for their incarceration. But after spending time in jail, one inmate wanted to repay the judge who oversaw his case by saving his life.

After the judge was diagnosed with cancer, the inmate started pulling out all the stops to see if he could help.

Carl Fox, a 61-year-old North Carolina Superior Court judge, was diagnosed with leukemia earlier this year.

His friends, colleagues, and family have all been tested to see if they can donate bone marrow.

Inmate Charles Alston was sentenced to jail years ago by Fox, and now he wants to help.

After hearing about his diagnosis, Alston wrote to Fox, telling him that this ruling saved his life.

He wants to return the favor, but Alston cannot donate bone marrow due to incarcerated donor restrictions.

Watch both men speak about this fateful incident, and find out how you can help.

(source: Global News)

To help Judge Fox, visit Save the Fox on Facebook. If you’re interested in donating to leukemia research efforts, check out Delete Blood Cancer.

Maybe Alston and Fox will get to meet again someday and thank each other in person, but until then, we hope that Judge Fox has a speedy recovery!