We all have that one friend who groans at the thought of doing anything that could be considered a cultural experience. In fact, you might even be that friend. For these people, waiting in long lines at art museums to watch people stare (for way, way too long) at splattered canvases and paintings of naked cherubs seems like the polar opposite of a good time.
But anything can turn into an awesome experience if you have a sense of humor about it. Just ask this guy. BoredPanda user Mr. Angry decided to visit the Louvre one day (albeit begrudgingly) so he could pop some fun captions on a few of the paintings. Art snobs might be offended by the stunt, but I feel like that’s probably the point. And it’s awesome.
“Yaaaaaaaaaas, queen!”

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
He can’t even. He is completely unable to even.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
How to not impress the ladies even a little bit.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
If you’d just move out, she wouldn’t have to bother you. You’re 30. It’s time.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
Preach it, brother.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
Do you even lift? (Hint: no.)

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
Not into it.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
When the weird guy at the party plays “Wonderwall” for the thirtieth time in a row and you realize that bad things happen to good people.

Mr. Angry via BoredPanda
(via BoredPanda)
If having fun in the world’s most famous art museum is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. (But if you don’t feel like getting scowled at, maybe don’t read French painting captions with a southern accent. I might have learned that the hard way? Just kidding. I definitely did.)
Anyway, keep getting down with your bad self, Mr. Angry. We feel you.