Showing posts with label #dads. Show all posts

Other Parents Were Outraged By This Boy's Halloween Costume, But It's So Awesome

Halloween is all about creativity (and candy, of course). The opportunity to flex your kids’ creative muscles is the most fun of all.

Liam, a nine-year-old boy from Fort Meyers, Florida, takes full advantage of the whimsical holiday by designing his own unique costumes each year. A fan of theater and the arts, he doesn’t skimp on the details when it comes to creating new personas when Halloween rolls around. This year, he decided to pay tribute to one of Disney’s creepiest, coolest villains: Cruella de Vil.

This transformation is nothing short of incredible!

Talk about skill, am I right?

Liam’s dads helped him create the killer look and explained to the Gaily Grind that their son is more excited by “the creative process and the eccentricity of the outfit” than he is about dressing up as a woman. However, even if the latter were true, they would still support his amazing spirit!

As was sadly expected, not everyone was as impressed. Instead of politely minding her own business, one person decided to comment on Liam’s photo to express how “inappropriate” she felt it was for his parents to “do that to their child” — as if they forced him into the outfit. Luckily, Liam’s dad politely shut down the woman’s ignorance. It’s clear that this family is all about love and acceptance.

Come on. You can’t deny how awesome this is!

He definitely has a future in the arts ahead of him.

Honestly, the haters are probably just mad that they can’t rock a red lip like Liam can.


(via Mashable, The Gaily Grind)

In any case, stifling a child’s freedom of expression is absolutely never the answer — especially when the kid is as outstanding as this creative cutie! I can’t wait to see what Liam comes up with next year.

This Bride's Dad Paused The Wedding -- And Made A Beautiful Gesture Of Family

When Brittany Peck was planning her wedding, she ran into a serious snag. She wanted to follow the tradition of having her dad walk her down the aisle, but both her father and stepfather have played major roles in her life, and she sees both of them as dads in their own rights.

Todd Bachman, Brittany’s father, received a phone call from her prior to the wedding. Peck was torn as to the aisle-walking part of the ceremony. But Bachman was a few steps ahead: “I told her I already had something planned,” he said.

During the ceremony, Bachman grabbed the hand of Todd Cendrosky, Brittany’s stepfather, yanking him out of his seat — and towards the aisle.

Bachman kept the whole thing a secret, even from Cendrosky.

This way, both father figures got to participate in Peck’s wedding, and the gesture of love moved everyone.

Even the wedding photographer, Delia Blackburn, thought Bachman’s gesture was an important reminder about what family really means. “Families are what we make them” she said. “Make it about your kids and not your ego.”

Peck and her family are lucky to have so many loving people — and awesome memories.

(via Mashable)

You can see more of Delia Blackburn’s photos on her website and Facebook page.

These Unexpected Life Hacks Will Make Your Life Simpler -- And Much, Much Cooler

There’s no end to life’s nuisances, but that doesn’t mean you can’t handle them like a boss. These 15 little tricks will keep you sailing smoothly, ready to meet challenges head-on and look cool while doing it. They’re perfect for dads ready to tackle their children’s awful messes and hectic life at home, or anyone that needs a little more time to themselves.

1. Get rid of paint rub.

If you find that someone’s rubbed against your car with theirs, leaving paint behind, spray it with a little WD-40, let it soak for a few minutes, and then rub it off.

2. Keep your tacos together.

Reinforce a taco shell by laying down a layer of cheese. It will melt, and it will keep your taco from crumbling.

3. Clean your gutters without a ladder.

Attaching a length of PVC pipe to a leaf blower will make for an extended nozzle with no climbing needed.

4. Keep collars in shape and belts rolled in one step.

Roll up your belts and nest them in the collar of a folded shirt. The belt will keep your collar from collapsing, and the collar will keep the belt from uncoiling.

5. Use the lines on a solo cup to measure your booze.

The indented lines on a red Solo cup actually measure out amounts. The very bottom one is one ounce, suitable for liquor, the middle one is five ounces, which is perfect for wine, and the next one after that is for a perfect pint of beer.

6. Spot things more easily.

If you’re looking for something, move your eyes right to left. Your brain will pick up more since you’re not used to reading in this direction.

7. Give yourself a doctorate when booking a hotel.

Hotels are more likely to give better rooms to people with the prefix “Dr.”

8. Leave your dog’s name off their collar.

People do steal dogs, and keeping their name a secret makes it more difficult for them to do so. However, be sure to include your number and email address on their tag.

9. Prevent icy buildup in your freezer.

Spray the areas that are most likely to get covered in ice with cooking spray. Leave it on for about five minutes, then wipe off. The ice won’t stick.

10. Clean your tub naturally.

Cut a grapefruit in half and cover the halves with kosher salt. Wet the tub and sprinkle in about a quarter cup more salt. Rub the grapefruit halves over the tub and fixtures, rubbing in the salt. Rinse and appreciate the shine.

11. Rehydrate your pets more quickly.

Pedialite will replace electrolytes quickly for a dehydrated pet. Water will rehydrate them, but this solution will replace minerals like sodium and potassium.

12. Clean out your headphone jack.

Flatten a paper clip and wrap Scotch tape around the end, sticky side out. Carefully (and gently) insert it into the headphone jack on your phone or computer. The dust inside will stick to the tape.

13. Turn cheap vodka into good vodka.

Run the vodka through a charcoal water filter, like a Brita, four to five times. You’ll notice a difference in taste.

14. Park wherever you want.

Keep the envelope from a parking ticket (make sure it looks like the ones distributed in your area) and stick it on the windshield when you’re parking somewhere you’re not allowed to park. Don’t abuse this one.

15. Make a Wendy’s Frosty.

Add four cups of vanilla ice cream, 1/4 cup of Nesquik chocolate, and 3/4 cup of milk to a blender, and you can make the cold treat at home.

(via ebaumsworld)

With these tricks, you can make life a little simpler. Although we advise you not to play too fast and loose with that parking ticket one — that’s just for emergencies!