We’re going to need some insight from a few physicists and engineers to explain this one to us. That’s because the basic laws of physics and auto engineering suggest that what happens in this video is pretty much impossible.
The owner of this vehicle put their car in neutral while resting on a slight incline. What the car did next makes absolutely no sense.
Okay, we actually know how this happened, and it has nothing to do with mechanics. The phenomenon at play here is the work of something called a “gravity hill.” The roads in these areas actually slope downward, which explains why this car was rolling. The effect is basically just an optical illusion, since surrounding land and landmarks give the appearance of an upward slope.
Lexus is a company known for making innovative and beautifully crafted cars. I mean, who doesn’t want to drive a sleek Lexus? Always pushing the envelope, they’ve now decided to craft an entire car out of cardboard.
You won’t even believe how beautiful it looks, and close-up views only make it better. It’s way too cool.
Most of us sing in the car. When the weather’s fine, the windows are down, and our favorite songs come on the radio, how could we possibly resist a good jam session? We may look like fools to onlookers, but that’s okay, because there’s a pretty good chance that they do it, too.
But what this guy did at a stop light is a whole new level of awesome.
This dude can really get down on a recorder. Deep down, he had to have known that someone would post this online…but maybe that’s exactly why he did it. Well played, sir.
If you love coffee, you’ve probably dealt with the annoying — and sometimes painful — issue of spilling insanely hot java all over the place in your car. Not many cupholders are built to accommodate all of driving’s twists and turns, which can result in some pretty nasty burns, and a whole lot of wasted money.
Thanks to one clever invention, however, this problem may be a thing of the past. With a little help from this self-adjusting cupholder, your days of suing McDonald’s are over!
Okay, watching that coffee swirl around was nerve-wracking to say the least, but you can’t deny the fact that this gadget actually works. For more information about Maksimatic’s amazing invention, check out their website!
Earlier in the year, an adorable dog named Marley snuck out of his house on a particularly cold evening. He wasn’t looking for food or something fun to play with; he was looking for his former family.
Unfortunately, Marley was struck by a car, leaving him with two badly broken hind legs. However, thanks to the help of friends and the Internet, the cute canine is not only fully healed, he’s also having the most fun in his new forever home.
Watching a dog look this content by simply chasing bubbles reminds us that it’s the simple things in life that are often the best. Have fun, love life, and you too can feel as great as Marley!
For more incredible videos of our canine friends, check these out:
While on a jog on a hot day in New Jersey, People magazine reporter Diane Herbst was alerted by a pair of pups in a desperate situation.
Already knowing the weather outside was too severe to bring her own pooch on the trail with her, she was appalled to find these two cuties sitting in a locked car alone with the windows slightly cracked. She jumped into action, calling 911 multiple times and even considered breaking the windows herself to rescue the long-haired dogs.
After 16 stressful minutes waiting on the phone with the police, the fire department arrived to finally set the pups free.
Herbst shed tears of relief and placed a call to the number officials found on a card in the vehicle. She spoke to the negligent owner’s husband who explained the woman and her son were in the park searching for wild mushrooms and that he would inform them of the situation.
About 35 minutes after originally calling the authorities about the situation, the woman in question arrived with her son. The only problem? She was in no way apologetic, but instead upset and demanded to know why they had opened her door.
When officers asked her how she would feel locked in that situation, she simply huffed away and attempted to force water from her bottle into one of the dog’s faces, something Herbst captured on video.