Showing posts with label #autistic. Show all posts

A Girl With Autism Wrote Her Mom A Letter -- What She Had To Say Is Heartbreaking

With over 3.5 million Americans living with autism, it’s amazing how little those of us on the outside know about the condition. How does it affect the lives of the people who deal with it every day? What medical complications are associated with autism? We should all know better.

Because we invest so little time in learning to understand our friends, family members, and neighbors with autism, it’s no wonder that this little girl feels like the world doesn’t want her in it. She wrote a letter to her mom to vent her frustrations, and what she had to say will shatter your heart.

What ‘messages’ are children hearing – from ourselves, from other parents, at school, from media and in the general…

Posted by I am Cadence on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Please know that when you speak ill of people with autism, they’re listening. It’s not fair that the media demonizes people on the autism spectrum, because they’re thinking, feeling human beings just like everyone else. Help do your part by becoming educated on the basic facts of the condition. We all need to make people like Cadence know that they’re wonderful.

This Barber Went Above And Beyond To Give A Boy With Autism His First Haircut

Children diagnosed with autism often have trouble when it comes to trusting new people. Something as simple as a haircut can quickly turn into a nightmare of nerves and anxiety for these kids.

James Williams, a barber in Briton Ferry, Wales, knew that he’d have to get creative if he was going to give sweet Mason his first real haircut. Other stylists had tried to calm the little guy’s nerves, but each attempt ended in failure. That’s when Williams realized that the solution was to get on Mason’s level — literally.

Lying down on the floor, Mason calmly played his games while Williams snipped away.

It took a few visits for Mason to stop shying away from the sheers, but Williams patiently waited to earn the kiddo’s trust.

Sometimes, you just have to tackle life’s problems from a new angle!

Williams asked for a high-five when he finished the job, but Mason gave his new buddy a big hug instead. No amount of money can top that precious tip.