Showing posts with label #cutedog. Show all posts

This Dog's Reaction To Getting Woken Up By A Harmonica Is So Adorable

If you’re like me when I’m woken up too early, your reaction is probably a harsh gurgle, grumble, or some other ugly noise that seems inhuman. It’s really quite unattractive, when you think about it.

But when Max the adorable golden retriever is woken from his afternoon slumber, he lets out the cutest hums, whines, and howls that I’ve ever heard. It kinda makes me want to wait around for him to fall asleep just so I can wake him up with a new instrument every time.


Man, sleeping puppies are just the best!

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22 Tiny Puppies That Turned Into Grown-Up Dogs Way Too Fast

Sometimes it feels like you turn around for one second, and everything’s changed when you look back. Friends from middle school are getting married while you don’t even know what a relationship is, the freshly painted walls are splattered with dings and fingerprints. Something else that happens way too quickly is the transition your dog makes from puppyhood into a full-blown adult.

Just ask these pooches. They grew up in the blink of an eye.

1. The older one keeps getting upset when they’re asked if they’re twins.

2. From “Can I come in?” to “I’m coming in, whether you like it or not!”

3. He still thinks he’s a lap dog.

4. This gentle giant still loves a good hug!

5. You can tell Bruno’s seen some stuff over the years.

6. This pup is a big kid now!

7. He was never comfortable in front of the camera.

8. He’ll be taller than Mom soon!

9. Stop that! Stop growing right this second!

10. These two are still little kids at heart.

11. He might love hugs even more now than when he was a pup.

12. The years keep flying by!

13. Okay, bud, you’re squishing Mommy.

14. “Dad, taking mirror selfies is so six months ago. I’m too old for this.”

15. “Seriously, you can hardly even hold me up anymore!”

16. He sure has grown in size…but he’ll never learn.

17. Am I the only one who thinks this mastiff’s been juicing over the last four months?

18. I think it might be time for this dog to find a new sleeping position.

19. Blue Eyes has only found more and more things to be happy about, like squirrels…and bacon.

20. Where have the years even gone?

21. It’s okay, bud. Some of us have a hard time giving up our childhood toys.

22. Just four months later, and she’s basically ready for college. Someone pass the tissues.

(via Bored Panda)

While puppies are great and adorable, growing up with a pup is an irreplaceable experience. The weeks, months, and years you spend growing with each other are made so much more enjoyable through all the slobbery kisses and long walks in the park!

A Great Dane Puppy Just Really, Really Wants Some Affection From Her Doberman Bro

We’ve all been there: we’ve had an exhausting day at work or running errands and all we want to do when we get home is collapse. But then the phone rings or the kids are running around craving attention…suddenly sleep seems like a pipe dream.

Sonar, a doberman mix, knows this feeling all too well…because no sooner than the second he shut his eyes, Libby the adorable great dane puppy wanted to strike up a play session.


I’m surprised Sonar actually got a break — good thing Libby’s mom was nearby to get her off the big guy’s back. Just give him an hour, girl.

On Grocery Day, These Great Danes Love To Help Out In The Cutest Way

For this family, there’s no need to fret over who’s going to bring the groceries in from the car. They simply pull up to the house, and call for their “kids” to come downstairs and help.

Katie and Max — two huge great danes — are eager to shuttle things into the house…pending that those things are the dog treats. Watch as Katie ensures the safe passage of her puppy snacks:


I’m sure they’ll get to everything else after the treats are tucked away.

They might do it slowly, and they might only carry one thing at a time, but boy is their help appreciated. Now, could someone teach my eight-pound maltese to do the same…?

This Baby Emu Playing With A Puppy Will Make All Your Problems Disappear

If you’ve ever contemplated what might happen, should an emu and a puppy come face-to-face, you’ve probably thought that all you’d get was some passive interaction. A sniff here, a sideways glance there…but nothing more.

But if you thought this, you were totally wrong! What actually takes place is one of the most adorable encounters I’ve ever seen:

“Play with me!”


Even bad days are made brighter with an emu

Posted by Sue Holmes on Monday, April 20, 2015

Check out that fancy footwork!

These two are probably going to be best friends for a very long while…even though the baby bird’s going to grow up to be five times his canine bestie’s size.

I can’t wait to see more of this adorable duo!

22 Of The Most Hilarious Cat And Dog Snapchats To Ever Be Snapped

Snapchat is slowly but surely becoming a regular mode of communication between friends. It’s kind of a harkening back to the times of actual phone conversations, when once you said something, it was lost to the abyss. It’s a momentary interaction that can’t be looked back on…

Unless you take a screencap. Luckily for you, these people all had the right idea to forgo nostalgia and capture these hilarious pet snaps to be shared for all of time!

1. When’d you grow that leg back?

2. How polite!

3. “And also, where is the mailman?”

4. She’ll be the belle of the ball.

5. Mmmm, pizza.

6. Plain, simple…hilarious.

7. He probably wants some peanut butter to go with it.

8. *And grew opposable thumbs*

9. Selfie game is pretty strong.

10. Someday, somehow.

11. Rude…but true.

12. Ready to freestyle?

13. And you will bow down.

14. “Where’s the keg at?”

15. So refined, very dignified…

16. Much elegance.

17. Your fault for leaving the door open.

18. “…I wasn’t watching you while you slept.”

19. “I said I wanted BACON.”

20. I know we’re joking around…but this is real talent!

21. Just give up.

22. Oh, the puns!

In this case, I’m gonna go ahead and say good riddance to nostalgia. These are just too good! Happy snapping, people and pets alike!

This Pup Wants Forgiveness So, So Badly...And It's Absolutely Adorable

Even if you don’t speak Italian, we guarantee you’ll be able to understand exactly what’s happening in this adorable video.

This sad pooch really, really just wants her dad’s forgiveness after chewing a hole in the couch. No need to understand the exact words being said…the emotions are palpable. “I didn’t mean it! I swear! I thought it was food! You have to believe me!” Dad tries (and fails) to be stern.

But you try holding out in the face of such adorableness!

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Posted by Anthony Federica Granai on Monday, September 14, 2015

Aaand…the deal is sealed.

Well, of course dad was gonna forgive her! How could he not! Look at those eyes, they’re the very definition of puppy dog eyes. Dad stood no chance!

When It Comes To Cuddles, This Jealous Dog Can't Stand It When She's Not The Star

Deep down, everyone loves to be the center of attention at some point. It feels good to have all eyes on you! But, hopefully, at a young age, we all learned that we have to share the spotlight sometimes…that we’re not the only one who needs attention and affection.

This pup apparently never got the memo!

Good thing it’s adorable!

*Sigh* It’s so hard to say no to our fur babies…

That’s okay, though. Spoiled looks good on them.

When This Puppy Plays Hide-And-Seek, He Really Goes All Out...

When this family got home, they called for Zeus, their six-month-old rottweiler, to come out and play. But when he didn’t run to them, they went looking for him in all the usual places. From the bedroom, to his bed, he was nowhere to be found.

They never expected to find him in this adorable — and absolutely hilarious — spot…

I think this is one lesson Zeus is going to take to heart: never stick your head through a hole you don’t know how to get out of.

This Dog Is SO Jealous Of His Little Brother's iPad...It's The Cutest Thing Ever

Technology is great. It offers plenty of cool ways to communicate with others around the world. But it can also cause us to not pay attention to those right next to us. We’ve all been there: we’re at dinner with someone and we look at our phone, rather than the person across the table. More often than not, your dining partner gets a little miffed…

This dog feels that pain.

“But…I’m right here!”

And he’s not alone in his annoyance with technology…

Doesn’t his bro know that it’s half past cuddle time and his technology is keeping him from those sweet, sweet snuggles?!

20 Times There Was A Glitch In The Matrix...In The Cutest Way Possible

Sometimes it seems like there’s something off about our surroundings, like maybe some kind of mistake was made in the creation of the day. Whether you believe in a higher being or binary, aliens or stardust…we can all relate to this feeling. These glitches in the proverbial matrix can sometimes be spooky or off-putting, but these? These are just adorable.

1. Thank you for the lesson in purr-pendicular lines, twinnies.

2. Something’s really not right here…

3. Glitch gone very wrong. Evil glitch. Evil kitty glitch.

4. I feel like I’m in Dalí’s mind.

5. Am I losing my mind?

6. Red alert, copy of cuteness. Too cute to handle. I repeat, red alert!

7. “If this is me, but I’m here, and this is now, then when is there?”

A photo posted by @maddieloucy on

8. Sleepy glitches are arguably the best.

9. Somehow these twins ended up as different species…weird.

10. Who’s idea was it to put this glass wall up?

11. “Honk if you’re confused.”

12. “On one side of the reflection, you get this reality, on the other, you see what it truly is.”

13. Glitch number seven (left) got bored.

14. Add a bunk bed to any glitch and I’m okay with it.

15. Whoever screwed this one up added the extra “flip image” effect.


17. …Why are they both staring at me like that?

18. I was sure I only had one cat?

19. Whoever is in charge of the Meowtrix really needs to step up their game.

20. Seriously, who is in charge here?

Even if they are a little creepy, I’m happy that these glitches in the code were made. They’re just too cute!